{Wolf RP} Closed
Posted 2022-10-29 06:33:18
"Oooh..." Warrior acted like he was a fool. Moon Moon trotted to Alibi's den "Hey Alibi and pups!" She said from the entrance of the den "Hope you both enjoyed!" She said nuzzling Boss then turned to Alibi "Did they annoy you?" She whispered. Boss Boss nuzzled his mother back "Let's go back to our den! You know I hate flowers!"He said angrily. Warrior "Mother!" Warrior ran towards his mother and hugged her leg, waging his tail. Apollo Apollo sat on the Alpha's rock which was high enough to see the whole camp "Alaska, organize hunting parties, we need food!" He ordered the beta. |
Warrior #90477 |
Posted 2022-10-29 06:37:29 (edited)
"Just a little," she whispered back with a warm smile. "Warrior seemed very curious about the herbs though." Sun Sun padded back to the camp with the other two following, carrying a large carcass between him and Atila. "No need," he said gruffly to the Alpha male, towering over him. He jerked his head at the two. "Atila and Toyak finally managed to catch that elk cow," he grumbled, but it was clear that he was extremely proud of them. "Of course, if you need more, I'll go out and catch a few muskrats." |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |
Posted 2022-10-29 07:01:51
"Really? Did he try to eat a herb?" She asked Alibi "Because if he did, he isn't curious, he thought that the herbs were some tasty food!" Moon smiled then grabbed Warrior and instructed Boss to follow her. Soon, they reached their den "You both should eat something now!" She put Warrior down then grabbed a mouse carcass and dropped it infront of the pups, she watched as they eat then curled her tail around them and the pups slept quietly. Apollo Apollo nodded at Sun "Yes, we do need more food. A doe is not enough for the whole pack. Take Grace with you! She'll learn something too." He looked at Grace who was just listening to them. Grace Grace angrily approached the alpha "Not with him! Fa- I mean Alpha do you even know how boring he is! He's not funny too! All he knows is responsibilities, yes R-E-S-P-O-N-SI-BI-LI-TIES!" She said to Apollo, giving Sun an aggressive stare. Apollo Apollo barked at Grace "That's why I am sending you with him! He's responsible and capable enough to take care of you. He is one of the most trusted wolves in the pack, maybe he is also capable of leading the pack! Now no excuses, Sun you know what to do! Take her with you!" He ordered the Wolf |
Warrior #90477 |
Posted 2022-10-29 07:09:38 (edited)
Alibi giggled. "How did you know?" She said wryly. "He was asking a lot of questions, too. But either way, you need some rest. So off you go." She shooed the Alpha female out of her den kindly. Sun Sun nodded at the Alpha, then immediately snarled loudly as Grace spoke, closing the gap between them in a quick stride and glaring down at her. "You do not talk about your lead hunter in that manner," he growled at Grace. "Even if you're the daughter of the Alpha. That does not give you an excuse to disrespect me." He stared down at her, his eyes cold and his lips pressed into a straight line. "Do you understand?" His wolf-tail necklace dangled in front of her eyes, a cold reminder of what he was capable of. |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |
Posted 2022-10-29 07:19:26
Grace rolled his eyes "Nope!" She stood up to her full height, which was still smaller than Sun "I know you're very old but you don't have the right to tell me what to do! If I was the lead hunter I would've shown you what a real lead hunter is! You're nothing more than a old wolf who is of no use except yelling at others!" She snarled at him. Apollo Apollo jumped between the two and gave their legs a hard bite "If you both don't stop I'll bite even harder and this time on your face!" He snarled. |
Warrior #90477 |
Posted 2022-10-29 07:40:26
![]() 🔥Bakedfish🐟 #87424 |
Posted 2022-10-29 16:07:27 (edited)
Sun stared disdainfully at the Alpha. "Excuse me," he growled calmly. "There is no need to bite. I am simply teaching your daughter a lesson, which is what you wanted me to do." He turned to Grace. "I am hardly yelling at you, and if you think this is harsh, you need more experience," he sighed, growling again. His paw reached up to his wolf-tail necklace. "And you do not have the skills to be the lead hunter. Can you defend five adolescents against a huge elk bull? Can you, alone, feed the entire pack during a harsh winter when no other hunters are in the pack? Can you take down a bear alone? Have you done those things?" A low, intimidating growl rumbled from his throat as he stood over Grace, his full height towering over her. "Regardless of how you feel about me, I am still your lead hunter, and I am still in charge of protecting and feeding the pride. You will not disrespect me." He turned tail and began to walk towards the forest, beckoning to the hunters. "Let's go. I can smell a grouse or two, that should be enough for our pack of eleven," he calculated out loud, his voice low and gruff. Toyak Toyak bounded after Sun, glad not to be on his bad side. She fell in step with Grace. "That was kinda dumb," the adolescent told her in a soft whisper. "Standing up to him. You know he killed his sibling, right? Wouldn't be surprised if you were found dead tomorrow." She giggled, smirking and prancing after the lead hunter, who looked extremely bored and a bit tired. |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |
Posted 2022-10-29 18:44:09
![]() Ghost of the lost #86186 |
Posted 2022-10-29 21:19:33
Grace ignored Toyak and started to trot behind Sun "Why isn't mother our lead hunter? She's way better than this piece of shit! I know she has to take care of the pups but anyone else in the pack can do that!" She was thinking out loud "Oops- I am sorry!" She said to Sun. Apollo Apollo huffed I don't know how they both hunt together? I know Grace is a bit arrogant and... Sun is a little strict too. They gotta work as a team if they want to feed the pack. |
Warrior #90477 |
Posted 2022-10-29 21:26:55 (edited)
Sun glared at the younger wolf. "What did I say about respect? As for why your mother is not the lead hunter, I will say that I have more experience hunting." He growled, his voice low. "And Toyak, pray don't gossip." Toyak Toyak nodded sheepishly. "Is it true?" She blurted. "Did you fight a bear? And an elk bull? And you fed an entire pack a whole winter by yourself?!" Sun The lead hunter nodded gravely. "Yes," he said gruffly. Ever modest, he added, "It was a difficult winter. No other hunters meant we mostly survived on small prey like birds and rats. And the bear was… an accident. I did beat it, but it gave me this scar." He pointed at his face, giving Toyak one of his rare smiles. "Don't tangle with bears. Honestly, you'll regret it." |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |