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West Pine Wolfdog Rehoming Center (Rp Thread)

Posted 2023-02-20 14:43:18
storm bounced back and forth and around achilles ''rat alpha! rat alpha!'' she repeated over and over ''did you know that rats mostly cause infections and disease'' she said purposely being mean and annoying clearly unafraid of being harmed

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-20 14:45:47
Lovelace darted after astrid "who is in danger and what is going on?". She was running as fast as she could. "if you tell me where we are going I might know a short cut".

Posted 2023-02-20 14:48:22 (edited)
"Why you annoying little brat! I will kill you!" Achilles launched an array of shadow spears at Strom.

"No time!" Astrid charged from behind Achilles but he had already been sought out. As soon as he was within 5ft of Achilles a dark hole appeared under him and he was swallowed into it. 'Dang it Achilles! Let them go!'

Toxi was trying her best to keep her light shining but the pressure was only getting worse. 'Come on! Someone help me out here, please.'


Posted 2023-02-20 14:54:52
storm leaped up and down dodging the spears ''go ahead rat alpha!'' she snapped bouncing around them at an oddly fast pace ''aww having trouble hitting me'' she sad icily as she slipped around

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-20 14:58:27
Lovelace abruptly stopped and took cover under a Bush. She was watching this strange wolf looking for any weaknesses she can use against him. 'if I can figure out his weakness I might be able to use it to help my friends'.

Posted 2023-02-20 14:59:15
Achilles finally gave in to the anger and ,without warning nor any sign that he was going to do so, threw himself full force into Storm. They both crashed into the ground where he got a good grip on her neck with his teeth. He wasn't paying any attention to Astrid or Toxi anymore.

Toxi felt the dome weaken. 'Yes! Storm do it! Beat him up and win this battle!' She took this moment to gather all her energy and force herself to become a beacon of light.

Astrid had managed to use his abilities to escape the hole and was now charging at Achilles. "Get off of her!"


Posted 2023-02-20 15:04:28
storm suddenly was gone from under achilles so sign o escape she was just gone

(hehehe storms secret weapon)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-02-20 15:05:14
Lovelace lept out of her hiding spot and ran as fast as she could towards Achilles and rammed into him knocking him off storm. She quickly regained her balance and jumped on top of him to stop him from moving and was biting down on his scruff.

Posted 2023-02-20 15:12:26
Astrid noticed Storm's disappearance and smiled. 'Hehe, good job.' They helped Lovelace to pin Achilles down.

"Astrid you traitor! I will kill everyone of these useless muts as soon as I get the chance. I will make you watch as I destroy everything you love and cherish! Just like last time!" Achilles snapped and sunk into the shadows on the ground. "I will be back and you won't be able to save anyone!"

The dome that was holding Toxi broke and she collapsed feeling the pressure leave. 'Finally!'


Posted 2023-02-20 15:19:35
storm was all the sudden next to toxi anger still showing in her eyes and her fur and feathers were ruffled

Ghost of the lost

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