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Land of the Domesticated - Sign-Ups - Closed

Posted 2020-10-27 16:27:28 (edited)

Name: Junos (Juno)
Age: 2
Species: Cane Corso
Rank: Hunter
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
PersonalityCalm aura, laidback and friendly, genuine, intelligent, kind, protective, and mature.
Appearance: Red Roane, Short Hair, Cropped Ears, Dark Muzzle, Yellow Eyes Calm aura,
Mutation: One night Juno found himself injured after fighting for food after the apocalypses began. He hid himself away to lick his wounds. Once healed he noticed his muscles became stronger. They healed better than  before. Though he is now stronger, he finds it harder to keep up due to them being larger and heavier. His stamina is impaired due to this strange mutation.
History: Juno is a pureblood Cane Corso. His line came from a prestige group who were all used as protection dogs. He was trained to protect a family before disaster struck, forcing him into a life without his masters.
Family: None
Relations: None
Other: Protective of pups and females


Posted 2020-10-28 07:10:22 (edited)

Credit to Anna Kozakova
Age: 2 years
Species: Doberman Pinscher

Rank: Hunter
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Angel enjoys challenging puzzles as well as working and travelling. She's kind and caring, but she can also be very impatient, and struggles taking orders from those not higher than her. While she is willing to help out wherever needed and when asked, she'd much rather do things her way and at her own pace. This ambitious she-dog is very protective of those very close to her, a trait she's always had. Accepting and welcoming newcomers are not her strong suit and neither is working in a team, but she loves to be at the front of any battle or dispute that comes along.

Appearance: Classic black and tan Doberman Pinscher with medium build, lean muscles, cropped ears, and a bobbed tail.
Mutation: Where as Angel has seen many mangled bodies of all kinds of dogs with mutations that killed them, she'd thankful that hers hasn't. One day, she fears it might. Her mutation causes rapid regeneration of muscle/bone/organs/etc. Such a mutation is really taxing on the body as she can't control when to and when not to heal herself. The healing takes a lot out of her and causes an extremely high metabolism. While she does heal from most things, it also means she'll never be able to have pups as her body will see the pups as something that needs to be removed. This extremely high metabolism and low food supply means she often is very skinny and always hungry. This also means she never gets sick. While she may contract something, her body is able to rapidly fight it off before she shows symptoms.
History: Angel was adopted at 3 months old by her human family. She lead a normal life of your average dog alongside Geyser - adopted two months after her. She loved to learn and play and run. Angel was your average puppy. Up until the apocalypse she still would have considered herself a puppy. After the apocalypse, it took two weeks to figure out her mutation. She always felt starved no matter how much she ate. Her humans had disappeared, her appetite had increased. By two weeks, the food that could have lasted her and Geyser much, much longer was gone and they had to leave their home of comfort to seek out food and companionship. Living without their humans meant life was very lonely.
- Geyser: Brother - Was adopted into her human family around the same time she was
Relations: None yet
Other: N/A

Credit to Daniel Lincoln
Age: 2 years, 3 months
Species: Australian Cattle Dog
Rank: Hunter
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: A very relaxed, fun-loving guy. Geyser is never one to complain nor take things for granted. He likes company, but prefers to be silent, following orders and sleeping whenever he can. But he also is extremely loyal and likes to know where everyone is at all times, especially those he deeply cares for. But this relaxed personality makes him seem lazy. He's very patient to an extent where you wonder just how long it'll take before he becomes impatient and moves on. He's also very uncomfortable around upset dogs. Humans, he knows what to do. He hardly knows how to interact with other dogs.

Appearance: Medium, average build male dog. (Reference picture)
Mutation: Geyser's mutation is physical, but not visible. After the radiation hit, he experienced several days of very sharp, terrible pain. After that, he realized it became very hard to walk for a few more days. In the end, it had resulted in a hard exo-skeleton covering his normal skeleton, but is hidden by his fur and when touched or viewed, appears like any other dog's skin. Due to this exo-skeleton, it's like he has permanent, full-body armor, but it also means he can't run very far, if he tries to run at all. Geyser spends his hunting time hanging back until needed, often meeting up whoever he's hunting with once the prey had been cornered to help keep it cornered or to bring down the creature. He can't catch small animals due to being unable to run very far.
- Angel: Sister - Adopted before him, but still close in age. They see each other as siblings.
Relations: None yet
Other: Weaknesses: Puppies


