Cannibal, usually cold and unpredictable, wags his tail again, and he tries to quench his excitement. He tilts his head. He is unused to the behavior of other animals. "Have you ever hunted?" He inquires as he closes his eyes. He misses the taste of blood of the prey animals that he had hunted.
Wraith snapped out of his trance and shook his head, looking confused. "W-wha-t's hun-t-ing?" He suddenly remembered a question he'd wanted to ask from the beginning. "Are y-ou li-ke me?" Cannibal could tell by the look in the smaller wolves eyes that he had a lonely and desolated life. "Wh-at are y-ou?"
"A..." he looks at Wraith. "Hybrid." He whispers as he bows his head lower. Is that what Wraith is - is that why he feel so... Close to him? "I am a Hybrid. One created by Humans." He says, glancing at the other creature.
"What about y-you?" He stammers and he bites his tongue in disgust at himself.
"Mhm!" Wraith was still happy to find someone like him but now he felt something else. Anger and sadness. 'How many did those horrible humans make? How many suffered like me?' He looked at Cannibal and smiled, it was a weird and new thing to him but he liked how it felt. "T-tea-ch me to hu-n-t!" He stared up at the large wolf with eager eyes.
"Have you seen another wolf... He is a good friend of mine...?" He says, and pain is evident in his voice as he looks at the ground. Cannibal knows that Wraith really wants to hunt, but Wraith's new-found friend wants to find his old friend. Frost means a lot to him...
Wraith suddenly collapse to the ground. His eyes zone out into nothing and he doesn't make any noise. After a moment he jolts back to reality and looks up at Cannibal. A voice in the his head speaks to him and it sounds like Wraith but without the stuttering. "Your friend has many limbs? He is smaller and blotches is orange, white, and black?" You listened to the voice but watched ad Wraith didn't move his mouth. His eyes were foggy and his pupils were small and almost gone.
Cannibal bites his tongue and nods his large head. "Yes, that would be my friend." He says, very softly. Confused about what is happening to Wraith, so the he-creature does not move, just stares at him warily.
Wraith stands and starts walking off. 'Come on. I know where he is.' Still looking odd and not speaking he waits for you to follow then quickly picks up pace and after a little while the scent of another wolf can be smelt nearby. Wraith's eyes go back to normal and he stops. "W-e are v-er-y clo-se." He is finally back to speaking but acting like nothing happened.
Cannibal tries not to react to the change he sees in Wraith, but he wags his tail slowly and he follows the other hybrid closely. "Frost can help us hunt, you know." He woofs softly as he smiles a soft smile.
Wraith nods towards some bushes but stays back. For some odd reason he was uneasy about meeting another creature. It was okay with Cannibal but now that he found out there are more others he was somewhat scared. "Y-ou go." He shifted uncomfortably and looks away. "I st-ay h-ere."