Posted 2020-09-26 22:27:02 (edited)
I hope this is the right category. **A quick note: My responses will be slower during the week due to work and school. Thanks for understanding!** This is a choose your own adventure game! It's pretty straightforward, read the little blurb, make a choice, and hope it's the right one! I'll be moving on to the next 'scene' once I get a few choices. Over the course of this I'll be using various characters to interact with, if you'd like your wolves (Wolvden or OC is fine), or anther woodland wildlife character (Elk, Raccoon, Grizzly, etc.) message me with their name/info and I'll try to give them a cameo! Y'all will be controlling Tecoma, a young and rather inexperienced male trying to recover from the loss of his birth pack. The grumbling in your stomach and the ache in your paws is a familiar feeling. The past couple of months have been a bit of a mad dash to get to a warmer climate before starvation or hypothermia escorts you to the beyond. Your dreams are filled with glimpses of the horrible fate that befell your pack the night of the blood moon. Your waking hours are spent scouring for scraps from successful hunters and steering clear of territories of hostile packs. The unusually heavy snowfall has made the journey far more difficult and your less than stellar skills in hunting solo has cost you quite a bit of muscle mass. To say you are in a dire situation would be an understatement. “Dohasan’s up ahead, might be wise to hide out for a bit.” The breathless voice of your only companion on this trek is enough to jolt you out of the thoughts swimming around in your head. You slow to a stop, waiting for TukTuk to reach you. The small chipmunk had put on weight in preparation for winter and was now struggling to navigate through the snow. “Why does he seem determined to pick a fight?” You grumble as you think about the lead male of the impressively large Wakhan pack that dominates the icy north. Time is of the essence: A) Forge ahead, you cannot afford to wait around for Dohasan to lose interest. B) Find a cave and wait it out, you're bound to lose a fight in your current state. C) Double back and try going through neutral territory instead. |
![]() Kailani #719 |
Posted 2020-09-26 22:31:22
Leaf #2405 |
Posted 2020-09-26 23:14:34 (edited)
“Teco, don’t.” TukTuk squeaks, already anticipating your decision. “Why should I tip toe around him? We’re bound to run into each other eventually so better get it over with.” You roll your shoulders, and step over the exacerbated chipmunk. TukTuk hesitates slightly before following, making sure to stay quite a distance away. A few hours past the scent line you come across a picked apart salmon, most of the meat still left on the bones, most likely discarded by a stuffed grizzly who’s eyes were bigger than its stomach. You make quick work of the fish, unsure if any other predators caught wind of the game and were en route. “I could kill you for that, you know.” “Oh, go dig a hole you miscreant!” Your annoyance is evident in your tone as you slowly turn to face Dohasan. “You’re one to talk, thief.” His easy demeanor grates on your nerves and you size him up. “What do you want? I’m just passing through.” You’d rather skip the back and forth and get right to scrapping. “I’m just curious to see what brings little Teco to the Wakhan territory. I never get to see you anymore, little bro.” Dohasan cuffs you lightly on the ear. “Cut it out Doha, I told you I’m just passing through.” You’re snarling now, not in the mood for your older brother’s teasing. “You better watch it, runt. I don’t smell mom or dad around so no one’s here to save your tail.” Doha sneers but at the mention of your kin you falter, reeling from the wave of anguish that crashes over you as images of your pack struggling in frigid water flash before you. Oh brother! A) Get the heck out of there B) Tell your brother of your parent's fate C) Shake it off, best not to show weakness in front of Doha |
![]() Kailani #719 |
Posted 2020-09-27 13:34:10
How do you bump on here?? |
![]() Kailani #719 |
Posted 2020-09-27 15:57:28
Option C, duhhh. Cant let that smelly, flea brain think you're weak! |
![]() Ivorychild #2786 |
Posted 2020-09-27 16:56:01 (edited)
“Geez, relax I was only messing with you. No need to cry about it.” Dohasan steps back, awkwardly shuffling his paws as he watches you with concern. “No, it’s not...nevermind. Just go back to scouting or whatever you were doing. I’ll be out of your territory in a little bit.” You mutter and brush past your brother, unable to look him in the eye. “Well fine, if you won’t tell me what’s up maybe your plump friend will.” You turn to look over your shoulder to see Doha pounce on a frightened TukTuk. You react without thinking and snap at Doha, latching onto his tail and giving a firm yank. The older male howls in pain and spins around grabbing for your leg. Doha misses, and opts for tackling you instead, knocking the wind out of you as the two of you go tumbling down the river bank. Neither of you are really able to land a solid blow, only managing mouthfuls of fur and sandy snow. It’s not until your back paws break through the thin layer of ice covering the slow moving riverbed that you snap out of your rage. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You shout, panting heavily from your scuffle. “Why are you so determined to brush me off?” The rage is back as you look at Doha’s clueless expression. “Seriously? You know exactly why.” Despite your best efforts the reply comes out as a growl. “Oh please, that was summers ago. Look why don’t you come back to the main densite and you can take a rest and fill your belly. Then if you want to run off into the moonlight never to see me again, fine.” -------------------------------------------------- A) A full belly and warm den sounds like heaven right now, even if it's from Doha... B) Screw him! You don't need his charity! |
![]() Kailani #719 |
Posted 2020-09-28 10:07:58
A, frick testosterone I'm not starving |
![]() 🔥 phnx. #3413 |
Posted 2020-09-28 21:31:25
“I think I’ll take my chances in the snow.” “Don’t be stupid Teco, a nasty storm is coming through. Rest up for a day or so and wait it out before continuing on.” The worried look in Doha’s eyes is unfamiliar. You struggle to remember the last time your domineering older brother was worried about you. This new side of Dohasan makes you slightly uncomfortable and you cave in. “Fine. But only for the night.” You huff, holding your head high and feigning aloofness. Dohasan wasn’t exaggerating when he said there was a storm brewing. Despite the sun trying its darndest heavy, dark clouds made it seem closer to dusk. TukTuk had waddled off to find shelter long ago, leaving you to enjoy the awkward silence that had settled like a blanket of snow over you and Doha. The walk to the den is longer than you anticipated, the pair of you don’t reach the large clearing until midday and the scavenged salmon you ate can only sustain you for so long. By the time Doha leads you to the food cache your stomach is rumbling again. He leaves you to fill your belly, reminding you to come and find him once you’re through. You don’t slow down until your third hare is reduced to bones and sinew. Before you can go for another helping a voice stops you dead in your tracks. “My eye! I don’t believe it!” The coarse voice sends a shock down your spine and you spin around to face its owner. “Ch-Chenoa?” You stumble over the name as your eyes rake over the lean frame of the wolf in front of you. “You look great...well-uh…” Chenoa trails off as she sizes you up, you’re suddenly very self conscious of your haggard appearance. --------------------------------------- A) Play it cool, bro! B) Give her greeting kiss! C) Go back to stuffing your face; hunger > pretty wolf |
![]() Kailani #719 |
Posted 2020-09-29 09:54:11
Option A. Hopefully we won't embarrass ourselves. |
snarkymouse #3894 |
Posted 2020-09-29 16:36:53
option A so many possblities to happen |
![]() Arlo #4240 |