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✨Starless Sky [On-site Warriors RP] [CLOSED]✨

Posted 2022-12-31 07:37:23 (edited)
As the clan cats attempted to settle themselves, Applestar's form continued to burn and disintegrate within the Pyre's roaring flames. Were their ancestors no longer watching after all?

Magpie - She/her - NPC - Mentions: Robinfeather
The senior she-cat was quivering at the loss of her son. He barely had given her a chance to say goodbye, and now, she was left with nothing but a broken clan and the revelation of her "scandalous" behavior so many moons ago. The venomous words of Robinfeather caused the mournful she-cat to snap her head up in his direction before lashing out mericlessly. "He was, and it's because of his half-breed blood that you get to live another day. And if you have a problem with that, I'll gladly send you to the depths in his place, you ungrateful swine."

Nightglory - She/her - Heiress - Location: Sun's Garden - Mentions: StormClan, Wolfsbane

She'd always been inquisitive, and for as long as she could remember, the older members of the Garden had warned her such curiosity would come back to bite her in the rear. She was beginning to regret her prior investigation of StormClan, even if her father had already foreseen their arrival. They were barbaric, ungrateful. And here, she'd been hoping to make a friend or two...everyone was right. Outsiders weren't to be trusted.

Here her father was, kindly reaching out to offer them sanction while the ungrateful creatures insulted their traditions and griped about their survival methods. "If a little bit of mud is too scary for you, then you're welcome to go feed yourselves to the Nightwalkers outside of camp. Your selfishness won't be tolerated- it could cost lives, and we've already endangered ourselves enough by letting you lot into our camp. Don't make my father change his mind and cast you out to die a slow and painful death. You're already changing mine. Your lead makes a noble sacrifice, yet you whine like kits and shame his legacy." The flamboyant Nightglory snipped with a sharp narrowing of her sunset-dyed eyes before she abruptly turned her back on the whiny clan cats to lead them off to their quarters for the evening. "And lemme say that again, because you lot don't seem particularly observant: your leader sacrificed himself. We didn't take or force him to do anything to himself. He made that choice, and still you betray his kindness."

The dark lilac Heiress prepared to march off, only to be met up by Wolfsbane whose interest also seemed to be piqued by the strangers in camp. It was a shame- hopefully he wouldn't fall for it all like she had. The clan cats would only disappoint him, just as much as they had disappointed her. The scouts were right...she should have left them to rot in the Pit. Even if she was desperate for friends her age, she wouldn't associate herself with monsters. "Oh hey, 'Bane." The Heiress greeted him with a small nod. "No, father would want them to find 'accessories that speak to them' like our old traditions. Besides..." Nightglory lowered her voice as she continued, so the last part might be kept between herself and Wolfsbane. "...They'd probably only insult whatever you find for them- look how they insult their leader's sacrifice. But for what it's worth, I think what you find is usually pretty neat."

She paused to crane her neck around her thick mane, glimpsing once more back at the clan cats before continuing forward to their private quarters. It was a wide, hollowed tree with thick and reaching roots that she brought them to. It was in the outskirts of camp, yet still within enough of camp's vicinity to keep them safe. "This is it. There's a lot of thick moss naturally growing within that tree and its roots, so it should be comfortable enough. We had a heavy rain a few days ago, so there's some mud around camp you can put on. And do put it on- we don't like cleaning up Nightwalker messes. Tomorrow when the sun is up, dad will have you all search for your accessories to perfect your disguises. Those who need their wounds tended to can see me or my father tomorrow morning."


Posted 2022-12-31 08:39:20 (edited)

Cloversong-Elder-She/her-Location: Sun's Garden


Cloversong tilted her head after hearing Nightglory speak. She could hear the disgust in the young she-cat's words, and the black furred she-cat stood tall. Despite everything, she was still a proud cat and she stepped forward, slowly so that she didn't stumble. Cloversong was no leader, but she had lived enough moons that she wasn't completely ignorant. "Well, thank you young one for your help. And I think I speak for most of us when I say we meant no insult, it's just that your ways are new to us. So, please forgive us for any offense we may have brought forth."

Cloversong swished her tail slowly, and try as she might she wasn't looking directly at Nightglory but off to the right of the Heiress. Though it was rather hard to pinpoint anyone these days since she couldn't see. "Although I should add that we are not heathens, we know our leader has sacrificed himself for us. Which was very noble and selfless of him. Applestar is a cat anyone should be proud of." Cloversong paused. "It's just that it was so sudden we were nothing less than shocked." And with that the elderly molly sat down with a small sigh.

