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{Wolf RP} Closed

Posted 2022-11-15 18:05:31
Blizzard looked confused, She walked forward and looked at Sun.


Posted 2022-11-15 18:07:32
Sun leapt away from Blizzard, snarling.
"Why is there an outsider in our territory?" He asked aggressively. He was tired and confused and broken by the tragedy, and his patience had been worn down to a single thread.

Posted 2022-11-15 18:23:06
Her moss deer moved forward to him, the weird light globe that floated around her burned brighter. "I am NOT an 'outsider," Blizzard said angrily, "I am the leader of The Birch Pack, for your information." Blizzard her drew herself tall and glared at him. Her jewelry covering her body shone in the light.


Posted 2022-11-15 18:26:39
she looked at sun at fiirst she was sad but then a huge bit of anger rose  and she growled "so fast to judge arnt u if i had a choice i would have stayed and if u think that i did it than good for your stupid rat brained pomeranian!'' she snarled '' and as for being a coward WOULD u try to fight a bear HUH that bear would have killed us both and alo did u ever perhaps think of how i feel u u- i cant even describe u at this point'' she growled then looked at blizzard and added ''and instead of being a actual idiot how about u politely ask who they are u snub nosed rat!'' she the glared at sun

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2022-11-15 18:28:30 (edited)
Talon watched sun and leaped in front of him, protecting the two she wolves. "Leave them sun, what would Apollo say right now" the huge old wolf growled.

Posted 2022-11-15 18:30:51
Confused and tired from both the seemingly endless drama as well as the sudden appearance of the strange wolf who claimed to be a pack leader, Lark unsteadily sat down. He was sure he was losing his sanity from every single weird thing that had happened today.

[[I am legitimately confused as to what's going on right now.]]


Posted 2022-11-15 18:33:11
Talon looks at the two she wolves. "You ladies okay?" The huge old wolf asked still looking at Sun.

Posted 2022-11-15 18:33:30
Leach "Hi I am leach I can't hear but I will sign if you know how to respond to me what others say" the mela wolf said with glee and moved her paws
spider in the garden

Posted 2022-11-15 18:33:35
Blizzard walked over to Alaska and whispered in her ear, "Yeesh who stuck a stick up his butt?" She nodded her head towards Sun.


Posted 2022-11-15 18:34:00
she was practically turning into fire she was so anger and sad and so many other things she also wanted to rip suns throat out for saying what he did

Ghost of the lost

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