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Moon's Shire Lore [Do Not Post]

Moon's Shire Lore [Do Not Post]
Posted 2022-10-21 07:48:41 (edited)
Writers Notes:
I figured my main wolf is about 6 years old now I better start writing lore...

Year 0 - Creation

The eruption of a volcano is often the birth of something new. That remains ever true with Flash Fire, an elemental that finds himself blurrily gaining form. The lava and ash around him, that is him, slowly forming into something more organic. Paws reach out of the molten plasma, toes stretching as he materializes. His eyes were forming as he gains sight for the first time, and other senses triggered at the same time. It's nothing like the way he used to process the world, everything is much different now, than he feels it. A heartbeat, it pounds in his chest, and the lava swells and spits him out. The sun bathes his fur for the first time as he slides down the side of the volcano. Still, on fire his paws sliding against the stone and his slipping quickly turns to running. He slows as he reaches the end of the rocky terrain, grass as far as the eye could see. He gently places a paw forward onto it, but before he can feel it it bursts into flame. He jumps back, spinning to look at himself, he's still very much on fire, he continues to spin and puts himself out. Once the fire is out he is able to walk forward onto the grass and feel the soft texture on his new paw pads. As he explored he was just left with one question.

"An elemental isn't simply born for no reason. So why. Why was I created?"

Across the grasslands, something similar is happening in a large lake. Despite the summer heat a patch of ice begins to form on the surface of the water, causing birds to fly away and abandon the lake, while critters on the shore watched in horror as winter comes faster than they expect. The first to form is Ice's eyes, her most definitive feature, as white as snow and just as piercing. She pulls herself out of the patch of ice and finds herself standing on top of the water, freezing it as she stands. Shaking her fur she sends icicles in every which direction. A brave swan slowly swims up to her and a smirk appears on her face as she makes a dash forward trying to catch the creature. It flies away before she can get close, and before she can stop herself she skids onto the grassy field neighboring the lake, the grass freezing as her paws touch it. She giggles as she shakes it away and begins exploring the grasslands, taking in all her surroundings.

"Something is pulling me across the grasslands, but what?"

Posted 2022-10-21 14:17:47
The Early Years

This time period is a bit of a blur to Flash Fire, but he'll never forget meeting Ice's Stare, she was like nothing he'd ever seen. He had been wandering the Grasslands for at least a year on his own, other wolves running from him or ignoring him completely. It was a very lonely year however when he saw her she didn't flinch. He had just caught himself a pheasant and was looking for somewhere to enjoy his catch when he saw the white eyes staring at him through the bushes. She would say later that she could sense him before she saw or heard him, he had no idea how she did that considering he didn't notice until they were only a few feet away from each other. Placing the pheasant under a nearby bush he crouched down, approaching her with his tail high to show he wasn't afraid. Instead of fleeing further into the brush she simply walked out revealing herself. Now before this Fire had no idea what love was, but the moment he saw her he knew immediately what it was. The way she carried herself was like nothing he'd ever seen, her muscles were strong under her fur, and she was clearly nothing to be messed with, and he liked that.

"What's a lovely lady like you doing out here by yourself?"

This caught her off guard and got a smile out of her as she let out a small laugh, "Aren't you a smooth talker? Do you hit on all the ladies you meet?" She stepped closer to him, causing him to step back.

Ears folding back Fire tried to think of a clever response, but instead ended up mumbling, "You're the first lady I've met."

"Ooh, a natural flirt then." she cooed spinning around him causing him to do a 180-degree turn, "How lucky for me. You're different from other wolves I've seen. What are you?"

She was standing very close now making him nervous, any use in hiding who or what he was was pointless as he was too frazzled to lie. "I'm Flash Fire. I was born from the volcano, I believe that makes me what wolves would call an elemental."

This answer seemed to shock her and she sat down exactly where she stood. "Woah! You're an elemental! I'm one as well, that explains why I was so drawn to you. Can't you feel the energy between us? I should have known." She began to mumble to herself for a moment before returning to the conversation, "I was honestly just going to see if I could swipe that pheasant from you, but do you want to travel together? Maybe we can figure out why we're here."

Travel together! He could travel with this beautiful wolf, yes, please. Ignoring the stealing part he responded, tail wagging against his will. "Let's travel together! You don't know why we're here either, we'll figure it out together. It'll be great. Maybe we were created to be together, or we're here to save people, or even just bring more life to this grassland."

She laughed at his enthusiasm, "Don't get carried away playboy, just because you're an elemental doesn't mean I love you suddenly.
"This will be just a platonic arrangement." Seeing his visible disappointed she added, "Though you are quite charming."

Posted 2022-10-24 12:45:13 (edited)
A few months have passed and Flash Fire and Ice's Stare have been getting along great, even attracting a few lone wolves to help them hunt. This includes; Star's Flame, Large Oak, Flap of Sparrow's Wing, Amber Moon, and Sun Kissed.

It was all going well until Winter struck, the season was rough for everyone, but especially Flash Fire. Giving up his food to feed his members was worth it, but it definitely made him weak and fatigued. During a fight this made him make a grave mistake, getting a very deep gash in his shoulder. While the bleeding stopped quickly, it didn't heal properly causing him a great deal of pain and looking gross at the same time. It started to bubble and look ready to burst. Flash Fire was carrying an elk home to his pack during one exceptionally long journey and found his head getting foggy. His vision blurred as his feet refused to move anymore until quickly he found himself passing out.

He awoke in a different den with the smell of cooking surrounding him, well maybe not cooking. He lifted his head as much as he could and he saw a cauldron filled with a scary looking green liquid. Flopping his head back down he waited, not having the energy to do anything else. His wound appeared to have plant matter on it that earily matched that of the green liquid.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake, had me worried I was going to have a dead body on my hands."

Flash Fire squinted peering up at the new arrival, a bright grey wolf with striking yellow eyes stared at him. "Wha... Who?" His voice was horse from not speaking for so long he let out a couch and tried again, "Who are you? You brought me here?"

He nodded, "I'm helpful by nature you know. As all alchemists should be. I'm Shaved Ice, I think my mom named my that because she liked to eat the ice off the lakes, pretty weird if you ask me." Looking closer, this wolf seemed to have age to him compared to the others he had met in the past year, despite this he spoke like a youngling who never had any friends."You had an infection, so I used St. John's Wort, Oregano, and Feverfew and created a balm for it, it looks like it's healing alright. Is your temperature ok?" without warning his paw was pressed up against Fire's head, "Oh you still feel hot, here eat this please it'll bring that down. You'll feel better."

Tentativly at first Fire lapped up the herb, it tasted awful, bitter and sour at the same time. He had to force himself to not immediately spit it back out. "Do you have any water... That was awful."

"I've never tried it myself, but oh yes I do hold still." Not that he was going anywhere fast, Ice brought him a small wooden bowl filled with water, "It's from the spring nearby, I collect it in the summer so it may taste a bit stale, but it's better than eating ice huh?"

Fire nodded as he drank, not really responding but at least acknowledging what he said. "When will I be better? I've got a pack that's waiting for me, maybe even worried about me?" Bringing himself into a sitting position Fire grunted as his shoulder stung.

"Well in that condition and alone I'd say a few days. But, maybe if I come with you it won't be so long..." Ice dashed over to the window and looked to be examining the sky before quickly returning, "It's cold outside and it may snow soon, so we'd need to leave real soon. I don't know if you can stand or walk properly with that wound though."

Standing up and rolling his shoulders Fire gave him a piercing stare, "I think I can handle a little stinging, I've been through much worse." Had he really? No. Was it fun to say? Yes.

Ice was almost impressed by his action tail wagging slightly, "Well. That's unexpected." He thought for a moment, glancing at the window again, "If I help you get back to your pack..." He paused clawing the ground slightly, "May I join you? I've been out here alone for who knows how long you know. I'd love some company and some wolves to care for. Do you have any expecting mothers? I love puppies so much! And they get sick so easily you know!" he was very close now and Fire couldn't help but laugh at his earnesty.

"Since you're helping me I'll help you" Though to be honest, having a wolf that could heal wounds was much more a favor to his pack than to Shaved Ice.

Posted 2022-10-24 12:56:35

Posted 2022-10-24 12:57:50

Flash Fire and Ice's Stare so far have had to sets of pups, they're both from small litters and unfortunately only have each other despite the age gaps. This is Snapping Turtle and Plasma.

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