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Entropy of Sin [Read Only]

Entropy of Sin [Read Only]
Posted 2022-09-23 14:35:03 (edited)

Entropy Of Sins is known as a quick-witted, adaptable group of wolves. Most recognized for their habit to take in just about any pup, sick, runt or not, as well as offering help to pregnant loners, and they are most good at agility, speed and wisdom.

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Posted 2022-09-23 14:37:18 (edited)


In aforetime, beyond the forests and up into the ridged mountains, thrived a pack refered to often as Lili Peak, a rather large group that somehow managed to find plenty of prey and stable shelter to make home in. For years, they have made themselves comfortable in the territory they developed there. They were isolated, bleak, and cold, just how they liked it.

Nebu was a black and golden she-wolf with olive eyes, born within this pack. In the nursery, she didn't seek out others often in search of friends, but she still managed to make one. Her name was Alliur, a jet black pup with yellow eyes, and more impressively, the heir to her mothers spot as queen. Even though both were separated on the path of life and duties, they still managed to find time to talk to each other, always.

Nebu had become a talented scout, not to mention, the ONLY scout, earning her a strong reputation amongst the pack. Even better- Alliur had taken her rightful place as queen.


Troubling times came. It was expected in the wild– especially winter. But what had happened was more than nature.

After a pup developed an unknown disease, everything rolled downhill. It was a sickness they called Milkcough. It was fatal only to pups and adolescents- but it spread like wildfire within the pack. The herbalist, Ipuw, tried his hardest to develop a cure, but to no avail.

Then, prey became scarce. It was like all wildlife, big and small, had fled from the mountains, leaving no trails. Rockslides had become more common than it had been in the past, blocking large parts of Lili Peak's home. Sick and scared, wolves were desperate to leave. It was clear to them that something– something had happened, and the mountains no longer welcomed them.

Nevertheless, Alliur refused to leave. She would not take her- or the pack anywhere. Even after wolves had come together to beg- she still repudiated.

Nebu stayed valiant. She was determined to find whatever food she could- even if she was not a hunter. Many depended on her, as she was the most lucky to catch prey every once in a while. But she had her limits.

Friend or not, Alliur was the leader, and she was letting her own pack die. She rallied up many of the wolves to confront Alliur together. It had gone the opposite direction though, and turned into a battle with tooth and claw. Nebu did not have the upperhand- but before she was injured horribly, a rockslide began to happen right above their camp. Frightened, Nebu high-tailed it out of the cave which their camp was- before rocks tumbled down and blocked the entrance for good.

Only a few wolves with Nebu made it out- many, including Alliur, did not.

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:01:19
Lore II

Nebu was devastated that most of her pack had not made it out. Rocks had not only blocked the entrance, but also caused the stone ceiling to collapse, so it was safe to assume nobody in there lasted.

The only ones that survived were two hunters, Pharoan, Sheut, and a single pup named Mawt. He was one of the lucky few youngsters that hadn't caught Milkcough. Though they took their time to grieve– especially Nebu over her once best friend. Pharoan, a highly spiritual wolf- was convinced some force in the mountains had been disturbed on purpose, angering their home and cursing them into oblivion.

Nebu wasn't a big believer, but starting at the eerie ruins of the crushed camp- she couldn't help but think that something really did want them out.

And so they swiftly wasted no time stumbling away from their old home. But none of them, not even Nebu had left outside the mountains before. They honestly did not know what lie ahead- and they couldn't guarantee the forests or grasslands were safer than the mountains. Now their objective was to find a new home.

The group came across a loner- Gelu. He was an odd wolf, but he offered to help the wolves around unfamiliar biomes, for he claimed to be a traveler that has seen every place Wolvden had to offer. Nebu gladly accepted, and over the course of their journey to find somewhere, Gelu and Nebu had bonded closely, as well as taking lead of the group together most of the time.

It was obvious to the rest of the group about the sparking love between them, and it took even longer for the two of them to realize over the journey. Even though they had gone through loads of forests and places- they still had no home. And joyous news came at the worst possible time, when the group was loosing hope of traveling all together. Nebu was pregnant with pups. Now the wolves HAD to find a new place- and very quickly.

After ages, they came across a desert. It was nothing like the mountains- but something called the group to it. They were quiet, and though in the open, holes could be dug for dens. They decided to settle there- for now, while Nebu nested safely. 

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:11:20 (edited)
Lore III

A new leaf started to turn for them, as they grew more and more comfortable with the biome. They came across a friendly loner, Tala. When she offered to show them basics on having an organized pack- Nebu agreed it was time to make it official. After being taught, Tala suggested they move to a better protected area. Sheut took over the role of scouting- and they found an incredibly small canyon to move into.

