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╔══ஓ๑ In The Dark [CS] [open!] ๑ஓ══╗

╔══ஓ๑ In The Dark [CS] [open!] ๑ஓ══╗
Posted 2022-11-06 16:43:05 (edited)

DO NOT post anything OTHER than a character sheet here - you will be rejected immediately. Questions go into the OOC thread.

out of character!
character sheets!
in character!

The smell of snakes, blood, and ash invades your senses as you approach the dark entrance. Mask pulled over your nose, leaving just cold eyes to gaze at the guards before you. A few minutes later and you're pacing down a dark hallway, the calls of merpeople in pools, jeering half-wolves surrounded by their pack, avians crowing and fluttering all following your steps. A heavy knocker on the door before you and it's pushed open soon enough.

A dimly lit room, desk tucked against a wall, wide window overlooking the crowd and activity below. A pool taking over half the room. Clearing your throat awkwardly, something - someone - in the pool moves. Snake's tail shifting beneath the dim water before a feminine face turns to look, slit eyes and all angles.

"Perfect." The Naga hissed, a wave towards someone near the walls and a chair is brought forward, a small tray with drinks and various food upon it.

"I have a job for you."


current characters:
✦ Erytha // Queen of the Underground [Naga] - phrog
Styx Lepidoptera // The Great Witch of the Underground [Moth Humanoid] - angel
Sigris [ability user // communication with felines] - tiger
Ichabod // The Wind of the Gallows [harpy] - heehoo
Préachán // [The Underworld Spirit] [vampire/shifter] - enjolras

character sheet [set up]

- you can be half of a creature! half avian: feathered ears, decreased weight (hollow bones), increased stamina and strength but no full wings. will need a description of a half creature though!
- any creature at all, so long as you can explain them+they are 'real' in folklore or otherwise. dragons will not be allowed or anything that big UNLESS you pm and we discuss it
- shifters can only shift into one animal, not any
- you can be human but you will need to prove that you are willing to help Erytha and their cause
- you may need a human form if you are a merperson or some way of disguising wings/unnatural appendages

gender + pronouns:
abilities (e.g: slight control of water for merpeople):


name: Erytha

aliases: The Underground Queen, Whisper

gender + pronouns: ??, she/they

sexuality: ??

age: ??

creature: Naga

appearance: Erytha has a very angular body and face, pale skin with dark slitted eyes and pitch black hair framing their face. small scales dot her face, generally along her cheekbones and along their hairline. piercings cover their ears, gold chains draped across their hair, ears and even lining their body. to match the glamour of these accessories, a black almost bralette covers their chest, providing armour with hidden metal forged by their personal blacksmith to remain light but protective, covering what her dark scales fall away from. speaking of scales, from about her stomach, a thick anaconda's tail extends in place of legs. it's much longer than normal legs and the dark scales match well with the underground. she does have small scales running up her spine and reaching just above her stomach but only some, not a truly scaled torso.

abilities (e.g: slight control of water for merpeople): slight convincing abilities, should they catch your eyes and hiss a command you will be very inclined to do so - takes a lot of mental strength to keep that task in someone's mind for a while but she is able to do so. humans are easier to exert that ability onto but they won't shy away from forcing another creature to their will. one of the reasons she's known as Whisper, quiet discussions passed in dark alleys about the Whisper coming to rid you of free will.

weakness: unknown, she isn't meant to be a main part of this and if i decide that they'll be hurt or killed then i'll do it

motivator: unknown, she isn't meant to be a main part of this and if i decide that they'll be hurt or killed then i'll do it

other: 'runs' the underground. past may be revealed later but she took over with blood and fury, quiet persuasion passing her lips to send various stately undergound officials away from the city, lost in the wilds or sent to the ocean.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-11-06 18:30:49 (edited)
name: Styx Lepidoptera [This name is unknown to the public]

aliases: The Great Witch of the Underground, Bewitcher

gender + pronouns: Birth gender unknown, They/Them

sexuality: Unknown

age: Unknown

creature: Moth Humanoid

appearance: No one is exactly sure of what they look like, everyone has a different description. And when you've been witch for as long as they have, and done as many spells as them, you tend to pick up a few tricks. They wear a long cloak that disguises all of their features, decorated in skull ornaments and other trinkets. Their wings are the only thing visible, and the markings covering them resemble the ones on a death head moth's.