Caladium-He/him-Sentinel-Location: Sun's Garden

@anyone, mentions Wolfsbane & Nightglory

Despite his better judgement, he walked over to Wolfsbane and he gently nudged the young novice. "How about you go talk to the younger cats that came in? They could use someone who could show them how we do things." Caladium suggested. Of course that didn't mean he had changed his opinion on Outsiders. But he believed it was important that they learn their place amongst those from the Sun's Garden. But Cal had to admit that they were kind of interesting. But Outsiders only brought trouble. The large brown tom lifted his head to look over the group once more. He listened as Nightglory continued to speak and he nodded his head in agreement. He just couldn't understand how the clan cats could be so ungrateful of their leader's sacrifice. But he blinked in surprise when he saw an older black she-cat step forward. He was also shocked to see that her green eyes were cloudy but still held a certain gleam.

Her words seemed reasonable, and he respected the fact that she was willing to protect her clan from scrutiny. However he wondered where she got the nerve to speak to Nightglory in such a way.

Posted 2022-12-31 11:20:01
Featherspire — He/They/Xe — Medicine Cat
@Crowheart, general StormClan

"I'm a medicine cat, don't ever apologize to me. I should be saying sorry.. the clan is so weak. I'm supposed to helping out here!" He grunted, scratching the ground with his forepaw. "But i can't even keep our own leader alive." Fratherspire gave a exasperated sigh, and wearily looked back to Crowheart. "I need to help up there. Lilacivy and Morningskies are great deputies… but we need a leader. Until Applestar comes back." Hopefully, came the thought in his head. He somehow felt certain that he wouldn't be seeing Applestar for a while.

"Mud would make sense." Xe shouldered through the crowd to step beside Morningskies and Lilacivy. Featherspire watching Nightglory warily, but said nothing directed towards her. "Although with our wounds, it'd just get us infected. Nightglory-erm.. heiress.. do you have a decent supply of cobwebs? I could bind leaves to cover the wounds and then they could cover themselves in mud. It wouldn't be perfect, but i don't want my warriors getting worse then they already are."

Blizzardwhisker — She/Her — Deaf
@Little Brown

Blizzardwhisker kept her eyes on Little Brown so she could read his words, and winced, shrinking slightly. "Appleshtar isn't immortal, but he lives longer. He has nine lives." She held up her paws. Or… once nine? How many lives now… I don't know…
"When he dies, he comess back. StarClan does that."

Quailbristle — She/He/They
tw: vaguely suicidal idealization

He was panting, eyes wide in horror. Applestar was gone? And Half-Clan… the same way he was. What if StormClan couldn't have gone on without him? What if Lilacivy and Morningskies never stepped up as leader? And without a way to recieve their nine lives, there was no way to keep them in power. It was all going wrong.. It should've been me! I'm Thundershadow too.. it'd be worth it to keep Applestar alive. Maybe the clan would honor me… He could feel wetness in the corner of his eyes, and he wiped a paw over his face. You're a warrior, Quailbristle. Quit crying. You're as bad as Mosskit at this rate.

She twitched when she felt a nose touch her shoulder, and turned to Minkfur, shivering. She pressed her head into the she-cat's thick neck fur. "I'm scared, Minkfur."

Wolfsbane — He/Him — Novice FC
@Nightglory, Caladium

"Hi." Wolfsbane grin is eerily wide, exposing his long fangs as he greeted the Heiress. He appreciated the nickname, and was tempting on the idea of calling her 'Glory, although he tried to hold his urges back. She looked irritated, and as he had been approaching he had heard a few growls of distress. Were these clanners really resisting? After everything Sun's Garden has done for them? And their leader-dude?

"Naturally… I was hoping i could've gotten to show them the cardinal feathers. they'd really pop against the fur of the angry white one." He crouched as he watched Frostmane. She looked fight-y. Also, why was she so BRIGHT? there's no way The Seer wouldn't want her gone as soon as possible. She had a bad temper anyways. And the others.. Wolfsbane scanned the crowd for cats that looked too at risk to be kept safely in the camp. There were three purely white cats that he could see, the angry one, one with a mangled leg, and another with droopy eartips and a kitten sitting at their paws. There were a few others.. a ginger harlequin that looked about his age, which was a shame, because she looked really nice.

