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Wings of fire rp

Posted 2023-12-18 20:24:03

he noticed the fall and walked over to the two "Hello" he said "are you okay ?" he asked looking at the white dragon "seems like you have a small gash on your chin mind if i clean that up?" he asked
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 21:39:54 (edited)
"oh, yes yes, i-im alright!" she said as she looks up at him, she turned to the other dragon "i am so sorry! Are you alright?" she asked, her wings buzzed slightly making the cape slide back revealing her four wings, as she took their talon. she wiped her chin smearing some blood on it by the moons, if only i wasnt so clumsy! "I-Im Wasp, and you guys are?" she asked and turned to them both, with a tilt in her head


Posted 2023-12-18 21:42:06
seal  he smiled through his mask "im seal nice to meet you " he got in his medium sized pouch and pulled out some cloth and a bandage  "here for your chin" he handed her the objects
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 21:47:29
"Ah- I'm Hauntress... And I'm fine. Worse has happened to my tail, by the way." She'd smile, running her other talon over her moondrop scale by her eye. "So She's normally clumsy... Got it. Note that down, Hauntress." She thought, before speaking quietly. "Wasp's a pretty name, by the way."


Posted 2023-12-18 21:51:42

he nodded and looked at hauntress  "hmm..Wasp you must be a hivewing of part hivewing." he stated "And some have tail stingers that hold a toxin... do you by any chance have a stinger?" he asked her thoughtfully
hope not there can be venom or nerve toxin but that would have shown .." his mind rambled
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 22:00:07
"T-thank you" she said slightly blushing since she hasnt had a compliment in a while "Its short for White Wasp you see, im part ice wing too" she told them, then she nodded her head to him "i do actually! and i have frost breath to" she said as she moved the cape off her face to reveal half of it dark purple and the other white, she then held her wrists out and her tail out too, stingers slid out of them, she lightly smiled at them "i-is this cool? or no?" oh no... what if they get scared?! or think im a freak? some sort us hybrid that was never meant to be born?1 she thought worriedly looking at them, here black and white eyes dancing between them


Posted 2023-12-18 22:03:39
"Oh-! You're part Icewing as well? Unfortunately I don't have any frost breath or whatever, but yeah, It's fine! I don't mind." Hauntress grinned, moving her robes a bit to show her white side, black freckles adorning it. "Man, Haven't seen another hybrid in a long time."


Posted 2023-12-18 22:12:54
"wow.." she said admiring her beauty "your scales are beautiful.. really they are!" by the moons, i would love to use her in a painting! with a sunset in the back!she thought to herself, she pulled her cape off to reveal her striped body, the sunset fading's from her talons to her shoulders, to the colors under her wings "I dull in comparison to you, ha!"she laughed to herself


Posted 2023-12-18 22:15:25
he laughed "well im full icewing" he said "so where do you guys come from?" he asked
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 22:19:08 (edited)
@  DrxWolfdragon
"Ah, thank you. I don't get that often honestly." Hauntress smiled, listening to her thoughts contently. "An artist too? Man, I'm lucky today!" "You're scales look absolutely gorgeous, like the dusk finally setting in, if you know what I mean. I usually draw sundowns, so yeah! It's easier to portray the night peering in from above, you know? I- Ah, sorry- Went on a bit of a rant-"

@ +Spider in the snow+
"I come from deep in the rainforest, Just getting some groceries for my moms."


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