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📌 Rhallwyn´s Custom Decor Shop - Open

Posted 2022-11-26 03:43:09

New recolors on the way!


Posted 2022-11-29 16:48:13 (edited)
Heya! I was wondering how much a pair of gold/silver (possibly metal) wings would be? ^^ Or white wings w/ golden tips? Preferably a public decor.


Posted 2022-11-29 21:37:05
Hey Orion :D

The metal wings is Complex accessories/decorations
As Metal I would take 200 GC
A realistic 180 GC 
Both prices as Type B: Sell rights by me.
I hope I can you help with my answere 😀


Posted 2022-11-29 22:29:10
Of course! I'll have to keep this in mind for when I can afford the entire price. :)


Posted 2022-11-29 22:30:52
All right make that :D


Posted 2023-01-05 23:51:59
Is it possible to be put on the list for a "Very small accessories/decorations" commission on all 3 adult poses? It would just be a necklace :)


Posted 2023-01-05 23:58:00
How much would commissioning 2 red heeler custom decors (one sitting down, one standing up, separate decors)  be on a default adult pose :3 ?

°•Łady Rızzwart•° 💝 [NC]

Posted 2023-01-06 00:41:00
Hey Slothie #2938
Sure that I can do. Only think Atm I work on 4 Comissions so I need a litle bit time for finish it :D if it ok than send me pleas a PM with more informations :😀

Hey 𓆏Lady FizzWart [Z.F]𓆏 #79157
The quetion is wich Type of Comission did you want?
But if they have no collar or somethink than:
120 GC = Type A: Private Commissions
70GC = Type B: Public Commissions - with crafting and selling rights for me
220GC = Type C: Public Commissions - with crafting and selling rights for you


Posted 2023-01-06 00:44:05
Type B seems good 😀

When I get 65 I'll PM you? (I have 5 gc atm!)

°•Łady Rızzwart•° 💝 [NC]

Posted 2023-01-06 00:46:15
Sounds good amd take your time! I want the payment first after the sketch.
And the price is per dog (forgott to say sorry)
And how I say, I have atm some comissions to do. So you can pm me when you have the GC and don't rush ❤️


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