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Don't Let The Staff See!! {Revamped}

Posted 2025-02-01 11:20:22
4984 my previous username was Halconera. I went on a hiatus.

Memer Bear

Posted 2025-02-01 11:22:16

Ah, and I was either blue or car lover. I don't know which.

Darkscale the shadowwing

Posted 2025-02-01 11:24:23
4986 you were Blue when I was last active here. My surprise when I checked my friends list and saw your new username

Memer Bear

Posted 2025-02-01 11:26:26

Right, it's a character from the book series that I'm writing, and one of the main ones.

Darkscale the shadowwing

Posted 2025-02-01 11:50:49
Reminds me how behind I am for writing my book. Haven't touched it since December. The leaders of my pack are named based from the fictional language I made for one of my earlier drafts. I've since abandoned the language system. It might come back but who knows.

Memer Bear

Posted 2025-02-01 11:57:38

You should print it, I'll buy a copy.

Darkscale the shadowwing

Posted 2025-02-01 12:08:41

I plan on printing and binding a copy for myself when/if I ever finish it. I've been working on it since like 2018 I think?

Memer Bear

Posted 2025-02-01 12:12:35

I've been working on mine for about two years, it will be in April.

Darkscale the shadowwing

Posted 2025-02-01 12:16:29
Good luck on finishing your story! I think I'm on draft/restart10+. Keep getting new ideas or want to suddenly change the POV. I've swapped around who my protagonist is after realizing a side character was way more interesting ect. etc.

Memer Bear

Posted 2025-02-01 12:18:57

Same but the other characters I change names to  but the main characters are the same from the beginning.

Darkscale the shadowwing

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