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Posted 2024-03-15 03:40:40

Name: Cinnamon (#1061)
Date: March 15th, 2024
Parents: Jingle Jangle ♪ & Gunmetal Gray

Proxy Loves Mojaves

Posted 2024-03-15 03:40:52

Name: Sayori (#1062)
Date: March 15th, 2024
Parents: Jingle Jangle ♪ & Pharoh

Proxy Loves Mojaves

Posted 2024-03-15 03:47:50

Name: Night Stalker (#1063)
Date: March 15th, 2024
Parents: Jingle Jangle ♪ & Pharoh
Wolf created on 2023-01-24

Night Stalker is a member of the Scorched pack, and Wild Wasteland's coyote mate.

She is one of the original escaped test subjects from the NACEA - or the North American Canid Experiment Association - as part of a program experimenting fusing rattlesnake DNA with other animals. As a result, Night Stalker has developed a complete immunity to snake venom, a forked tongue, and a sensitivity to vibrations and body heat which allows her to better find hidden prey. While she is not as large or physically reliant as the other Scorched, she has a particularly nasty bite, which can paralyze small animals within minutes.

Personality-wise, Night Stalker is very cautious and quiet, especially around strangers. She prefers to focus on keeping watch, while her much more extraverted mate does most of the talking. Many might mistake her silence for naivete, but Night Stalker is no fool. She has an incredible intuition, and often will oversee trades and diplomatic exchanges with the Scorched, in order to warn her packmates of liars and potential danger.

While wolf-coyote relationships are not as frowned upon within the Scorched and the Desert Stars as they are among most other packs, they still often face discrimination in many parts of the Mojave. Like many of the Scorched, Night Stalker and her mate are primarily nocturnal, in order to avoid coming into contact with other desert wolves and raiders, who are most active in the daytime.While things have been getting better, the two of them still have to be cautious not to show too much overt affection in public.

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:24:23

Name:Yellowjacket (#1064)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & RNC Domino

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:27:03

Name: Fortuna (#1065)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & Crystalline

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:27:23 (edited)

Name: Sunset (#1066)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & Goth-Ass Mojave

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:27:56

Name: Libra (#6067)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & Strawberry Daiquiri

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:28:54

Name: Goldfish (#1068)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: Skinwalker & Arizona Sunrise

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Posted 2024-03-16 06:30:51

Name: Arctic (#1069)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & RNC Domino

Proxy Loves Mojaves

Posted 2024-03-16 06:31:19

Name: Harvest (#1070)
Date: March 16th, 2024
Parents: קคгค๔เรє🌸 & Goth-Ass Mojave

Proxy Loves Mojaves

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