Posted 2020-10-28 08:09:36 (edited)

Name: Mallory
Age: 2 years 10 months
Species: gray fox
Rank: loner
Gender/Pronouns: cis female; will respond to any pronouns, she doesn't seem to care
Sexuality: asexual aromantic
Personality: Mallory is reserved, antisocial and standoffish. Her moods fluctuate quite a bit day to day, so finding her in a depressing funk or in a hostile temper is as common as witnessing a shy and anxious state. She's very particular and perfectionistic, maintaining her personal hygiene and den's organization like it's her job. She dislikes being around others because she almost always finds something to dislike about them. Despite all of this, she does manage to be in good humour at times, and then she is slightly more outgoing and positive. She is somehow capable of making friends, though it can be hard to get past her prickly exterior.
Mallory is not very fond of hunting and doesn't like killing things, so her main sources of sustenance are berries, nuts and various fruits and veggies she can find (such as corn, carrots, apples, etc).
Appearance: She appears to be a healthy gray fox of average size and build. Her fur colouration is on the paler side of the norm, with the dark ticking and marks around her eyes standing out from the soft orange and cool grey of the rest of her fur.

(this isn't 100% accurate but I'm really proud of it for some reason, so here's my gray fox wolvden custom for Mallory!)
Mutation: Mallory's mutation, not physically visible, has altered her ability to store memories. During the beginning of the apocalypse, she gradually began to remember things she had forgotten from her adolescent years, even in vivid detail as if she was reliving them entirely. Since then she has found that she is virtually incapable of forgetting anything at all.
History: Mallory was raised, weaned and trained in a perfectly normal manner, with both her sire and dam caring for her and her three brothers. Once full-grown, Mallory and her siblings parted ways and she continued to survive on her own, neglecting to search for a mate as a normal gray fox would have. She stuck around human settlements to earn food scraps and solid yet temporary shelter if she needed it-- however, she did have her own den in the backyard of an elderly man's home. He always treated her with kindness, leaving things out for her to eat and taking care not to obstruct her den.
Family: Her parents and three brothers, mentioned above.
Relations: None yet, other than her family.
Other: I should be active every day excluding weekends

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2020-10-28 08:14:31 (edited)

Name: Sigma Age: 3 years old Species: American Pitbull Terrier Rank: Hunter Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender male, he/him Sexuality: Bisexual Personality:  + Smart; Sigma is extremely smart. He’s very good at spatial awareness and is constantly calculating the moves of each cat around him. = Quiet; Sigma is a very quiet and soft-spoken individual - Aggressive; Because of his history, Sigma instinctually acts in aggression. He doesn’t mean it, he just doesn’t know any better. - Anxious; Sigma jumps at pretty much anything right before he attacks whatever it was. He is almost always shaking or twitching because of this. Appearance: (See Picture). Sigma is a large tan American Pitbull Terrier with brown eyes and a white underbelly. Mutation: Sigma has extreme strength, and in addition to his fighting background, can easily take down enemies. This does require him to eat more and after long fights results in extreme exhaustion. History: Sigma was born to a group of humans. His father was already dead when he was born and his mother was killed as soon as he was finished nursing. At this point, Sigma started fighting. His humans ran a dogfighting ring and Sigma was their new star. At just 2 months old, he was fighting other puppies and winning. He was so terrified of dying that he fought as hard as he could and quickly became a champion. As he grew older, his skillset only increased. He became faster and stronger. Each match and each training session, the same song would play. He learned to associate it with that, and often his humans would play the song out of nowhere just to freak him out. And it worked. He often hears the melody of the song in his head, but he does not know the name, resulting in confusion and frustration. As humans started dying out, Sigma and his humans were planning to move away. As they were driving, a tremor hit and Sigma’s cage flew out of the back of the humans’ pickup truck. They were completely unaware of this and they drove on without him. He was stuck in his crate for days, starved and cold, until a pack patrol found him on the outskirts of their territory. He was brought in and was welcomed as a strong hunter. Family: None that are alive. Relations: N/A Other: He’s not really a huge fan of fighting, but his mutation makes him a great asset and he is forced to continue.

Name: Absinthe, known as Abby to family and close friends

Age: 8 months

Species: Gray fox

Rank: Loner, but could join pack

Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/they

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Abby is extremely honest when spoken to; his lack of social skills allows him to not have many inhibitions holding him back from sugar coating his words. Most of the time he will come off as cold and perhaps even stuck up. However, he does show a side of kindness and willingness to help others. Whether it is a ruse to manipulate people or not is a mystery. He prefers to be alone most of the time, but secretly he values the presence of others. Oftentimes if he views someone as weak/useless, he holds no remorse for them and will likely see to it that they meet their fate as soon as possible. He has Antisocial Personality Disorder, is somewhat nocturnal, and collects animal teeth.

Appearance: Abby is a small and lithe gray fox. He has mostly light gray fur, with a white underbelly and red ear tips and points. He also has a black spine stripe that goes all the way from the base of his neck to the tip of his tail. His eyes are a dark brown that blends in with his pupil, giving him an almost pupil-less look. He has a necklace of animal teeth that he has strung together and carries with him.

Mutation: Abby has night vision! He can see perfectly well in the dark and has a bit more trouble seeing in the daytime.

History: After the death of the humans, Absinthe lost track of his family and has no idea where they are. He spends his time roaming and keeping to himself. He isn’t exactly sure if he wants to try to find them again, as they tended to hold him back. He tends to sleep during the day and explores at night.

Family: Chardonnay, Binx, Merlot, Sambuca, Moonshine, Ciroc (all missing with unknown status)

Relations: N/A Other: N/A


Posted 2020-10-28 09:55:17 (edited)

Name: Achilles

Age: 4 years~

Species: Shepherd/Wolf Hybrid

Rank: Scout

Gender/Pronouns: NB Male (He/They)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Achilles is stoic, though not unkind. Due to his mutations he does not speak often, but he does not reserve his body language and is very open with his opinions on people. He is extremely blunt, though sometimes this comes off as abrasive when he doesn't intend to. He struggles with making close relationships, partially due to his history. His respect is not easily earned, but once proven he is extremely loyal, sometimes to a fault. If someone he respects or trusts manipulates him, sometimes he cannot see it. 

Appearance: Achilles is large, though not heavyset, and is more agile than he seems at first glance.  His coat is dark gray, with white unders and sparse brown coloring. His mutation is not visible, though sometimes when communicating with him his body language is much odder than other canines. Picture below to help with appearance. 

Mutation: Partial Deafness. While this impairs his daily life in the beginning, as he has grown used to his deafness he has noticed that his other senses are heightened. His communication is not hindered, as he reads body language and can hear louder howls/barking, and can communicate vocally in short bursts.

History: Achilles was a human-owned hybrid. His owner could not properly care for his needs as a wolfdog, though not abusive on purpose. He grew restless and longed to survive in the wild, though never successfully escaped. For this reason, his respect is hard-earned, and he admires people who can properly care for others. After the incident, his deafness limited his ability to survive alone until he properly adjusted. While he could probably survive alone now, he prefers to stay with the pack because he is worried that his deafness will limit his ability to survive. For this reason he is occasionally guilty that he does not contribute enough, and pushes himself to prove himself in the pack. His increased eyesight and smell help him immensely as a scout, and he can find things that others might miss. 

Family: Unknown

Relations: Open

Other: Despite Achilles being deaf I would like to do dialogue normally for him, so it doesn't make anyone struggle with roleplaying. His deafness is more for plot/non-dialogue roleplay. Also this Achilles is unrelated to my pack leader I just like the name


Posted 2020-10-28 11:34:35 (edited)

(Picture By Celine Sayuri Tagami)

Name: Kirameki (Kira)

Age: 3.5 Years

Species: Golden Retriever

Rank: Scout

Gender/Pronouns: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

+: Honest (Kirameki hates telling lies, and will always give her true opinion on anything if needed)
=: Cautious (As part of her job as a scout, she is very cautious of what she sees, especially if it's new)
--: Overly-Optimistic (Kirameki always thinks everything will be fine when really it just makes her annoying sometimes. There is a reason for her optimism, however, and was not born like this)
--: Shy (Kirameki can be very shy around new canines or ones she likes)

Appearance: Wavy, golden fur adorns Kira's body. She has a long, fluffy tail that she often swings around happily.

Mutation: She has a small pair of ivory horns on her head. She knows that she can use them in battle if need be. The only downside to Kirameki's horns is that they often cause her to get frequently occurring headaches.

