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I Have More Than 10 Characters In My Post, Despite What Wolvden Seems To Think [SOLVED]

I Have More Than 10 Characters In My Post, Despite What Wolvden Seems To Think [SOLVED]
Posted 2023-01-11 16:06:14 (edited)
I've seen this issue pop up a couple times already (Example 1) (Example 2) but none of the threads include an actual answer. If anyone knows how to fix this and is willing to explain it to me like I'm 3, I'd really appreciate the help!

Posted 2023-01-11 16:56:07
I have had this issue also, best to bugbox it.

xofrnk [INACTIVE]

Posted 2023-01-12 17:15:14
Just in case Anyone tries to reference this, there was an error with my html code. Try checking your code over and seeing if you can spot it!

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