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Posted 2022-11-25 07:11:27
So I know it says that it can pass onto puppies; but can it pass on as a carrier or is it dominant only?

Posted 2022-11-25 09:31:07
I bred to a piebald wolf with one of my females and IBFed her.
I checked their carrier status and one popped up saying that it was a carrier but its not showing up under the listing of carrier mutations so I'm not sure which one because I failed to name them before doing so but I know that one of the two pups she had said it was a carrier for the mutation.


Posted 2022-11-25 10:21:55
Oops! Good to make note of then. 😂

Posted 2022-11-25 10:47:19
Piebald can't be carried unfortunately, which is why it doesn't show up to check in Gene's Hollow or in wolves' carrier reports.
It is technically a "dominant" mutation. Only one of the parents has to have it for it to be passed on, unlike the carrier mutations.
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2023-02-15 13:30:49
If I had two piebald wolves breed together can I have a piebald puppy?        Mother      Father
Mini Dachshund

Posted 2023-02-15 16:23:31
Okay so is that why is I scry my two Piebalds the predicted pups show no piebald even tho both parents would be?
*~River Reed~*

Posted 2023-02-15 21:41:43

Yes, Bomdog46, as long as at least one of the parents has the piebald mutation, there is a chance it will pass to a puppy or so in a litter. The parent piebald will pass down only it's type of piebald, so as an example, you can never get an Uneven from a Torn x Torn pairing, however you can have that chance if you have a Uneven x Torn pair. Hope that's helpful!

As for your question River, it's likely that your scries were just unlucky! Piebald is your wolf either has it or it doesn't, and can not be carried, as a reminder.


Posted 2023-02-15 23:35:47
^^mutations don't show up when you scry litters! That includes pie. That does not mean the litter won't have piebalds - I have a few piebald pairings and they've consistently given piebald pups even though they don't show when you scry.

Meg [Azavea]

Posted 2023-02-15 23:37:51
They don't anymore??? They used to; so weird that would be changed! Huh! That was the way we figured out carriers way back before Gene came around, after many trials and error of doing so.

If that is so, then thank you for correcting me, Azavea!


Posted 2023-02-15 23:41:27
I know, I thought they would show and freaked a bit when my pie x pie pairing didnt have any piebald pups scried lol. Several people in chat confirmed it when I asked!
No problem :)

Meg [Azavea]

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