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{Wolf RP} Closed

Posted 2022-10-29 03:11:46
Moon was sitting in the den,  watching over her pups as they played with each other when Alibi came to her "Hi Alibi! I am fine just a bit tired." She said then stopped for a moment "It would be appreciated if you can take care of these pups, I need some sleep. Pups come here! Say hi to Alibi." She said gently.

Boss trotted to the herbalist "Hey..." He said with an eye roll She's very boring! I wish she doesn't start teaching us moral values.

Warrior trotted behind Boss and sniffed the herbalist "Hi!" He said excitedly then started chewing the wolf's tail.

Posted 2022-10-29 03:16:24 (edited)
Alibi smiled and gently pried the tiny pup off her tail.
"Alright, I can do that," she said agreeably. "Wanna go check out the herb den? There's a few toys in the back, I'm pretty sure." She stretched, leading the young pups to her den, a large hollow oak tree with an entrance near the roots, camouflaged by vines. It was overgrown, covered in moss and roots and vines. Flowers bloomed in between every root.
"C'mon in," she said with a gentle smile.

Posted 2022-10-29 03:59:22
Warrior found a beautiful red flower so he took it with him "Hey look what I found!" He said to Alibi and Boss then showed them the flower.

Boss growled and trotted to his brother "Now what?" He rolled his eyes then saw a flower "It's just a flower!" He snarled the sat in a corner.

Posted 2022-10-29 04:02:42 (edited)
"Cute," Alibi said, patting him gently. She reached back and grabbed a little mouse made of moss.
"Here," she said, her voice a bit muffled by the toy. "You can play with this. I need to mix some herbs, but if you want to talk I can do that too."

Posted 2022-10-29 04:28:01
Warrior attached the flower to Alibi's tail then looked at the herbs. He trotted towards them and licked one of them curiously, it was sour! He coughed as he licked it "This herb is not tasty!" He said to Alibi.

Boss grabbed the mouse toy and began attacking it as if he was hunting. He wasn't bothered about what would other people think about him? He just kept on attacking it until it broke "Hey! I need a new mouse! This one is broken!" He said to the herbalist.

Posted 2022-10-29 04:35:37
"Don't eat those!" Alibi yelped. "Which one was it?" She glanced up at the rows of drying herbs. "Oh, that one. It's safe. Thank goodness." She sighed in relief. "Don't touch anything, some of this is poisonous unless prepared properly."
She looked down at the moss mouse.
"Ah, that's a shame. It wasn't broken until a moment ago…" she raised her eyebrows at the pup.

Posted 2022-10-29 05:11:28
Boss looked at his feet "Fine! I broke it! But I was just playing!" He said.

Warrior looked at Alibi curiously "What is 'poisneos' or whatever it was?" He asked, licking the herbalist's tail.

Posted 2022-10-29 05:16:23
Alibi sighed. Maybe it had been a mistake to agree to take care of two cubs.
"Poisonous means don't eat it. Or lick it. Or touch it, or pretty much anything, or else you'll get sick."
She turned to Boss. "Here's something else," she said, producing a little bundle of feathers and a squirrel tail. "Don't play too rough or you won't get any more toys," she warned, gently patting him and letting him play.

Posted 2022-10-29 06:02:43
Boss bit Alibi's paw as she tried to pat him then grabbed the toys and sat in a corner and began playing with them.

Warrior tilted his head "If I get sick will I die?" He asked another question.

Posted 2022-10-29 06:16:46
Alibi shook the paw that Boss bit. Luckily, his teeth were small and blunt, and no blood was drawn.
"Don't bite people," she admonished him in a scolding tone, then let him play. Turning to Warrior, she tapped her claws on a few herbs, picking them from their bundles and putting them in a bowl along with water. She began to crush them, making circling motions with a stick.
"That depends on which ones you eat." She pointed at one. "That's nightshade. If you eat that, you'll most likely die. That one, on the other paw," she pointed at a plant that was growing in a sectioned-off corner, "is poison ivy. If you touch that, you'll get a very bad rash and it'll itch a lot, but you won't die."

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