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Guess the Animal!

Posted 2022-12-07 06:19:50 (edited)
Is it an elephant shrew?

This animal is a carnivorous marsupial whose population is threatened by a contagious cancer

Edit: Yep, It was a Tasmanian Devil! Everyone had good guesses :D

Fort- Mostly Inactive

Posted 2022-12-07 17:21:39
Possum? Oppossum? Numbat?

JDoggyGirl (NC)

Posted 2022-12-07 19:12:51
Tasmanian Devil!

This animal is large, monochrome, and social!


Posted 2022-12-08 06:31:22 (edited)
Is it a zebra?
Edit: yep! A whitetail deer!

I'm just going to do the next set of clues. This animal lives in North America. They are an herbivore. They are known for the white underside of their tail.

Posted 2022-12-09 09:25:04 (edited)
Whitetail deer?

The answer was: Thylacoleo carnifex
This animal is an extinct predatory marsupial from Australia and is often compared to lions, its closest living relatives are wombats and koalas


Posted 2022-12-09 11:03:30
Thylacine/Tasmanian Tiger?

Fort- Mostly Inactive

Posted 2022-12-09 11:25:46
not a thylacine, that's all I can say


Posted 2022-12-12 15:38:21 (edited)
Is it a thylacoleo?

It is a cardinal!

This animal is found most commonly in North America. It has bright colors. It is often a symbol of winter.

Posted 2022-12-12 15:41:47 (edited)

yes, it's Thylacoleo carnifex


Posted 2022-12-12 20:01:58
I would NEVER have gotten that, lol. I was guessing thylacine as well.

JDoggyGirl (NC)

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