Lovelace walked back to the spot that she was previously in the bushes observing the two wolves wondering what caused them to have a conforntation like that. She was very interested in what was going on before she accidentally stepped on a twig that gave away her location. all she could do was freeze in her spot.
Wraith glanced over to where a noise had just been made. He whined softly and hoped that someone would come to his rescue. 'I- I don't know.' He was still using his mind to speak with the giant wolf.
Astrid saw what was going on and walked out of the bushes calmly. "Please stop yelling at him. He seems scared." The blue and green wolfdog made their way between the two and stood to protect the smaller one. "He doesn't seem to anything. None of us do. You need to calm down and stop acting so aggressive as it will get us nowhere." Astrid was now glaring at the large wolf and seemed ready to fight if needed to.
Two more wolves come out of the bushes, chatting happily until the larger one sees Wraith. His hackles raise and he makes his way to his friend, leaving his other friend in the brush. "Wraith." Cannibal murmurs, tilting his head. "Comrades or no...?" He whispers to Wraith. Seeing the aggressiveness on the other creature's face, he snarls. "Back away before I harm you." He barks, and there is confirmation that he would not hesitate to harm another wolfdog if it came down to it.
The smaller wolfdog glances between them all before settling back to watch. This seems like a spectacle, he thinks to himself. Frost bows his head at the desertion of his good friend. He sighs softly.
Wraith stood and shakily darted into a bush and to the colorful female sitting there. He sensed that she was not a threat and didn't like being so close to all the growling and aggressiveness. He layed down with his stomach against the ground in hopes that he wasn't being to obvious.
Astrid glanced at the new wolf who had joined him to defend the smaller one. "It's two against one. Please don't make us do anything we may regret or that could harm each other." He relaxed a little but was still ready to attack.
"He is my friend, I have every right to protect him." He barks, but glances at Wraith before approaching him slowly. "I am Cannibal. Who are you." He woofs low in his throat, tilting his head.
Lovelace elegantly steps out of the brush. "There seems to be a misunderstanding here I dont think neither side wants to fight ". Lovelace then turns to solis and continues "but you cant come here and start being agressive to a poor wolf for no reason".
Solis did not intend to fight, he was confused, and scared. He was acting on his feelings like he always did. Any creature would be afraid if they were taken away from their home and put into a whole new world, and expected to be calm. Solis was at fault, but not at the same time, He had never been trained, he had been born in a mill, where all he knew was kill or be killed. That place was the only home he knew, no matter how terrible, he never knew his mother or father, so he couldn't be taught manners. Though he could of been kinder, he was blinded by the fear of this new place (But it would wash off quickly). As soon as the new wolves appeared, he rose his hackles to their full height, the growl evolving into a low snarl once more. He looked to the large wolf, glaring daggers. Even though solis's mutation, Gigantisim made him look considerably larger than all the others, this wolf seemed in similar height. When he stepped forward to ask his name, he growled " Solis.." He started. " Solis Sanguis Vindicta Caedes. " It was a mouthful, and all of it was latin.
Wraith suddenly stepped forward and brought up enough courage to approach Solis. "H-hi. I'm W-rai-th." Instead of you using his abilities he decided that it would be better for him to speak even if it made him sound weird or dumb. "You d-on't ha-ve to b-e sc-are-d. We me-an no har-m." He looked around at the others and saw them looking at him, instantly regretting speaking. He sulked back and pinned his ears to his head. "W-e're not b-ad." He said that then was silent.
Astrid looked between Wraith and Solis. "Everyone calm down! Please stop growling and snarling. It's not helping the situation and it makes us sound threatening." They sighed and brought their attention to Cannibal. "Is there much prey around here? We are all acting like this because we are in a new place and likely hungry and tired. We should relax and find something to eat along with a place to sleep for a while." They closed their eyes and tried to pick up any sound that may be a deer or large animal but it seemed their ability wasn't working at the moment. They reopened their eyes and looked around at everyone. "Has anyone see any caves or dens nearby? All this ruckus had made their head hurt and they felt the need to lay down somewhere cold.
"I scent food. And I have also seen some of both. I found Wraith in a small den, but there were other ones nearby." The he-animal mutters as he allows himself to relax - only because Wraith does not seem in danger any more. He seems calm and relaxed, but he is actually tense - ready to attack. He does not mind being seen as the villain, although it would hurt him if Frost or Wraith saw him when the Berserkergang takes over him.
Frost tilts his small, delicate head and the eight-legged fox-like animal makes his way to the other animals. "As we are introducing ourselves, I am Frost." He says, glancing between the wolves.
Wraith had moved away from the others and was hidden in a bush. He was a little upset and didn't feel that he should be around anyone. He tucked his muzzle and face under his tail and was quiet.
"I am Astrid. Nice to meet you all." The green and blue wolf gave a small bow of their head and smiled softly. "Cannibal could you please lead us to the dens? And once there we can get to the food."