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West Pine Wolfdog Rehoming Center (Rp Thread)

Posted 2023-03-03 12:36:45
storm stopped but she still hated him ''i wont forgive you but i wont kill you take it or leave it'' she snorted

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-03 12:39:59
Toxi gave Storm an unpleased look but shook her head and ignored it. "Okay, now that we have things fixed how about you go back to the cave Soren? You should think for a bit and maybe get some rest."

Soren nodded and stood up. "Okay. Well...bye then..." He left the cave with his tail tucked between his legs, whining as he walked.


Posted 2023-03-03 13:06:41
Lovelace squirmed around trying to get a good angle to bite the tendril "Astrid help!" she continued to squirm using her claws to scratch the tendril to loosen it's grip on her. She felt like she was going to faint from the tight grip the tendril had on her.

Posted 2023-03-03 13:13:13
storm still looked angry but said nothing else

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-03 13:14:33
Astrid looked up and snarled. "Achilles! Let her go!" He leapt from the ground to the tendril and bit into it, making another lash out of no where and smack him into the ground.

"Stop trying to be the hero when you can't even protect yourself, let alone the people you care about!" Achilles voice was filled with rage now. "Die!" Another tendril joined in and swiftly wrapped around Astrid throat, squeezing tightly.

Astrid snapped at the tendril but it only grew tighter. "Please! Let her go...!" He struggled to breath, let alone speak. "Kill me...and let her go!"

Toxi looked over to Storm and sighed. "So...what where you are Nol doing here? It's very pretty but Nol said she wanted to go to the mountain to practice her abilities. I didn't expect her to be here."


Posted 2023-03-03 13:16:50 (edited)
storm sat infront of her tail curled around her paws ''im sure nol will tell you some how but i wanted to surprise her with this place because she was grumpy and you should have see it she was as happy as a pup'' she chuckled also it turned into date i think she added silently not sure if she should include that

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-03 13:20:34
Toxi looked surprised at this. "Nol...? Looking like a pup...? And being happy...?" She gave an exaggerated gasp and fell to the floor dramatically. 'Hey! Stop that! I am not that bad. I can be happy when I want to!' Nol growled in Toxi's head and this made her giggle. 'Oh yeah, well you seem extra happy when you're with Storm.' Toxi teased back at Nol. 'So do you, so you can shut your trap!' Nol snapped back at Toxi.


Posted 2023-03-03 13:26:15
(since when could nol and toxi speak like that it shouldnt be possible due to storm being different thats the only reason she can?)

storm pounced on toxi ''and your rarely grumpy or mean'' she said ''well you did get mad at soren but hey i knew he was bad when i first caught his scent!'' she snorted her anger slightly returning yea why didnt you just kill him cliff snorted one day day.. she thought picturing his dead body then shook her head to clear it

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-03 13:31:19
(After some time they stared to practice it. They weren't able to switch while awake either but now they can. Yes they are different then you, they can't separate while Storm and Cliff can. Also for Toxi and Storm, talking through their mind isn't far from them talking through their dreams and visions so I think it should be possible.)

Toxi's smile returned and her tail wagged. "Well yeah but he wasn't always that way. He was my best friend at the lab." She lay down and let Storm stand above her. "But...that was along time ago, I guess people change." 'Yeah like me.' Nol whispered. 'Do you want to switch back?' Toxi asked Nol but didn't get a response.


Posted 2023-03-03 13:36:12
(i guess that makes sence well we can just say they both do the talking to each other ^^ )

storm rolled her eyes ill always hate that bag of bones she thought ''yes they do into crazy wolves'' she muttered her wings fluffing up in anger she was tempted to hunt soren down and kill him

(she will want to kill him forever and if she gets just the slightest more reason ima let her kill em if thats fine lol)

Ghost of the lost

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