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the wolf pack of mysteries!

the wolf pack of mysteries!
Posted 2022-10-06 06:18:31 (edited)
You have been walking for days now, with barely any food or water. you are exhausted and all you want to do is rest. Then you here a welcoming noise... water. You run as fast as you can towards where the noise is coming from. You turn round a corner, finally thinking you have made it to the water. But instead of water you see a strange wolf looking at you. The wolf firstly looks you up and down and then finally, she offers you a place in her pack.
Do you dare to join this mysterious pack?....

- This is a fun/dramatic fantasy wolf pack roleplay set deep in a secret forest. With plenty of roles to choice from and hopefully a good way to make some more friends! 

Roles to choice from:

Alpha male ( 1/1 spots available ) :  you do not actually have to be a male irl, but you will need a male character for it.
Beta wolves ( 2/3 spots available ) : the Beta wolves are the 2nd strongest in the pack, just below the Alpha wolves. (any gender may play this part)
Delta wolves ( 0/4 spots available ) : They come below the Beta's. They are also the guards of the pack. (any gender can play this part)
Hunters ( 0/6 spots available ) : they rank mid pack. (any gender can play this role)
Omega wolves ( 2/7 spots available ) : The Omega wolves help look after all the pup's in the pack and train older pups. they also are the most likeliest to challenge the Alpha for the alpha role. (any gender may play this role)
Pups ( 0/9 spots available ) : they, of course, are the youngest of the pack, but doesn't mean their not capable of any harm! (any gender can play this role)

( if you don't like any of these roles, just message me about it and what role you want to add in and l can see what l can do! )

- Only 1 to 3 characters per person
- Gore is allowed ( if wanting to hurt someone else's character make sure to ask them first plz )
- romance is allowed to your own extant
- swearing is also allowed ( not too much/a bit every her and there is ok )
- any kind of drama ( to make things interesting )
- age goes by normal human years, not animal years
- every wolf must have at least 1 weakness
- Have fun!

What you will need to say about you character:

Pack role:
Powers:  ( Alpha has the most powers, Beta's can have up to 4 powers, Delta's have 2 powers and Omega's have 1 power )
strengths: (what are they better at)
Type of wolf: ( like a Timber wolf, or Snow wolf etc...  fantasy kinds of wolves are allowed if they are Alpha, Beta's or Delta's )
Lore: ( optional )

My characters so far:

character 1:
Name: Willow
Age: 17
Gender: Female (straight)
Pack role: Alpha female
Relationship/friendships: none yet
Powers: Ice/snow powers, fire, earth
Strengths: Finding other wolves weak spots, and fighting
Weaknesses: betrayal
Type of wolf: Moon cross Sun wolf

character 2:
Name: Gunnar
Age: 17 and a half
Gender: Male (straight)
Pack role: Beta wolf
Relationship/friendships: none yet (but has a crush on Willow)
Powers: earth powers
Strengths: distract enemies with his looks
Weaknesses: ropes
Type of wolf: Forest wolf

( if you don't want to do the rp on this, plz message me and l will see where else we could do it )

🐾Celtic Blood 🐎🐕

Posted 2022-10-06 14:03:17 (edited)
Name: Kiara
Age: 17 almost 18
Gender: female
Pack role: pup sitting
relationship/friendships: I have a boyfriend and I only have one friend (his sister)
Powers:  invisibility super bark
Strengths: can run fast, heals quick
weaknesses: I don't open up easily, I'm afraid of getting hurt
Type of wolf: timber wolf

Posted 2022-10-06 19:13:27

🐾Celtic Blood 🐎🐕

Posted 2022-10-08 10:22:26 (edited)
Character 1

Gender:Female(Bi )
Pack role:Beta
Friendship/relationship:none yet..looking for mate and friends
Powers:Super strength,has wings,Fire Fur(can set her fur on fire for self defense)
Strengths:Close combat, Can manipulate others easy,good liar
Weaknesses:distance combat,betrayal,big areas of water,trust issues,cold environment- scared of getting hurt by others,

Posted 2022-10-09 16:47:29 (edited)
Character 1
name: Aspen
Gender: female (straight)
Age: 17
Pack role: Omega
Friendships/Relationships: Looking for friends, no spouse as of right now
Powers: healing
Strengths: Kindness, overlooks others faults
Weaknesses: Shy, can be overly hyper.
Wolf type: Red Wolf

Posted 2022-10-09 22:18:32
Name: Thunderstorm
Age: 3yrs
Gender: male
Pack role: Alpha male
relationship/friendships: Siesta is his mate.
Powers: thunder, ice, healing, teleportation, shadows, noise
strengths: (what are they better at): manipulation, combat, agility
weaknesses: pride, fear of betrayal
Type of wolf: thunder wolf
Styx [SemiHaitus]

Posted 2022-10-09 22:54:05

🐾Celtic Blood 🐎🐕

Posted 2023-02-08 20:30:11
Name: Malan
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Pack role: Delta
relationship/friendships: friends - open, mate - open
Powers:  Flying (without wings), Can change apearance at will
strengths: Fighting, racing, hunting
weaknesses: arrorgant, over-confident, boastful.
Type of wolf: Indian wolf

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