When they pull their hood down,  their shock of white hair reaches down to the middle of their back. Styx wears an obsidian mask that covers their entire face, the only breaks in it are the eye and nose holes. Otherwise, it's a completely smooth surface. Their eyes are a blinding white, almost blending in with their sclera. But it's clear they can still see.

abilities (e.g: slight control of water for merpeople): Flight; Charms and spells of all sorts, they're considered the most powerful witch of the many ages they've been alive. And though people have tried to surpass them, no one has succeeded. Which is why most of the residents of both places go to them for help, no matter the situation.

weakness: Bright lights cause them to become disoriented, like a deer in headlights, hence why they live in the underground. They are unable to fly if their wings become wet, and have to wait, possibly hours, for them to dry. If they do an intense amount of magic in one day, they become burnt out, and may pass out even if it's a dire situation.

motivator: family [Phrog, if you'd like to know more about this pm me bc I'd like it to stay a secret for now]

other: Said to be a descendant of the infamous mothman, but no one is completely certain

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-11-06 18:47:37
accepted!! very interested in them and how they'll go in this!!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-11-06 20:15:39 (edited)
hi i want to join i am Yix a fellow traveler


3 (wolf years)


as a young pup her pack kicked her out for falling in love from a wolf from a other pack she left gathering herbs and trinkets she has no one to viset or to live with
spider in the garden

Posted 2022-11-06 20:20:07
This is not about travellers at all, I think you have the wrong thread. Please do not reply here again, either go to the OOC thread or send a PM.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-11-06 20:21:12

Your character is rejected. Please do not post here or in any other threads regarding this roleplay again.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-11-07 17:38:41 (edited)
name: Zara

aliases: She has none for herself and has no idea if the locals have given her one yet. (AKA I haven't figured it out yet :P)

gender + pronouns: Female, she/her

sexuality: Bisexual

age: 24

creature: Shapeshifter/werecreature

appearance: Short in stature, and an average build. Her eyes are a deep green with hints of gold flecks in them. She has a soft face with rounded features. Her black hair is a jumble of waves and curls, usually loose and falling down around her neck and back. She has a black cloak with a fur collar, and the inside being rich green, being rather long and always trailing behind her. Due to her upbringing, she has somewhat expensive taste. Having fancy clothing, plenty of (well hidden) jewelry, and various tattoos on her, one notable one being in the shape of a roaring big cat on her shoulder blade, though not many have ever seen it.

abilities: A werecreature, her animal form is a black panther, specifically a jaguar. 

weakness: She isn't the most cautious, always knowing she can rely on her were-form to get out of bad situations. This leads to her getting into reckless and dangerous situations rather often. She is an act first, think later kind of person.

motivator: Wanting to escape her past life she wants to have a fresh start and make a name for herself in this new city. She also hopes to get more in touch with her non-human side and has a penchant for being an action seeker, always up for some excitement.

other: personality wise, she is rather impulsive, both with actions and words. She often blurts out the first thing that comes to mind when talking, rather than thinking it through. This leads to her being blunt and direct sometimes. She enjoys sarcasm and also loves poking quips or joking with people, though this is is more a sign of her friendship rather than any ill intent. She doesn't think very far into the future, but rather likes to live in the moment. Despite being rather spontaneous most of the time, she has a quiet, almost sad or melancholy, undertone to her personality and mannerism that she finds hard to hide.
(Also open to in-RP romances for her)


Posted 2022-11-07 17:45:10
mmm exciting, accepted!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-11-07 21:33:36 (edited)
((My apologies, this is a bit of a work in progress!! I'll keep going, just want to get it started.))

name: Ichabod
aliases: The Wind of the Gallows, the Ghost of the North, probably some other cool-sounding thing that he is less known for, and more likely refers to himself as.
gender + pronouns:
Male, he/him
Looks to be about 27, but if you were to ask him he'd say "it's been a while."
appearance: The head and torso of a man, and the legs, feet, and wings of a shrike. The bird aspects human sized, of course. He prefers to stay in his true form, sometimes at the risk of not blending in. Ichabod would much rather wear a large black poncho and Ill-fitting pants and boots rather than have a fully human form. He does, begrudgingly, have a slender body type with arms covered in a spray of freckles instead of sunburn. His hair is red and wavy, a few weeks outgrown, but not yet covering his green eyes. He has the face of a troublemaker. There is something about his large, hooked nose and the angles of his face. He does not look trustworthy.
As a full harpy, he gains the full black mask of the shrike on his skin. His wings are light grey with black tips. He can only fly for short distances on his own, and does not have usable hands in this form. Instead, he'll use his feet when able to.
abilities (e.g: slight control of water for merpeople):
In Greco-Roman mythology, they were possibly wind spirits or ghosts. He has the ability to control wind, but can only push the amount of one person. That, or he may choose to lift himself and levitate rather than walk.
Hubris, probably. He has no hands sometimes, which may or may not be an issue.
Ichabod likes a bit of excitement. He's a loose cannon, but can be a very helpful one if he's up for it. While he does have a moral compass, he is more likely to do what is easy, or beneficial to himself.
other: tweet tweet
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-11-07 21:37:16
oooh funky, accepted!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

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