"Course they would. It's better then two cats dying. Or all of them." He shot a look at the clan cats. "But i appreciate it. You're not just a Heiress for your bloodline, you'e also got a great personality." He meaningless compliment was quickly shrugged off and he turned over as Caladium, a Sentinel prodded him and said something about greeting the novices of their colony.

He listened to a black she-cat with scarred green eyes make a public apology, and he sighed and whispered back. "I don't want their cooties. Plus, they'll hate me. They already don't like us, and it's not even our fault!"


Posted 2022-12-31 13:17:41

Fadedpaw - MCA - she/they - Location: Sun's Garden

@Featherspire, Nightglory

They overheard Featherspire mentioning patching up the cats before applying mud and other, and they came up behind xem, somewhat sheltering themself from the heir. It was something they could do, something they knew how to do and be useful, and they could distract themself from Robinfeather. "And, and any herbs to apply to the cats with more severe wounds." They chirped in. "In case it came off and they need another dose?" Now standing more to Featherspire's side, Fadedpaw looked up to Nightglory. The young cat who was larger than themself, seeing her size up close for the first time. They felt intimidated, knowing that this cat would be next to lead this group with their strange, and terrifying even, traditions.



Robinfeather rolled his eyes, swishing his tail as he responded. "He didn't save us. If anything he took the coward's way out, leaving us all to suffer at the paws of these monsters." He huffed, turning his back on the grieving cat, looking for where he could spend the night.


Posted 2023-01-01 10:20:42 (edited)

Chrysanthemum "Chrys" - Stalker - they/them - Location: Sun's Garden

The young stalker crouched beside Snakeroot with their paws tucked underneath them. The two were far from StormClan. Snakeroot was keeping an eye on the pyre, mostly just doing her job as a firekeeper. Chrys, on the other paw, well... Chrys was paying attention to the pyre, too, but mostly to Applestar's body. Their green eyes were fixed on the StormClan leader's burning body as they pondered what they had heard earlier. Multiple lives? How? Is it real? Could it just be a bluff? But what if it was real? Would he just be unharmed? But he's burning, I can see and smell it. Will he heal and wake up? When? What is he feeling? Is he feeling anything? I wonder... They continued staring at Applestar's corpse with an unsettling intensity.

Crowheart - Warrior - he/him - Location: Sun's Garden

"He did choose to sacrifice himself," Crowheart said quietly, watching as the medicine cat walked forward. His gaze involuntarily moved to Applestar's body again. He saw his leader's pelt turn black and he felt a twinge of uncertainty. StarClan... Will his lives still be there? Through the pyre's fire he spotted some of the Sun's Garden cats. Some were watching the pyre, but one's gaze was practically burning holes into Applestar's pelt as if the fire wasn't already enough. He growled softly in dislike. Is a death on the pyre not considered a death?

Little Brown - Kit - he/him - Location: Sun's Garden

When Blizzardwhisker said that Applestar had nine lives, something clicked for Little Brown. He had heard those words before, from when Cloversong had told him about StarClan. He had just forgotten. All kits forget things... right? "Riiiiight..." his voice trailed off as he smiled sheepishly. A few moments later, as if in an attempt to prove his intelligence, he chirped, "I know StarClan! They're the ones that watch from the stars!" Although embarrassing, the slip-up helped relax the kit, who was now distracted from Applestar burning on the pyre not far away.


Posted 2023-01-01 10:44:50

Amberblaze - they/she - warrior

The she nodded in agreement to Stormclaw's words before she started to follow Nightglory with the rest of the clan. "I'm sure if we stick together as a clan we will all come out of this." What they hadn't mentioned was how 180 Nightglory's behavior was. This was not the same cat that Amberblaze had met out in the woods. That Nightglory was curious, helpful, bright, but the one that lead them all now wasn't any of those things. She seemed full of anger, spite, and Amberblaze wasn't sure that she could be trusted anymore. Here the clan stood, fractured, and these locals didn't seem to care about anything other than their traditions. They wished it was possible to turn away now, to go fend for themselves for another night because the uneasy feeling in the air anytime one of the Sun's Garden residents looked at them made being here feel like a risk.

Lilacivy - he/him - deputy

The tom walked quietly as the rest of his clan raised their concern and needs. "I think if we could form a specific list Nightglory may be able to help," he spoke, resting once they'd reached the tree. What he neglected to say was that Nightglory didn't seem so willing after she'd taken offense to their sorrows. "If you're too injured to muddy yourself up please seek out myself or Morningskies. I will dedicate myself to helping everyone before I take care of myself." He didn't doubt that Nightglory was right about there being an ample supply of mud. The crevices between his paw pads were damp and full of the stuff from the clans trek here. There was no point in shaking it out either as he'd likely just get more in there while helping the other cats and walking around.


