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Posted 2020-11-14 23:08:19

yesss cadaver is a really cool character!!

Skulldogs are niche-popular, they appeal to a specific small group but in those who enjoy that sort of thing they're wildly popular


Posted 2020-11-14 23:10:45 (edited)

Yes I absolutely love wingedwolf! I only found out about them recently somehow lol, I absolutely adore their animations though and Cadaver! I saw they got a VRchat avatar recently of Cadaver and I've been looking at the person who made it like 👀👀👀👀👀 waiting for their commissions to open lol


Posted 2020-11-15 00:13:26

Sorry never heard of that stuff. I only do 2 things in life currently work or sleep, so I never have time but I did check out furvilla. Pretty interesting

Also im down for anything with a clan. 

Also welcome to the group Woofbyte!


Posted 2020-11-15 14:34:54

Hello all!
I'm Anor, I go by that here and pretty much everywhere, she/her. My sona is a falcon/wolf gryphon, so I of course had to check out Wolvden when I heard about it. I haven't ever played a game quite like this before, but I've been having fun so far! I really love all the different patterns/colors/markings the wolves can have. 
I play a lot of other kinds of games, love the outdoors, and am trying to get into prop making. I also have way too many other characters/sonas because I love animals and biology in general!


Posted 2020-11-15 14:58:36

Welcome to the group!

Hope everyone is having a great day 


Posted 2020-11-15 15:40:01 (edited)

a more organized forum and/or discord would be great, yeah! sorry I responded so late haha ^^'

and ty @Sam I am havin a good day c:

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2020-11-15 16:10:25


I'm def gonna start setting up a more organized forum for us, and we can work on the ideas for different things for us to do as a group, be it efforts here on lioden or just as friends! 

if you guys have any ideas for stuff like that feel free to mention it!


Posted 2020-11-15 17:27:02

Yeah a well organized forum would be best. 

I mean does anyone play video games? Could make a club or something 


Posted 2020-11-15 17:29:20
we can for sure set up a game night or something, that would be fun! I'm working on an organized forum right now and have the initial post up, i just ask that nobody put anything there until im done lol


Posted 2020-11-15 17:37:48

ok I have the barebones laid out, I'll be continuing to add to it. If any of our members know how to forum code and want to help pretty the place up please pm me and we can get code pasted in, but until then we can go ahead and scoot over here! I'll ask you guys re-do your introductions if it isnt too much trouble, just for ease of new members and so I can get you an info card on the members list! I have a few posts reserved for future work such as art adverts from members, links to people's toyhouse/FA/socials, and group events. Maybe when we grow some more we can make an effort to grow a food/medicine pool for our members, studding services and other stuff to make the game easier and more fun too!

here's the link to the new forum-


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