Posted 2022-10-11 07:38:14
This is great news and makes me very happy to see. I don't participate in sending out or hosting travelers right now, although I have wanted to for a long time, because there isn't any moderation. I couldn't guarantee a traveler wouldn't get stuck with me in case I took a hiatus and I also didn't want to risk sending my wolves out, so seeing this become an actual moderated part of the game is fantastic to me, and also really showcases how much the devs and mods care about how the community enjoys engaging with Wolvden as a game.
There a couple of things I think would make traveling wolves an even better feature, and accomodates many different types of players:
- A toggle on the traveling wolf's page (for the host) on whether they are breedable or not, as mentioned previously by others. This does become complicated in case the wolf is male, since they would need a pairbond to breed, and I actually agree that traveling wolves should not be allowed to pairbond. Perhaps pairbonding can be decided by the host as well. If breeding does become possible, puppies that are not weaned should be locked with their mother as normal. If the traveling mother is recalled, the unweaned puppies go with her. If the puppies are weaned, they stay with the host.
- A toggle on the traveling wolf's page (for the host) on whether the wolf can take on other roles as well. I think traveling wolves should be a allowed to have a role in the pack they are hosted by, especially since seeing the stat difference before and after is something that I find interesting and also opens up more lore opportunities. However, this comes with the risk that owners won't be able to recall their wolves immediately, in case they are scouting/hunting. It also is a risk for the host, in case they have assigned the wolf as a pupsitter or something. Still, I think roles should be allowed, perhaps with the wolf only being able to take on one role per host, and an 'expiry' within that pack. For example, a wolf can be a hunter in a one host's pack for 3 rollovers, and then are automatically removed from that role and can't take another until they reach their next host/owner. (Of course, the traveler role would always be on. The role while traveling is a secondary, temporary role).
- I did begin typing out a suggestion for having an option for hiding traveling wolves and related UI elements, but I think that they are already very non-intrusive since they can only be privately gifted, and have to be assigned the role. Perhaps a toggle for "Does your pack host traveling wolves?" on the den page would allow players who don't wish to participate to not be sent gifts with traveling wolves in them.
- I think with the existing rules in the game, territory wouldn't be an issue, since a traveler would only be able to be accepted if a player has enough territory slots. Travelers sent out would no longer take up a territory slot, but naturally, would not be able to be recalled if no territory is available at the time of recall. Players still have to manage territory space if they want to safely send out their travelers, or host any.