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Wings of fire cs

Posted 2023-12-18 16:08:39
ok, so i just fix her up? and when im done could i join??


Posted 2023-12-18 16:11:45
yes after shes accepted you can join
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 16:12:42
ok, thank you so much!!


Posted 2023-12-18 16:20:51
i fixed it, is that good or no??


Posted 2023-12-18 16:28:07
she seems good so you can start when ever
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-18 20:55:09 (edited)
Name: Stork-ley, Stork usually
Tribe: Seawing/Nightwing
Sexuality and Gender: "Man, I don't care at this point!" -Stork-ley 90% of the time, the other is just unlabeled :3 he uses he/him but honestly? Who even cares, dude?
Powers:Extremely weak mindreading, can only hear Azalea!!
Job: Azalea's Servant. Azalea's mom felt bad for him so she started paying him lol
Colors: Dark blue with some light accents spotted around his body, akin to a piebald mutation. He has black eyes and his snout is dappled.
Extra: Stork is usually brutally honest, Caring when he actually means it, and often yells for zero reason. Also animus-touched so he cannot speak without Azalea's permission, and he "belongs" to Azalea. Though he doesn't tell anyone. He hates it. He also has dreams under Azalea's command.
Mate N/A
Tribe: Icewing/Leafwing
Sexuality and Gender: Aro/Ace and male!!
Powers: Has control over Stork, thanks to being spoiled rotten by his dad. Can enter Stork's dreams and torment him.
Job: None, spoiled and rich :3
Colors: Light green, and dappled with white and yellow spots across his back. He's a much more noticeable hybrid then Stork-ley, and he flaunts it.
Extra: Azalea is a rich menace, gladly willing to manipulate and control other dragons. His only friends needed are his rich buddies, and he is never afraid of anything. He's mean to most, and he proudly drags Stork behind him, claiming he is just a servant. Dreamstalker is the persona he takes while bullying Stork in his dreams, but it's never used outside of that.
Mate: None, never needed :3

Hope they're good, they're based on a song :3


Posted 2023-12-18 21:39:37
Seems good accepted
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-19 18:10:59 (edited)
Name: Nighthuter
Tribe: night wing (part ice wing, barely noticeable)
Sexuality and Gender: gay, he/him
Powers: mind reading, small visions
Age: 8
Job: writer, would like to be a vet
Colors: dark blue with purple fading down the hips to tail on his body, galaxy underwings, sharp talons, bottom fangs showings, big and burly, white eyes, ice wing scales doted hear and there like scattered stars
Extra: grew up alone somewhere in the sky kingdom, met Wasp when she was two (before she left her camp) has been with her since, they are like a family, talons are stained from the inks, he isnt much of a talker, but when he does talk it is hard to understand due to his deep voice and accent
Mate: N/A, not really looking but its pending


Posted 2023-12-19 22:38:04
i suspect hes made for seal .... but he looks good  :]
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-12-19 22:58:47 (edited)
Name: GM
Tribe icewing
Sex male proper
Power can see further others in the tribe.
Age 18
Job research
Color mostly white with blue highlights and one white and one blue eye wears a ring on the left hand small but muscular like heck fastest flyer.
Partner n/a
Extra n/a

Shapeshifter the goldwing

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