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Traveling Wolves Lore and Companions

Traveling Wolves Lore and Companions
Posted 2022-11-21 09:11:54 (edited)

Welcome, I'm GothiccBambi

I'm just keeping a log of all the traveling wolves I've taken in. My packs name is "Symbiotic Harmony" because any and all wolves who come in will get a COMPANION :). Enjoy reading the lore!
-You may PM me to take in your traveler.
-I will provide your traveler with: a companion of my choice (with a name), food and amusement!
-If you do want a specific companion, a fee will apply so I can acquire it.
-Please don't remove the companion OR change the name/lore.

My travelers

Artemis and Cosmos

Decor: Overgrown den, Pouch, Cosmos the lunar beaver
Joined: 11.22.22
Stats: 487 ->
Artemis was discovered within a thicket, curled tight and shivering, by Balish and his ravens as they were surveying the territory. At the sound of movement, the tiny pups head shot up and dust eyes widen at the sight of the large horned King. Ryker and Ryane came to rest on his back as he lowered his head closer to the female and a soft whine filled the space between them; the pup trying to scurry backwards with panicked whimpers.

"Fear not little one, my name is Balish and these two are Ryker and Rayne; companions of mine. Are you lost or hurt?" Though daunting in appearance, the males rumbling voice was gentle and welcoming. Slowly Artemis rose to her feet, body trembling from the cold and hunger, and tiptoed closer with her tail tightly tucked.

"My…my name is Ar-artemis. I got separated from my family during the storm. I-I-I'm lost and hungry." Her tiny voice broke with the threat of tears as she lowered to the ground and timidly crawled closer to Balish. The ravens fluttered down to her side and chittered while beginning to groom the leaves and grass from her fur.

"Do not fear little Artemis, you are safe now. If you wish, you can call Symbiotic Harmony home, but for now let's get you out of the cold and food in that belly." Balish delicately grabbed her scruff and turned to head back home with a quickened pace; his Lunar companions darting ahead with cosmic cries.

Many seasons have since passed and the once timid pup grew into a creative and confident adolescent. She had indeed been welcomed with loving paws and Artemis felt like this had always been her family. With her tail raised high and wagging, Artemis adjusted her leather pouch once more then proudly walked forward and bowed before the entire pack.

"Today our beloved Artemis stands before us as a strong young lady. You have been studying and training for this day for many seasons now, and have proven yourself well. For this you are granted the permission of being a Traveler, in the name of this pack, for 5 years. At which time you will return home to share your knowledge." Balish spoke as proud as his eyes glowed, and he stepped forward to embrace Artemis in a long hug. "Before you leave however, we bestow upon you your own companion. His name is Cosmos and he will aide you in your travels but also guide you back home no matter how far you go."

From behind her came a lunar beaver. His cool gradient fur shimmered like the night and he chittered while grabbing her leg and nuzzling. Artemis beamed with excitement; nose touching against Cosmos's before attention resumed to the King.

"Thank you so much, Balish and everyone else. I wouldn't be here today if isn't wasn't for all of you. I promise we'll do you proud!" And with that she bowed once more, pivoted upon her heels and bounded off to start her adventure.

Posted 2022-11-21 09:20:24 (edited)

Decor: Mount Snowdon background; Gracie the Scottish Fold
Joined: 11.19.22
Left: 11.23.2022
Stats: 369 -> 373
The young female cautiously entered into the Symbiotic Harmony territory and was discovered, almost immediately, by the gentle Queen with a jaguar cub in toe. Trille lowered her head in respect and waited for the other to speak first.
Eyeing the newcomer for a moment, Hypnosis bowed her head back and lips curled into a welcoming smile.

"Good morning young one, my name is Hypnosis and this is Chalice. I am the Queen of these lands; what brings you to us?" 
Both stepped closer to the female and Chalice waited for a nod before further approaching Trille to examine. Trille smiled back and leaned down to sniff the jaguar before resuming her attention on the older female.

"My name is Trille and I am but a humble traveler, my lady. Going from pack-to-pack in an effort to assist for a few day. I mean no harm and will continue on my way if you wish."

A soft chuckle emitted from the Queens lips and she beckoned Chalice back before raising her tail into a happy wag.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Trille. We could use the help as winter approaches. In return, Balish and I will provide you with anything you may need. Please, follow me."
She then turned and headed further into the swamp; Chalice and Trille in toe.


At the end of her stay, Trille came before Balish and gave a deep bow of respect.
"I owe you a great deal of thanks, King Balish. My time with your pack has been homely, exciting and rewarding."

The horned king approached the young wolf and bowed his head before gently touching his muzzle to the side of hers; stepping back and wearing a sweet, tho fanged, smile.

"It has been our honor and pleasure, Miss Trille. You have helped us greatly and it saddens us to see you go. Know that you will always be welcomed here and as a sign of our thanks, we present you with Gracie; a traveling companion."

From behind the mountainous male came a grey kitten with folded ears and sapphire blue eyes. It's tail was raised and quivering with excitement. Gracie wove herself between the King's legs, purring softly, and paused for a loving hug before trotting to Trille.

"Be safe in your travels and help each other. Farewell, ladies." And with that he gave a deep bow of his own then escorted the odd pair to the edge of the territory. Staying for a moment, he watch as they disappeared into the foliage then respectfully nodded his head with a content sigh.