Posted 2023-01-02 13:30:13
Magpie - She/her - NPC - Mentions: Robinfeather
"Then if you're so mighty and ungrateful, then you can go back to camp yourself and fend all the Nightwalkers off." The senior cat snarled with a pinning of her tattered ears. "...It's not like anyone would miss you."

Nightglory - She/her - Heiress - Location: Sun's Garden - Mentions: StormClan, Featherspire, Fadedpaw, Wolfsbane

Her father wore cardinal feathers. "...I think the angry white one might bite your head off if you try to put feathers in her fur." The Heiress commented quietly when her fellow Garden member mentioned Frostmane. But it wasn't restricted to that big white cat- most of them seemed pretty angry. And she had...a nice personality? Seldom did the others her age speak with her. She was a Nightwalker-speaker, Nightwalker-chosen. "...Thanks, 'Bane."

The golden-hued molly offered a small twitch of her ears when the herb-smelling one mentioned that he needed cobwebs. Why only him? "Are all of your warriors not trained in the ways of healing?" The older adolescent remarked with a questionable raise of her brow. All of Sun's Garden was versed in basic healing. Given their situation, it was important that all of them be prepared for the worse, especially if someone was ever separated.

Nightglory craned her neck to observe the diverse, healthy greenery that populated camp. "Well, it's not called Sun's Garden for nothin', we have nearly everything under the sun around here in camp. Just be sparing, please. The herbs that grow here are extremely potent, you only need a little bit. We must care for them, because they care for us." The smaller herb-smelling cat, the one closer to her age, also spoke of needing herbs. Why did that young one have the knowledge, but none of the other older cats? The lifestyle of the clan cats was baffling indeed.

The herbs, the plants, they were sacred to them. Using them was a necessity, but they also made home...home. The Heiress drew in a sharp breath. "Right- as for the cobwebs, I can go fetch you a glob. They grow pretty well in dad's den, with the...-" She trailed off. Well...better not weird them out anymore than she needed to. Especially if she did want to make friends of these cats eventually. "-Anyways, I'll be right back with that."

She puffed out her cheeks before side-stepping away and returning to the den of the Seers. She ducked inside, initially greeted by darkness until she retreated someway back. Towards the rear of their den, the glow of the fluorescent river greeted her. But that wasn't all- so did her little friends. Nightglory purred quietly to herself as the little fireflies lifted off the ground and landed in her fur. "I missed you guys, too." She murmured softly as she carefully picked the little bugs from her fur, resting them all among a small bundle of flowers. "Have a good meal."

Nightglory approached the edges of the cave, carefully stepping around the glowing river that flowed through their peculiar cavern. She took a few scoops of cobwebs before avoiding the river once again and finally exiting the cave and returning to the StormClan cats. "This should be plenty."

Frostmane- She/her - Warrior - Location: Sun's Garden

She was eerily quiet. She was still struggling to comprehend her emotions after the loss of Applestar. She wanted to be pissed, to loathe him for hiding his half-blood from her. She wanted to hate him for his blood. But she couldn't. She just felt...

...she didn't know.

The white warrior huffed dryly and grumbled under her breath when the weird flowery cats mentioned wearing their muck again. Were they just jealous of her cool fur? Sure, it was a bit of a bummer to have during greenleaf, but it made her a beast during leafbare. Those rodents never saw her coming. Mumbling curses under her breath, Frostmane half-heartedly began to smear mud across her vibrant white coat. Being as stocky as she was, she struggled to reach her back, so Rho quickly invited himself into the picture with a glob of mud in his paw.

"Touch me, and I'll show you that I can be scarier than those damn Nightwalkers of yours."


Posted 2023-01-02 20:43:29 (edited)

Morning'Skies - Deputy - She/Her - Location: The Suns Garden

As everyone started to settle down and find their place within camp Morning'Skies sat close to the flames, mourning the death of Stormclans leader. Where was Starclan? Why wasn't Applestar saved from the flames already? Who would the leadership go to? She thought that when the time came for deciding that they would have a vote or maybe have two leaders. Morning'Skies started to plaster herself with mud and stick a bunch of feathers and flowers, some leaves too into her fur. Really just whatever she could find. After she had finished with the mud and stuff she went to find Treepaw ready to answer whatever questions she had.

Gold'Breeze - Warrior - She/Her - Location: The Suns Garden

Gold'Breeze sat right by the fire with the chatter of others around her. The smell of the burning fur was horrible, though she refused to leave the site of Applestars body until the first sign of morning light. She felt terrible, Gold'Breeze blamed herself for this whole mess and wasn't even sure if she could stand to see the next morning. She had already gotten her disguise with mud and mostly leaves, so she should be safe from the Nightwalkers. Gold'Breeze had so many questions, she would stay here though in silence, her questions can wait.

Cypress - Novice - Stalker - He/Him - Location: The Suns Garden

Cypress watched as the chaos and distrust unraveled before him. The yelling of the Stormclan cats, they were outraged. Their leader had just saved them and they didn't quite understand that it was an honor, though in his opinion a little unfair. They hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye while the cats of The Sun's Garden had almost always the chance to say goodbye, it was normal for them. Cypress was very interested in these new cats, especially the ones with pure white coats, they would have to wear lots of mud. His own disguise was of mud and mostly different leaves, some vines and flowers too. The sun was almost below the horizon as some of those from the clan gathered around the pyre, looking upset. He almost went to go talk to one of the new cats that looked around his age, tired though and guessing these cats were still too shocked and upset, he decided to head to his spot in the tree roots to lay down and sit.

Posted 2023-01-02 21:24:59 (edited)
Featherspire — He/They/Xe
@Nightglory, Fadedpaw, Morningskies, Lilacivy, etc etc

Featherspire dipped his head and shook it. "No, Heiress. We have designated healers, Heatherstump, Fadedpaw, and i." He flicked his tail to a cinnamon point in the crowd and the calico she-cat that was now coming  to his side. While his apprentice asked Nightglory for a share of herbs, Featherspire directed his attention to a argument to his west. Magpie, Applestar's mother, and Robinfeather, Fadedpaw's father. He gave a sharp hiss, and shot his gaze to the deputy Morningskies, who was already dpusing herself with garb. "See to that fight, Morningskies. Lilacivy, check the cats for major you said."

"I appreciate it, Heiress." They sat back and turned to the clan to make sure everyone was recieving proper covers, and frowned when Frostmane was shooing off a Sun's Garden cat with black fur. Nightglory returned soon after, and they took the cobwebs from her paw gingerly, picking a twig from the ground and wrapping the webs around it for easy carrying.

The black, grey-and white jack beckoned Fadedpaw, and sweeped leaves together, then gave her half of the cobwebs. "Take these and the leaves, don't use them until each cat is either healed or their salve hasn't worn off. Put the leaves on, then the cobwebs. You'll do fine."

Xe padded back to Nightglory, their tail curled to hold the stick and a swath of oak leaves. "Can i get some marigold and goldenrod please— i don't want them getting infected. Naturally. Unless Sun's Garden cats are better with herb knowledge then i am?" xe challenged.

Wolfsbane — He/Him — FC Novice
@Nightglory, waiting for Caladium

"I don't think my head would taste very good, so it wouldn't even be worth it. Well someone's going to have to help her, she's layering that mud all wrong! These clanners are so useless, i can't believe your dad let them stay. They're ungrateful and whiny and pissy and— i'm getting ahead of myself." He dipped his head to the heiress before turning away to Caladium. "As always, 'Glory."

Blizzardwhisker — She/Her — Deaf
@Little Brown

Blizzardwhisker ruffled her whiskers cheekily at the kitten, and nodded. "Thasss Right. You're very shmart, kit." She winced as her belly scar ached a little, and tried to keep her attention on Little Brown. For his sake, too. She didn't want him getting traumatized by this. "What's your favorith prey?"


Posted 2023-01-02 21:28:03

TreePaw ~ Apprentice ~ She/Her

TreePaw hadn't needed much mud, already being mostly black, she she covered what she needed before wondering a little, and finding herself watching Nightglory any Wolfsbane. the only cats she'd seen around her age. They were bigger then her, though not by much, and they all were still growing. likely they both would end up bigger than her and she would end up about the size of her father. She watched them with great curiosity. She had always been used to being bigger and smarter then others her age, so she wanted to know, these cats were bigger, but were they smarter? and if they were smarter, were they as smart as her, or possibly more?? so many questions, her one crimson eye and one deep green eye watch with great intenseity as she tries to find answers.

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