Wolvden: New beginnings
Posted 2023-02-13 19:38:25 (edited)
"Yeah that's true. Especially about Berry Bark" Aloe said grinning sheepishly. "Have you heard her get mad before Cave Crawler? Because when I've seen her get mad she starts muttering Old Wolf swear word under her breath. It's pretty funny actually." He chuckled. Aloe turned toward Anise. "I don't mind if you um.. look down my throat!" He smiled awkwardly and opened his mouth wide allowing her to look down and see his throat. Aloe pricked his ears up. He could hear something outside the cave and when he turned to look, his brother Kava was standing their, with at least seven deerskin pouches hanging off of him. "Hi Kava!" He said brightly. "How was your foraging trip?" Kava - Grasslands // Galactic Ones Territory Kava slumped into the cave with Aloe. "The foraging trip was fine" He sighed tiredly. Kava turned to Cave Crawler and tipped his head at her. "Nice to see you" He said in his slow, deep, calming voice. Then he turned toward Anise. "And nice to meet you." He said politely. He looked back at Aloe. "Have you noticed all the coyotes around the border?" He questioned his twin. "I got into a bit of a... fight with a couple of 'em" He said, gesturing to a fresh cut on his shoulder. |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-02-13 19:55:16
Anise got a quick glimpse before Aloe turned away. "Oh, wow, those extra flaps of skin must be— wow. It isn't hard to eat?" She asked, before turning to the one named Kava. "Oh no, that looks painful!" She glanced at Cave Crawler. |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |
Posted 2023-02-13 20:27:31
"No, not really too hard to eat. The deformity is only in my wind pipe." Aloe responded, before turning to Kava to examine his cut. While he and Anise were looking at the wound he heard his brother whistle softly. Aloe smiled a little, glad to hear something so familiar to him after a week of not seeing Kava. Kava had a habit of whistling before he talked, and because Aloe had heard this for so long, he had come to realize that the whistling meant something. It showed Kava's emotion. Right now he guessed his brother felt a little annoyed about all the wolves fussing about his cut and Aloe took the hint and backed off. Kava - Grasslands // Galactic Ones Territory Kava whistled softly, a little aggravated. "I can take care of my own wounds, thank you." He said, grumpily and started pulling off the pouches he wore, which contained various herbs, for various reasons, and from various places. He scanned through the pouches until he found the one he was looking for. Kava rummaged through it and pulled out a small yellow herb called St. John's Wort. Next he gently extracted some Yarrow and Winterfat and started mixing the medicine he needed for his shoulder. |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-02-13 21:35:09
She gave a polite nod to Kava who had just entered the cave. Cave Crawler sat by awkwardly. There wasn't much to say in this conversation so she quietly sat at the end of the cave. She simply pawed at the moss bedding she was laying on. Oh boy, can't wait to leave this place either. She thought to herself, now getting a little jealous of Aloe since he was going on a trip. I'd kill for some alone time right now, but it's a shame I can't just leave unless I'm out foraging.. The timber wolf let out a small huff of annoyance, resting her head between her paws. It wasn't that Cece didn't like the company at the moment. It was a few members of her pack that were the issue. It's not like she could simply mention it to Berry Bark either. It was far more complicated than that. After making it back home, Berry entered the herbalist den. She was covered in bite marks, especially around the hind legs. "Goodday everyone." She simply bowed her head at the other wolves before walking straight over to Cave Crawler. The timber shewolf let out a sigh, then began looking through her herb shelves for dandelion and charcoal. It was the best remedy for minor injuries, and Berry didn't appear to have any deep wounds. Without even saying a word to each other, Cece began mixing up a healing salve for Berry Bark while she simply sat in one of the moss beddings. |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2023-02-13 21:51:52
