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Darcer's Land hunting den ❄️ DIRECT LINK TO SALE

Darcer's Land hunting den ❄️ DIRECT LINK TO SALE
Posted 2020-10-26 10:16:33 (edited)

D A R C E R' S   L A N D   H U N T I N G    D E N

It's winter, your wolves are starving. This summer was particularly hard, the lack of water killed all the prey and the fall was just as dry. Now, it's the start of winter and your wolves have only held out with squirrels and mice. The hunters are too tired to hunt and the pups are dying. You gather your wolves together and break the news : either they star proud and try to survive the winter until spring comes, or they try to find help. The wolves are all discouraged and worried. There are debates and you explain that if disease hits the pack, all of the wolves might die. You get a small team together and go search for help. It's a difficult journey and even you think you're not going to make it.

One evening, after two days on the road, you and your wolves arrive in a snowy clearing. You settle down to spend the night when you suddenly smell an unfamiliar scent. A big, thick furred wolf walks into the clearing and sits down. After a few seconds he calmly asks you who you are and what you want. You respond with suspicion that you are looking for a pack. He replies that he is the alpha of a pack. You hesitate for a few seconds looking at your friends before asking for help, explaining the situation. He agrees to help you and leads you to his territory. You and your wolves are very nervous in the company of this great unknown alpha, and you follow him carefully. You arrive in a ditch, populated by a fairly large pack. They all look at you suspiciously but the leader leads you straight to a cream wolf, with an annoyed look...

D e t a i l s  :

  • please read /!\
  • 1 use = 3sc 
  • 400sc:1gc
  • i only sell full-uses of carcasses
  • the link below shows what is available at the time, so if you don't feel like it theres no need to post

P r i c e s  :

hover the images to see the names of the carcasses.

Current Sales

  • Stoat (1 use) - 3sc
  • Grouse(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Hare(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Opossum(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Pheasant F(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Rabbit(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Porcupine(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Muskox Calf(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Turkey(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Small Doe(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Seal pup(10 uses) - 30sc
  • Pronghorn Buck(10 uses) - 30sc
  • Seal(15 uses) - 45sc 
  • Bighorn Sheep Ewe(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Blacktail(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Mule Deer(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Mountain Goat(16 uses) - 48sc
  • Dall Sheep(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Horse(18 uses) - 54sc
  • Caribou Bull(20 uses) - 60sc
  • (20 uses) - 60sc
  • Moose Bull(24 uses) - 72sc
  • Moose Cow(24 uses) - 72sc
  • Agouti(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Gull(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Muskrat(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Pheasant(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Quail(4 uses) - 12sc
  • Weasel(1 use) - 3sc
  • Beaver(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Boar(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Peccary(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Turkey Hen(8 uses) - 24sc
  • Swine(10 uses) - 30sc
  • Pronghorn Doe(10 uses) - 30sc
  • Whitetail(10 uses) - 30sc
  • BighornSheepRam(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Deer Doe(12 uses) - 36sc
  • Donkey(16 uses) - 48sc
  • Tapir(16 uses) - 48sc
  • Elk Cow(16 uses) - 48sc
  • Gator(20 uses) - 60sc
  • Caribou Cow(20 uses) - 60sc
  • Elk Bull(20 uses) - 60sc
  • Crocodile(20 uses) - 60sc
  • Muskox(24 uses) - 72sc

D e t a i l s :

Closed usually 2 days a week to reload stocks but it can be just 1 days, depends on the inventory.

If you have any questions, you can post or pm me, i'll gladly respond!


Posted 2020-11-01 21:37:16

I’d like to purchase a stoat please


Posted 2020-11-02 03:55:59

@EdenFayt #19964 : Ofc, i'm setting a trade. Thx for buying here ! :) 


Posted 2020-11-12 04:19:02
Hello, can I buy some sheep and deers carcasses?

Posted 2020-11-17 04:46:21

Hello! Is the regular deer doe (not small doe) still available? :)


Posted 2021-11-02 06:30:21
I'd like to purchase the turkey hen if it is still available

Posted 2021-11-02 09:47:21
@hallowed-starlight #27144 : Hi !! you can see what's available with the link, however right now there's no trades as i'm under a makover of my hunters :)


Posted 2021-11-09 22:48:20
may I purchase 1x agouti please?

Posted 2021-11-10 03:59:39
@Uexyu #4415 : Hi ! I currently don't have any agouti carcasses, you can see what's available with the link.


Posted 2021-11-11 15:47:03
Do you have two full use pronghorn buck carcasses?

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