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Moved to a new thread! Please lock

Posted 2020-11-12 22:48:07

its for a furaffinity page so you might have to be logged in, let me see if i can finagle it


Posted 2020-11-12 22:49:08

 oh there we go thats way easier lol

this drawing is a year old now but there he is


Posted 2020-11-13 00:17:27

Thats really cool, or its cause im at work and it won't on the work wifi i don't know. 


Posted 2020-11-13 11:47:54

yooo so happy to see a thread for this!

I'm twoducks or Ducky online, and my fursona, Mavis, is a hybridized red panda, ring-tailed lemur and Canadian lynx. I could get an image up in a bit ^^

my retired sona is a rabbit named Grave (actually Gabe/Gabriella, but Grave sounds cooler haha) and has no ref sheet yet-- I'll add one once I make one :))

I have never owned a fursuit and I'm not exactly in a hurry to get one if I'm honest, just because... money... but I think they're super cool!!

I really like drawing anthropomorphic animals and such as well :))

I'm here because I love animals in general lol

so that's a bit about me! :D

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2020-11-13 12:29:32

hello! Welcome to the group Ducky ^^


Posted 2020-11-13 14:29:48

Welcome to the group!


Posted 2020-11-13 17:53:09 (edited)

thanks guys :))

here's Mavis :D uh, I used a base, if you've heard of furvilla this is her paintie! since I used a base and I'm not great at editing bases she's not 100% accurate, her muzzle is longer (like a lemur's face) and her hands are usually lemur hands ^^

I wanted my lead wolf to sort of ?? look like her :))

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2020-11-13 19:34:21

Id say it kinda looks like her but thats just me. Maybe would need to be a lil darker but hey my wolf is supposed to be my fursona but its changed into my fursona if it was old


Posted 2020-11-13 21:07:23

oh man furvilla, i havent played that since its release. Is it any fun? I remember it was sort of boring.


Posted 2020-11-14 01:13:36
Um whats furvilla? 


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