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Wings of fire cs

Posted 2023-10-18 07:32:13 (edited)
Name: Cerail
Tribe: Seawing
Sexuality and Gender: Female and Bisexual
Powers:  animus enchanted object
Age: 5 (15 I think so)
Job: Fisher and hunter
Colors: is a deep blueish black with blue stripes and a blue webbed fish tail with webbed feet and sea tendrils hanging from their front and hind legs.
Extra: Mostly sells fish at the seashore and can hold valuable information
Mate: N/A


Posted 2023-10-18 07:49:40
Tell me more about the bubbles
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-10 12:31:55 (edited)
Name: White Wasp (likes being called Wasp)
Tribe: Ice/Hive Wing
Sexuality and Gender: Bi, she/her
Powers: stinger in tail and wrists, has some ice breath
Age: 5 (14 for the d to h formula)
Job: small artist
Appearance: hive wing build, hetero eyes (one white other black) light blue scales, black stripes in a wasp form, four pairs of IceWings (one is a normal pair while a smaller pair is under, like a silk wings) underwings are a sunset colors, unusually sharp talons, producing top fangs, slightly smaller than other dragons her age, rust fading down her legs (like a fire on her feet) half of her face is dark purple with her white eye on that side
Extra: grew up in a camp with her father(he is a strict icewing), her mother died after she laid the egg, when she was three she left the camp, she has been traveling around towns trying to start a life, she is shy but kind, has an animus touched paint brush (it never runs out of paint and it can switch to the right colors when she asks for the color)
Mate: N/A pending though


Posted 2023-12-11 03:59:35

I have to refuse the animus part and the tribrid for we have max animus and we hav had rocky past with  tribrids before
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-14 20:08:11 (edited)
Name: Hauntress
Tribe: Nightwing/Icewing
Sexuality and Gender: Panromantic and they are nonbinary!! She goes by any pronouns, mainly she and they though! :3
Powers: She is a mindreader, though since she was raised alone by two kind nightwings who took her in she has NO idea how to control it.
Age: 6 in dragon years
Job: Artist, writer!!
Colors: She has a wintery blue on her right side, and deep blue/black on the other! Her right side has small flecks of black, while her left has ice blue stripes! She also has one black eye on her left and one purple on her right!


Extra: She was raised by two old and really sweet nightwings, being taught how to hunt, fight, and also draw!! She is generally really sweet and often hides behind others, and is extremely timid and hates being in the spotlight! She often wears robes to hide her body, and is insecure about herself. If Hauntress gets attached, she can be hyper and really loud, entire personality swap around the dragons she trusts :3
Mate: N/A


Posted 2023-12-14 20:09:28
ill have to deny the animus part but overall shes good
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-14 20:10:59
Alright!! Removed it, sorry- didn't read the post before- :3


Posted 2023-12-14 20:11:46
na your good and you can start when ever
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-17 23:08:40 (edited)
hey, i was wondering if i could fix mine? where she isnt a tribrid and animus? would that be good? or could i make another? if no to either thats okay with me!


Posted 2023-12-17 23:18:49
yeah that would be good
spider in the garden

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