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Chase The Storm (Plotting)

Chase The Storm (Plotting)
Posted 2022-10-25 12:43:34 (edited)


1. Be respectful.(this one should be a given, dont run off killing other wolves or making plots on your own.)
2. Don't kill a wolf without permission from the wolf's roleplayer
3. Stick to the naming systom for the names pleaseYou can find the naming systom here
4. please keep this lit-semi to lit. I'd say at least 4 sentinces.
5. ONE StormyNight/StormyLight wolf per person
6. 3 Character slots per person
7. ~more rules will be added as i see fit~

This String is for plotting, we will be starting with no real plot, but as we go on ideas and bonds will form and(eventually) break. Betrayal will be something some become fermilair with, while other darker souls will be pulled into the light.
character develoupment is something i hope to see a lot of :)

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