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Secured Puppies SHOULD NOT show up on the Enclave list!

Secured Puppies SHOULD NOT show up on the Enclave list!
Posted 2023-01-23 01:18:10
I almost sent a pie puppy to the enclave because, despite being secured, it was the first on the list for the enclave bear.

Please make SECURED puppies not appear on the enclave list!!!

Mustang 🐎

Posted 2023-01-23 01:45:47
I stand by this. wanted to keep a pretty pupper one of my females had and accidentally sent her to enclave.
Aglophobia (NC)

Posted 2023-01-23 21:00:36

This has been previously suggested in this suggestion thread so we will be locking yours as a duplicate. In the future, please use the Search and check the Suggestion Compilation Master Post to avoid duplicate suggestions.

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