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Wings of fire rp

Posted 2023-02-21 12:44:51
(( Uh... okay! ))

He watched as Storm took the fruit, only to notice Coyote from the side of his view. Coyote hissed at Cairo, walking towards him.

"Oi, Gila." He said simply. Cairo turned, and offered Storm a nervous smile while explaining the situation. "This is one of my friends, Coyote."

Friend isn't really the right word, but it'll do. He thought.

"Eh, wha'evah." Coyote didn't pay Storm any heed, merely glaring at her and stating. "I swear, da SandWing kingdom needs to stop letting other dragon tribes in. It's gettin' on me nerves."

"Well, what did you need to tell me?" Cairo said quickly.

"Yer needed at work tomorrow." Coyote said with a flick of his tail, adding sternly. "Boss's ordahs."

Never a good thing. Cairo thought grimly.


Posted 2023-02-21 12:50:10 (edited)
storm was paying coyote no heed only staring at cairo like he was the only thing that she could see work? boss? orders? she thought her scales showing no emotion but inside she was interested and a bit annoyed

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-21 12:59:01
He watched Coyote go away and turned back to Storm.

"Sorry about that, I work for a very strict... detective company." He stated quickly.


Posted 2023-02-21 13:03:41 (edited)
storm frowned dang thats just straight boring ''sad an assasin or even a spy would have been cooler'' she yawned bored of being here whats next the ice kingdom she thought

(storm being her -the dangerous jobs are always cooler- self lol)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-21 13:04:41
blind eyes guys clovers awake" she said in the for frame
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-21 13:08:34
He wasn't phased by Storm's belittling comments. A good spy never tells anyone they are. He thought with a sly grin.

He turned to Blindeyes. "Really? That's great. Let's go see her."


Posted 2023-02-21 13:11:33
storm bolted in first no longer sad or even angry just happy her friend was awake hmm whats more interesting spy? or assassin? she thought as she stepped inside were clover was ''hii how do you feel?'' she said smiling for real possibly since the first time since she met clover

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-21 13:16:51
He walked in, flashing Clover plastered-on smile. "Glad to see you're okay." He chimed. He hated being on this side of town, and he found Clover to be annoying. She just had to play the hero and get herself hurt, huh? He thought bitterly.

The doctor came over to the group, nodding. "She seems to be in good health, although I must add, we still need to pay off her emergency room fee. The SkyWing gave all that he had, although we still need 998 more treasure."

Cairo felt those words bring him an actual smile. Serves her right. He thought to his own twisted amusement. He tucked away his own bag of treasure.

"That's unfortunate, but thank you for helping our friend sir." Cairo stated.


Posted 2023-02-21 13:17:42
clover "oh…hey guys how are you?" She managed to say
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-21 13:19:35
storm smiled ''ill pay it'' she said simply with a smile not even glancing at cairo ''ill bring it here tomorrow'' she said ''heh have fun with that'' snorted a sand wing walking past the room ''shut your trap blaze'' she snapped

Ghost of the lost

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