Decor: Background, Pouch, Willow the Irish Setter
Joined: 11.21.22
Left: 11.24.2022
Stats: 321 -> 323
Padding along at a leisurely pace, the adolescent had been trained as a Traveler and was now on her first journey to find a pack. Her paws were sore from the long walk and the bitter winter was taking it's tole. Ocean paused by a large tree just outside the swamps line, let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the thick trunk for a small break. Her eyes closing for what she thought was only a few moments.

A rustling of the foliage startled her up right and tail stiffened as ears laid cautiously to the side. From the shadows came a uniquely merle patterned female; decorated in herbs and foliage with a lunar owl perched contently on the rump. She was talking to herself, or the owl, when she almost ran into the grey adolescent.

"Oh my! I am so sorry young one! I was simply lost in thought." Idun stuck her muzzle closer to the newcomer and tail began to wag in a welcoming, though cautious, manner. "My name is Idun and this is Richter, we're the herbalists of Symbiotic Harmony. What brings you here on such a cold day? Are you hurt?" Her tone was curious and caring.

"Um…yes, hello ma'am! My name is Ocean and I come as a traveler so that I may learn and assist!" Ocean now stood proud with a smile upon her maw and tail wagging eagerly. The sudden show of confidence caused a chuckle from the older female and her companion.

"What a pleasure you are. As it would happen, I'm in need of an assistant. My pack and I will keep you safe, fed and entertained in exchange. Please, come with us." Ocean's smile grew as she followed the herbalist deeper into the swamp.

At the end of her stay, Ocean had acquired not only an abundance of knowledge in Herbalism, but many friends and connections. The pack was very welcoming and never excluded her or her needs. Ocean awoke to a beam of light warming across her muzzle; noticing immediately that Idun and Richter had already left the den. She rose, shaking the sleep from her brain, and yawned deeply as she trotted into the morning.

"Oh wonderful! You've awaken! We, and on behalf of the entire pack, have a surprise for you! Please, come come!" Idun never ceased to be the embodiment of a beautiful spring afternoon and she spoke with such a motherly tone now. Ocean's yawn blended into a chuckle before she stretched one more time and ran to catch up. They came to a small clearing where they usually foraged, and from underneath a tree rose a copper haired Irish Setter.

"This is Willow. She's here to be your companion and assist you on your travels. I'm sad to see you go, but I know you will do amazing things. Thank you for all that you've done, Ocean." With a soft wine, Idun licked Ocean's muzzle then beckoned Willow over. Once the two were ready, Idun escorted them to the territories edge and Ocean embraced her mentor with one more hug before starting out on her travels. Willow trotted along Ocean's flank with a happy bark and tail blissfully wagging.


Decor: Zilos the Lunar jaguar cub
Joined: 11.25.22
Left: 11.28.2022
Stats: 361 ->
Eager and full of zest for his upcoming travels, the young male carried along in a joyful gait. The season had changed to winter but it made no difference to Jasper; he watched his breath form little clouds before trailing off. In his distraction, the male bumped into the furred hide of a large lunar stag. The stag let out an ethereal bellow and from nearby bushes popped up the head of a long eared female.

Her eyes were different colors and long fangs were holding onto a deceased rabbit. Trotting forward, her ears went back cautiously and she dropped the prey at the hooves on the stag; he seemed oddly calm around wolves. "You're not from here, what brings you into Symbiotic Harmony territory?" She spoke matter of fact and extended her muzzle to better take in the new comers scent.

Suddenly feeling cautious, Jasper wagged his tail in a lower state and gently bowed his head with a soft whine. " Hello ma'am, my names Jasper and I'm here as a traveler. Looking for a pack to take me in so I can learn and help. I mean no harm." The pandaed lady stepped closer now with ears raised and tail wagging in a welcoming manner.

"Ah! How fun, we just had a few travelers leave. We could happily use the hunting help. This winter's been a cold one." Tessellate's maw slipped into a smile and she bowed her head. "I'm Tessellate by the way and this is my companion, Pharos. Follow us and we'll get you settled in." Pharos followed at the female's flank and Jasper, noticing she left the rabbit, scooped it up and trotted behind.

The days had seemed to fly by in a blink for Jasper, and now he was at the end of his stay with Symbiotic Harmony. For his first travel, this had been an amazing experience and he only hoped his stops from here on out would be just as rewarding. The young blue male stepped away from the rest of the Rebel hunting group and bowed his head respectfully to the King and Queen.

Hypnosis stepped forward with a warm smile and bowed her head back. "It has been an absolute pleasure having you stay with us, Jasper. You've been so helpful and eager to learn that it saddens us to see you leave but we know other packs will love to have you. As a thanks from us to you, we'd like to present Xilos to you."

From the shadows of the trees came a lunar jaguar cub. It loving wove itself between the lady's legs, rub heads with her own jaguar companion then trotted forward and inspected Jasper. The young male repaid the curiosity before returning his attention forward with a large smile.

"Thank you all so much for making my first stop a memorable one; I'm grateful for all you've done for me. Maybe we'll see each other again!" The whole pack chuckled and at that, Balish and Hypnosis beckoned the pair to follow them to the territory edge. With one final hug, Jasper and Xilos bounded off eagerly to their next adventure.

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