They loved it, for it reminded them much of how it looked in the mountains- and they were better protected. Nebu had her pups Ryi and Deshu not long after. They decided to put more order into their group, and Nebu, Gelu, as well as the others voted on traditions, laws and order. Even Mawt got a say, for he was definitely a lot older now. They all agreed on the name Entropy of Sin- or, The Sin of Disorder, if you cared to translate it. After what happened in the mountains, Nebu vowed to always do best for her pack, no matter what. She even made a new name- an Ontropy, meaning organized chaos.

Tala has left, but they thrive again. They have picked up many pups, adolescents, and adults, and adapted quickly to the heat of the desert. 

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:20:22 (edited)
Lore Q&A

Q: Were the mountains really cursed?
A: Yes. A force wanted them out- therefore, caused misfortune to shove them out.

Q: Why was this "force" trying to push the pack out of the mountains?
A: Alliur had received a prophecy from the mountain winds themselves that Nebu would give life to a cursed pup. And that Nebu had to be gone to prevent it. Alliur, as loyal as she was, refused to do it, and it angered the mountains, causing catastrophes on purpose.

Q: Why did Alliur refuse to move her pack?
A: She was nervous and knew she had messed up on what she did, and was in terrible denial. She was desperately trying to convince herself that the famine that plagued her pack was just passing- and not a real curse.

Q: Why didn't Nebu's group settle for something less... bizzare? They went through forests, right?
A: Correct! However, they hated the feeling of being in the forest. Odd for wolves- but oh well.

Q: Did Nebu really give birth to a cursed pup?
A: Yep...

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:33:40 (edited)
Groups & Alliances

Allied With:

Lighthope Pack ||Link

Lunar Pine ||link

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:41:18
Groups & Alliances Q&A

Q: Can I be allied to Entropy of Sins?
A: Yes! I am not picky! Send me a friend request with the message you want our packs to be allies, and you will be added to the list here. Feel free to share your pack lore to me, and also feel free to come up with a scenario about how our packs perhaps befriended each other!

Q: Can I be an enemy?
A: Yup! We love drama... send me a friend request with the message you want our packs to be enemies, and you will be added to the list here. Feel free to share your pack lore to me, and also feel free to come up with a scenario about how our packs perhaps became enemies with each other!

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Posted 2022-09-23 21:44:43 (edited)

Monarch (•)

The leader of the Ortropy. Monarchs are always female, and are most expected to have female heirs to the throne. Monarchs are also responsible for the well-being of her Ortropy and her wolves, as well as all orders. But, they are also a pup mentor. When pups are weaned, she will teach each pup personally the basics of wolf law and manners. It is a big responsibility.

Kingsitter (•)

Kingsitters are, well... Pupsitters. Always male. But don't be alarmed- it's just as much equal work as a Monarch, really. Kingsitters are the Monarchs mate, as well as any male older pups she may have. They watch over both newborns and weaned pups, making sure they are well fed, entertained, and... stay out of trouble. When pups become adolescents though, they assign mentors based on what pairs they think do best together and wont be a problem. Once thats done, the pups are no longer their business.

Herbalist (•)

Herbalists are VERY important to the group. They specialize in medicine and garden growing. Yes, they make cures and gather herbs, but they also grow herbs, trees, and other plants. They also do week checks on the greenery growth in the desert (though there isnt much, it is important),for signs of drought, fire spreading or even destructive bugs.

Warden (•)

Warden is a secondary job, that can usually be taken on at the side by anyone. Scouts, Hunters, Herbalists... even Kingsitters, if they really feel like they can handle it. They are sort of like officers. They ensure law and code is followed closely, and also hold the large responsibility of making sure no members may be plotting anothers demise. They are also in charge of other things like the Watch Half den, for wolves, adolescents, pups, or even prisoners kept in a lockdown mode. They also watch over sick quarantined, or dying wolves.

Hunter (•)
Every pack has them, and they're important too. It's quite a hefty job, hunting in groups and bringing back the goods every day. Lucky for them, their job stops when it turns dusk, and they are all called back for rest. They are responsible for hunting, of course. But also, they are responsible for making rounds around and dropping off small bundles of food off for every wolf, young and old.

Scout (•)
Scouts explore new biomes and areas. They are also responsible for tracking or finding danger within borders and reporting it, as well as marking borders. They are also sent to allies (or even enemies...) for messages, or sending items.

Apprentices (•)
Pretty straightfoward! Pups that become adolescents are assigned a mentor. Their mentor must be in the profession the adol wants. They can be a scout, hunter, or a herbalist!

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Posted 2022-09-24 09:01:28 (edited)
Current Wolves

Monarch (•) Nebu

Kingsitters (•) Gelu

Herbalist (•) Nefer

Warden (•) Pharoun

Hunters (•) Pharoun, Shezmu

Scouts (•) Sheut

Apprentices (•) Imset, Mawt

Pups (•) Cedrua, Desher, Hatmei, Irtyu, Masaba, Rukha

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