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Making Yellowstone Wolves in the Wardrobe

Making Yellowstone Wolves in the Wardrobe
Posted 2022-11-10 20:24:24
So I've always loved Yellowstone's wolves, and I love making realistic wolves in the wardrobe, so I decided to try my hand at turning real wolves into Wolvden designs. I found all of my references here or from the National Park Service.

856M, from Lamar Canyon Pack
how to recreate it

926F, from Lamar Canyon Pack
how to recreate it

832F, from Lamar Canyon Pack
how to recreate it

Agate Peak Pack member (unknown)
how to recreate it

Likely more to come


Posted 2022-11-11 09:21:17
I know 856M from Wolfquest! Really nice designs and such a good idea!


Posted 2022-11-12 14:45:20
These are really beautiful, you did a great job!! Super cool


Posted 2022-12-03 17:38:32
I was wondering if someone would try to do this!! These are all so lovely!! I love the wolf watching community around Yellowstone so much and hope to get involved with it eventually :'^) I'll never forget going and seeing my first wolf in the wild.


Posted 2022-12-03 18:55:30
Thanks everyone! Here are a couple more:

1229F (or 1276F, potentially) from Junction Butte Pack
How to recreate it

"White Female" From Wapiti Lake Pack (who was 12 years old in 2020! Not sure if she is still alive, though)

How to recreate it

1005F, from Carnelian Creek Pack. She was black in her younger years, but I used a photo from her around age 7.

How to recreate it


Posted 2022-12-03 18:58:19
I think 1005F is my favorite you've done so far.. 1229F is also a real beaut too.
All these wolves are so gorgeous though!


Posted 2022-12-03 18:59:34
Thanks! I'm totally jealous that you've actually been wolf watching. I live an hour from the park and have never seen a wild wolf. Unfortunately it looks like most of the wolf watching communities are in Montana, and I'm on the Wyoming side. Bummer!


Posted 2022-12-03 19:19:03
Well, I got lucky… I went right after the park reopened after Covid happened, so the animal activity was off the charts! I remember telling my mom, "All I want is just to see a wolf" and then a few minutes later, one trotted across the road in front of us. Later that day, I also watched two wolves hunting some small critter in tall brush. It was amazing!!! We also saw sooo many bears, especially grizzlies!

I wish I lived out there to actually wolfwatch like the pros though. I went to Lamar Valley and a NPS person let me look through their binoculars to see one of packs and their pups. They'd had a record number of pups, so everyone was super, super excited! It reminds me of football tailgating.. except this I could actually get behind haha.

I'm so jealous that you live so close though!!! I'd love to live out west someday! I do hope you eventually see a wolf though! It's a very special moment and feeling, I'll definitely say.


Posted 2022-12-05 08:43:53
Awesome new additions!! I'd love to see any other ones you plan on creating :o


Posted 2022-12-05 09:02:48
I have a custom wolf based on the Wolfquest coat that's modeled after 856M!

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