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Family tree of dead wolves

Family tree of dead wolves
Posted 2022-12-09 18:20:26
When a wolf dies but is in a dynasty the parents of the wolf don't have them listed as there pups, but instead they're just gone. The wolf is still in the dynasty and should still be counted as the wolf's pups, because they're still in the game, just dead.

For example, my dead lead wolf Cinderdawn had a litter of puppies which have now grown up and died, if you look on her "Offspring information section" of her page that litter of puppies isn't on there (if you want proof of the litter here is one of the wolves Poolshine the other wolves in the litter include: Raindrop, Fallingashes, Mintleaf and Ace (who is still on Cinderdawn's page due to my selling them and gifting them to another member who isn't online).

I would like for the Pups/wolves that have died and put in the dynasty to be still registered on the parent's page instead of just losing them all once they've all died. I mean you're still related to your children once they've died right?

Thank you.


Posted 2022-12-11 17:05:08
I was actually surprised this wasn't a thing
I'm going to be very attached to my starter wolf 's (first lead) future lineage but I will only see her daughter listed as her offspring for until as long as she's alive, but I would love for her to stay so I can look back through the family tree—something I do pretty often

I think you have a good idea with it applying only to wolves stored in the dynasty! Don't know much about coding and the system but Im sure its unrealistic to have every offspring ever stored there


Posted 2022-12-12 14:38:39
Support. I have to put links in wolf pages to keep track. Very messy.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-05-07 21:04:40
I was about to make a thread about this, but then saw this one, so a definite support.

My old original lead (who I pulled out of my dynasty and immortalized) doesn't display any of her offspring that are still in my dynasty... despite those wolves linking back to her and her mate just fine, due to the site keeping track of ancestors, but not descendants. I would love to be able to see, directly, which wolves are related to them, alive or not, so long as their information is still saved on-site.


Posted 2023-05-07 21:52:41
This feature would be awesome for players who prolong bloodlines in pack. Before, I used to keep track by checking the logs to see how births were given by ID but I noticed old logs are being erased and this became problematic.


Posted 2023-08-01 10:22:02
Please! I keep an external family tree for my wolves, but it'd be awesome to be able to track the lineages of other people's wolves too, if they're preserved in their dynasties.


Posted 2023-10-19 04:52:38
Bloody Oath


Posted 2024-02-26 01:02:30
There is support, There should be a different list called Dead Biological offspring and Dead Adopted offspring that only contain wolves that have been dynasty'ed

TrueStar (hepatitis)