Aloe dipped his head respectfully at the Alpha and he and Kava moved out of the way. "Um... exscuse me Berry Bark, I uh... had a question." He said nervously. "C - Could I um go on a scouting/foraging trip with Anise here?" He continued hopefully and nodded his head at Anise. "Please?" Kava - Grasslands // Galactic Ones Territory Kava moved out of the entrance of the cave when he heard the Alpha coming, to sit next to his brother and finish mixing up his open wound salve. When he finished he spread it on a leaf and applied it to the deep slash on his shoulder. "Coyotes got ya too, I expect?" He called to Berry Bark. |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-02-13 22:00:53
Anise glanced around a little awkwardly. "It's… getting a little cramped in here; I shouldn't take up space. Seems like you can take care of yourselves." She smiled sheepishly and backed out of the cave, shaking her short fur. "Shouldn't take up space with my uselessness…" she muttered softly to herself. |
AnonymousBirb #52367 |
Posted 2023-02-13 22:18:05
Aloe watched Anise leave the cave muttering that she was useless. He hesitated, glancing at his brother before following her outside. Aloe trotted over to where Anise stood. "I um.. I d - don't think your useless" He mumbled and turned to watch his brother leave the cave and head toward his own. "But, I will admit it was getting a bit crowded in that cave" He chuckled. Kava - Grasslands // Galactic Ones Territory Kava packed up his stuff and left the cave shortly after Aloe. He glanced at him and Anise talking together then set off toward his cave. On the way he killed a rabbit for his dinner that night. He pushed aside the curtain in front of his den, dropped the carcass in the corner of his cave for after he settled down. Kava shrugged his many pouches off and stacked neatly in a pile. After finishing the rabbit, he curled up on the deer pelt he slept on and watched his bird, Seajay dart in and out of his cave gathering berries. |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-02-13 23:41:37
Berry nodded at Kava. "Yeah, all eleven of them." She growled slightly, looking at her wounds before turning to Aloe. "Sure, fine. Go ahead on your little adventure." She attempted to hide her anger from before with Setting Suns and the coyotes. She gave a polite smile, watching the wolves leave the den. Her attention turned to Cave Crawler who was still mashing the herbs into a paste. Cece didn't dare look up at the alpha, but she knew her eyes were on her. "Hey, mind hurrying up with that healing salve?" Berry Bark said impatiently, but Cave Crawler remained at the same pace. "Mirage was a better herbalist, y'know?" Cece had an irritated look on her face, but she had her eyes focused on the task. "If Marsh and Setting Suns weren't such incompetent wolves, she would have trained a better pupil out of her offspring." Berry had a slight growl as she spoke. Cece just angrily chewed on the herbs, taking in the insults to her uncles. "She just had to pick you." Berry added, the last word she spoke had bitterness in it. Cave Crawler begrudgingly began covering Berry's wounds with the paste. She had enough of the alpha's trash talking. "Why not force another puppy into taking on a serious role she never asked for?" The timber wolf's voice was a mumble, but loud enough for Berry Bark to hear. Cave Crawler left shortly after, now finished with applying the paste to the wounds. Berry sighed, laying down in the moss bed. Maybe I'm too harsh on her.. She had a saddened expression, watching the young shewolf leave the den. But... her blood is tainted after all. The alpha reassured herself, now with a stern look on her face. |
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2023-02-14 04:39:09
Ash crouched low in the bushes, waiting. She had heard something a little before and wasn't sure what had made the noise, she knew that getting into a fight in her weak state wasn't wise, her Pack needed her... She looked up when she heard something crashing through the woods, then she saw the coyotes chasing a Wolf. Ash jumped up, she hated the sight of coyotes! Despite the fact that she didn't know the wolf that was being chased, Ash silently and swiftly came up on the coyotes from behind and quickly dispatched one before the others realized she was there... {Sorry for not playing for a bit! Things are a little hectic at my house!} |
![]() Maple #111638 |
Posted 2023-02-14 04:48:36 (edited)
Rainborn watched Ash split a coyote off from the others. He stayed under the cover of the trees and when he got close enough, he ambushed them, kicked one and bit the another on the neck, killing it. He dragged it away before continuing to pursue the coyotes. |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |