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Pokemon: Tales of Nine [OOC]

Pokemon: Tales of Nine [OOC]
Posted 2022-12-23 11:13:39 (edited)


Roleplay Page | Character Sheets | OOC Thread

This is the OOC for Pokemon: Tales of Nine.

The OOC is meant for general roleplay chatting, plotting, and character planning. Please do not have off-topic conversations here, do not advertise, and do not be uncivil.


Posted 2022-12-27 13:33:10
Hi there! Do you mind if a first-evolution Pokémon is not a playable character, like Espurr or Wooper? I'm very fond of those two. Also, would you like the game to focus on a certain generation of Pokémon?
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-12-27 13:37:53
No specific generation focus, any generation is fine. And yes, non-playable is accepted so long as they aren't legendary, pseudolegendary, or shiny. Wooper or Espurr would be acceptable!


Posted 2022-12-27 13:40:50
Great! I will start a character sheet soon. Oh! And just so you know, the characters sheet link above links to Starless Sky!
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-12-27 14:10:02
Feel like this is somewhat a stupid question but
Would an alolan((idk how to spell it sorry-)) vulpix he availible? Its my favorite pokemon and i just wanna know

Posted 2022-12-27 14:16:22
Yes, pokemon can be regional forms like Alola/Hisuia. However, Vulpix is limited, so there can only be one Vulpix at a time. So far, none have been created.

I intend to fix the sheet link. Eventually. Tomorrow is my day off from work, my hands are very dry and cracking from bathing dogs.


Posted 2022-12-27 15:21:00
I think I'm just about done with Tarot's sheet- sans her artwork, of course. I made her parents Apollo (father) and Eclipse (mother) sort of the landlords of the Friend Areas. Hope this is ok! I figure these are NPCs we wouldn't really need from the games. I'm totally ok if they end up being needed as roleplay NPCs. I'm imagining they're just sort of a lovey dovey couple who loves their child, Addams Family style.

I'm about to start on Loam's form, her partner. I hope you like them!
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-12-27 15:53:51
Yes, "private landowners" is an acceptable background! I love Tarot's name, considering that she's a psychic type. Everything about her form is great! I still have to complete Ember's myself. I've got a lot to do tomorrow, but hopefully I can squeeze it in between my brother's birthday and my afternoon appointment.


Posted 2022-12-27 16:49:30
Thank you!! Honestly, I just tried to follow the naming conventions you had in your character descriptions. I'm glad you like her!

It's also totally fine if you don't get to it right away. Pretty soon I'll be going on a single night vacation with my boyfriend and some friends to have a Christmas party, so I might be busy anyway. I'll just be here for whenever :) Are you making one for your Eevee too?
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-12-28 14:34:52
Yup, Sidus's character sheet is a WIP. I got my haircut and we're waiting for my brother to come home from work to celebrate his birthday. I also have another RP that just reached its pretty intense climax, so I'm spending a lot of energy on that as well.

Have a good vacation!


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