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West Pine Wolfdog Rehoming Center (Rp Thread)

Posted 2023-02-20 17:40:04
* bullet watched the mountain lions her eyes wide before she circled them to sit down in a small dip in the floor.. she was confused about the fight earlier and hoped the wolves where ok.*

Posted 2023-02-20 18:01:52
*mrror sniffed he air and smled mountain lion heaving herself to her feet she couldnt undersatnd wh she was rushing oover especially when she smelled another wolf she found herself  leapingg onto the mountain lions back she sank her teeth in of course though she easily be thrown off

Posted 2023-02-20 18:05:08
tundra shoved the wolf off and snarled the larger mountain lion stood next to her also growling

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-20 19:09:00
* bullet stood up, and faced off with one of the mountain lions glad she towered over them. she growled softly as she didnt trust them and wanted to make sure the other wolf didnt get hurt from her stupid attack on the mountain lions which failed horribly.*

Posted 2023-02-20 19:20:39 (edited)
*she spat fur out and grunted as she landed "yo furbal get out of here and stop dawdling" she said she didnt mean to be so harsh but hse wasnt really used to being near other wolves she snarled fiercly unaware that her fluffy tail had curled around her stonach as she looked for a weakspot

Posted 2023-02-21 03:29:09
((Hey guys. I'm not gonna be online for most of the morning btw))


Posted 2023-02-21 04:20:04
(That is fine. ^^)

Wraith nodded gave the she-wolf a small nuzzle on her head. "Of course. And if they were to attack I would fight to protect you!" He wagged his tail and lay his head on his paws now. "We should rest now. Good night Wally." He looked over to Bullet and Cannibal and through his mind spoke to them. 'Good night you two as well.'

Toxi was still having a bad nightmare and jolt often. She would whimper a little then go quiet for some time. It happened over and over again till she started growling in her sleep as well.


Posted 2023-02-21 05:45:47
tundra hissed she was smaller than 1 of them but her mother on the other paw was huge even for the large wolf ''midnight do you think these are friends of storm?'' tundra hissed

midnight hissed as well ''perhaps but if they were they would know that name'' she answered stepping forward tail lashing in warning to back off

storm had went to get a drink and came back to toxi.she curled around her worry coming back

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-21 06:27:18
* she stepped forwards to meet the big cat, close enough she could touch there nose with her nose. she stared them in the eye making n move to attack but ready to if she needed. she felt unmoved by the big cats but if the others liked them she 'liked' them. she snarled lightly again glad for her height which made her tower over the cats.*

Posted 2023-02-21 06:35:30
(midnight is larger than her lol)

midnight flicked her tail and tundra walked away she hissed at the moment she was closed to the ground ready to pounce but after a moment she stood at full height now taller than both wolves she to didnt make any move to attack only growled lashing her tail making sure the wolf got the message to back off

Ghost of the lost

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