History: Kirameki was owned by an elderly couple. She loved them very much, and they, her. When everything went wrong, it took her a while to figure out that they weren't coming back. This swung her into a deep depression, as she traveled alone, hunger gnawing at her. When she was brought into the pack, she forced herself to act like everything was great as a disguise for her past. She wanted to forget it all, so she thought this would help.

Family: Unknown

Relations: !~Open~!

Other: Nope :3


Posted 2020-10-28 12:39:12 (edited)

Name: Runa

Age: 2 years 

Species: Maned wolf

Rank: Loner 

Gender/Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Bisexuality

Personality: Runa is a curious creature that likes to wander, mostly peaceful toward other creatures and canines. This maned wolf has the tendency to be self-centered due her species not normally living in big groups but often tries to share resources with others, but only if she isn’t going to be harmed in any way by the action.

Appearance: Runa has a thick red coat, lanky long black legs and tall erect ears. The tip of her tail is white, so is inside her ears and a small patch of white under her jaws, the patch of white under her jaws ends in a v-shape on her throat’s area.

Mutation: Her hearing is more enhanced than others maned wolves, unfortunately this mutation often gives her migraines and headaches.

History: This female maned wolf left her parents’ land to wander through the lands they considered unknown and dangerous due the humans presence. Once she left her parents’ care, she lived in the wilds far from humans’ lands, with the fear of the harm the humans could cause her. With the humans' extinction there was nothing left to fear, she left the forest she used to live in to wander through the lands that belonged to the human beings once. Upon arriving at the strange and unknown lands she noticed all the strays canines that were kept as pets by the humans, pity settled for a long time in her heart for a long time when she saw the struggle of some dogs to survive. Runa decided to try to help the dogs that struggle the most, but only if they don’t have a pack. She tried once to help a pack and almost lost her tail once they felt angered by her actions.

Family: Mother and father that she left behind, she is unaware if they’re alive or deceased

Relations: -

Other: I love maned wolves and their long legs!


Posted 2020-10-28 13:04:02 (edited)

Name: Akira
Age: 3 years 2 months
Maned Wolf
Rank: Scout
Gender/Pronouns: Female: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Personality: Akira is a quiet observer, she listens and assesses situations before making any decisions or actions. She is kind and a great listener (not just because of her mutation xD). Akira is accepting of all and tends to forgive a bit too easily. Over the years on her own before joining the pack she adjusted well to being a loner but having lost so many so quickly in her life has left her worn and grief-stricken at times of great weakness. Her usually calm and collected facade slips and her heart breaks at the thought of her parents still out there looking for her. Someday she hopes to reunite with them again but until she can find her way home has settled to stay in Sirenchester. Shes tried to overcome these moments of grief though and enjoys her time in the meadows when she's not scouting.

Appearance: She is tall and lanky, with lean muscling. She may not be extremely strong but her long legs can carry her far distances at high speeds. Her markings are common to other maned wolves with tall black socks, muzzle, and mane, with a white-tipped tail, and red body. 
Mutation: She has extremely heightened hearing and is able to locate a sound from very far distances. This can be very useful in hearing enemies or prey. It can also be a hindrance with higher-pitched or louder noises, making her more susceptible to headaches and if bad enough, passing out.
History: When she was very young Akira was taken away from her home in Argentina by a group of scientists. They were taking her to a Rehab center near Sirenchester to enter her in a breeding program since maned wolves have been in decline due to loss of habitat and diseases. Unknown to her they were also saving her from locals who thought that the organs of a maned wolf have medicinal healing powers and would have killed her for them. The scientists wanted to help her species from becoming endangered. Though soon after she arrived humans became extinct and she had to find her way out of the center and learn how to survive on her own. The other pups she had been placed with had passed away from the radiation and the adult maned wolves were already on their own or had also passed in the locked enclosures.

Family: Possibly her mother and father in Argentina but that is unknown
Relations: Open
Other: I am a college student and hope my schedule doesn't get in the way. I'm also pretty rusty with rp and hope to just pick up where I left off.


Posted 2020-10-29 05:42:03 (edited)

(Picture by Baptist Standaert)

Age: 4.5 Years

Species: Border Collie

Rank: Hunter

Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender Female (She/Her/Hers)

Sexuality: Demiromantic Heterosexual

+: Smart (Not only because of her breed, Shiroi is a very intelligent dog and thinks things through instead of running headfirst into a troubling situation)
+: Cooperative (Shiroi is used to being told what to do, making her a good candidate for living the pack life. This is also good for her being in the hunter role (as well as the fact she is used to herding things))
=: Empathetic (Shiroi is an empath, which allows her to feel other's emotions a bit. This can be good or bad, depending on that canine's emotional state)
-: Irascible (Slight anger issues are one of the few downsides for Shiroi. Once challenged in a not-so-kind way, she will prove that it wasn't so good to tease her)

Appearance: Shiroi is a very soft Border Collie. She is mainly black but has a white muzzle, blaze, chest, underbelly, undertail, and back paws. Her eyes are a gentle brown, and when you look into them, you can tell that she knows what you feel.

Mutation: This Border Collie gained needle-sharp quills on her tail. They do not come out unless she physically thinks about them coming out. They can either come out by touching someone (like a real porcupine), or she can choose to shoot them out for further-ranged enemies. Upon first look, you wouldn't even be able to tell that she has quills, too.

Shiroi was first named "Lottie" by her owners, who owned a large ranch. Her job was to maintain the sheep and help with the cows when moving pastures. She also worked part-time as a chicken-guarder, and she would always run up to the house and bark whenever a horse had an issue with their leg, or a pig got wounded from fighting. Her owners loved her very much and appreciated the fact that she did her job properly, but when the apocalypse struck, she figured out quickly that there wasn't much she could do. However, she went around and opened all of the latches to the animal doors, pins, and stalls. Then Shiroi herself slipped under the wooden fence around the ranch and left, out into the wild. She knew how to survive in the wild since she'd go out of the ranch's range all of the time. And, now, there is more unsuspecting prey roaming around because the smart Collie knew they would've died in their pens anyways.

Family: N/A

Relations: !~Open~!

Other: Shiroi means "White" in Japanese.


Posted 2020-11-02 09:18:40

(Picture By Anastasiia Tarasova)

Name: Kakoku (Koku)

Age: 3 Years

Species: Bernese Mountain Dog

Rank: Scout (Last Scout Slot, I Believe)

Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender Male (He/Him/His)

Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual

+: Insightful (Koku is very relatable. He likes to offer comfort to others and to tell them that they will be able to get through whatever they are having a tough time with. However, like in Halsey's "Gasoline", he too feels that his heart is gold, but his 'hands' are cold, meaning that when he is with others, he is very giving and generous, but when he isn't, he feels the slight pulls of depression. However, now that he is in a pack, he is learning to get over the depression since he has an actual role to fill.)

+: Patient (Kakoku himself is pretty patient with others. Knowing how he is himself, he is willing to take time to get to know others. This also plays a part when he gets in fights. He is patient to observe his enemy before attacking.)

=: Placid (Koku is a pretty "one-emotion-only" guy. On the outside, that is. He has a lot of emotions that go around inside his mind. However, he is not one to be quick to get angry, nor one to be quick to get overly excited.)

-: Facetious (Kakoku can tend to say things he doesn't mean when he gets mad. This is bad when it comes to making relationships, whether it means with friends or with a possible partner. It also causes him to be disliked by some. It takes a patient person to befriend this big guy because inner-frustration is a common thing, but not actually showing it.)

Appearance: Koku is a large dog adorned in black, brown, and white. His nose is black, but his paws are marbled with black and pink. He has a black bandana on from his previous owners. On the bandana is a white, patterned rhombus. Inside of the rhombus is a skull with roses behind it. He doesn't want to take it off. Not because he misses his owners that much, but because he believes that it's part of what makes him himself. His long fur makes him more adept for the wintertime, great for living in Sirenchester.

Mutation: Kakoku's mutation is that he has venomous fangs. They inject toxins on command, but it's also why he chose to be a Scout rather than a Hunter because he didn't want to possibly poison the pack's food on accident. He also has some small black spikes along his spine, starting from the top of his skull between his ears and ending at the base of his tail, but he's not too sure what they are for. However, he does know that the spikes make his body sore if he moves around continuously for too long.

History: Koku was a dog who had many adventures with his human. They would travel places, go hiking, go swimming, and explore the world outside of Sirenchester. He was glad that when the apocalypse came around, he and his human were at their home, so he wasn't stranded in some other part of the world. When he came across the pack, he was glad to be accepted.

Family: N/A

Relations: !~Open~!

Other: His name means "Harsh" in Japanese.

(Please PM me if/when he is accepted)


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