Silent Fang lore
Silent Fang lore
Posted 2023-01-29 23:28:20 (edited)
Chapter one: EscapingIt all begins in a far away pack, they weren't really known by the others but those who know them can tell you how cruel they are. They were called the Night claw, they didn't had many wolves but they all are killing machine without exeption, it was during a warm summer morning that Freya give birth to three pups, her mate was very happy to see them but as usually the alpha enter the nursery to look at the newdorn and took a close look at each pup. Every puppy that he doesn't see strong enough are killed, when he approaches Freya and her mate they were both terrorized, the alpha growl and with one slash of fang he killed two of the pups leaving on the verge of tears, yet she couldn't even cry, if she ever dare to cry she will be seen as weak. The alpha growl at the pupsitter to take the dead pups out of the camp. The last pup still being alive was named Olden. The alpha leave and Freya finally let out her tears as the other wolves in the cave howled to cover her cries. Nobody was happy here, but the fear the alpha and beta had on them was way too strong. They all hated them. Time pass and Olden was now a great apprentice, she was hunting by Madelaine's side, Madelaine was way older then Olden but that didn't stopped the two females from being friends, they were also Kassya a newly promotted scout. The three of them had other plan then to stay here but leaving is very dangerous has every wolves who try to escape ended up lost in the forest and killed by the beta who is looking for them, noody never escaped tis place even the scout when they're far away, there is a special rank called the "Seekers" they have to silently follow the scout and kill them if they don't follow the orders. When Olden reach the adult age, she was bound to be a huntress in the same huting party as Madelaine. One night Madelaine and Olden manage to sneak out of their den and so did Kassya but know they had to leave without alerting the gards. The three wolves had noticed a very little hole in the camp the pups use to sneak out. It was very tiny, way too small for a grown wolf to go through but they had no choice, Kassya pass through it first but she was injured by the sharp rocks, Olden follow and due to her being smaller she manage to not get hurts, Madelaine had quite the struggle has she had a deep cut in her shoulder and got stuck for a bit. When they got out they didn't waste time and run, as fast as the wind they run not caring if anyone saw them, they had to leave now or never, they ran for hours the sun was rising and they were still running like crazy not caring if they paw hurts, Kassya knew the fastest way to leave this cursed place, they can't go back now, the pack must have noticed their disappearances turning back is a death wish, their scent will lead the beta to them in no time, they can't slow down, their fear forced them to continue, they have crossed through so many packs territory they could create a whole country. They stopped in the evening near a lake, Kassya collapses exhausted and Olden lays on her side. Madelaine left for a while with trembling legs. She soon came back with a hare and put it near Kassya's mouth, the smell of blood woke her up and they share the small prey. They had to rest otherwise they won't be able to do anything, they decided to take gards turn, while Olden was watching the two others were sleeping and then it was Madelaine's turn, and the last one was or Kassya. She woke up her friends as the sight of a brown-orange wolf could be seen across the lake. As he approach Madelaine stand up and growled at the strange wolf, he stopped a few paws away and introduced himself as Oracle he apparently was exiled bye his last pack because he wasn't good enough at hunting. He asked to travel a bit with them, it has been a lot of time since he last had company. They accepted and they soon took off this time walking towards who knows where... Chapter two: Silent fangIt's been quite a few days since the four of them were walking and no sign of the beta or any wolf from their pack. One day they arrived at a rocky valley and they just knew this is where they have to live and with that in mind Olden, Kassya and Oracle were building the dens as Madelaine was out for the hunt. Soon a black and dark yellow wolf approach exhausted and starving they took care of him, he had a few scratches but nothing more. To thank them he decided to help building the camp, Samai didn't know a lot about herbs at that time but he heald Madelaine whenever she was hurt, then more wolves started to come and help out the new pack. Soon the camp was fully built and everybody had something to do, pupsitting, hunting or foraging. Oracle and Olden became mate but when their first litter was born both pups died it destroyed Olden's spirits. A few days later a brown wolf approach the pack saying she can no longer take care of her daughter and she leaves Olden saw it as a way to be a mother once again, she raised the red pup like a pro, now Malice the grown red wolf is the beta and second her mother in her duties. Years later a bright gray wolf with a newborn in his mouth would give them the baby for food. Malice took pity for the young one, Olden accepted giving away some eggs and crabs. Malice adopted the newborn, she took great care for him and with her mate they decided to name him Owen. As they started to explore the place. Olden was looking near the valley she found a giant tree higher than anything, he had some inscryption on the wood, it look like paw. Olden put her paw in the mud and imprint her paw on the tree, she found it a bit funny. She still had some work to do and left, she came back weeks later after the dens were fully built and the pack ready to see her paw still very visible neat even tho the rain hadn't stop for days. When she told the pack, at that time they were only 6, they decided that this tree will let all the wolves who have proven their worth to mark for eternity the wood of the ancient tree. Chapter three: The forbiden caveIt's been quite a few moons since the pack was born and yet it's only now that Kassya discovered a deep cave near the camp, she warned her friends about it, both of them decided to take a day off to investigate with Kassya, as they entenred the cave the first thing they saw was a little lakeand a tunnel, the lake color was beautiful as the sunlight was shinning right in it. They continue to explore going through the tunnel as weird drawing were painted on the walls it was showing a great wolf among the stars that watches over all single wolves, he guide the desperate ones, he help the spirits of the deceased wolves, he show them the way to his realm. He was called Lupus, the three wolves were amazed by it as they keep walking, this place was a real maze, and they manage to get lost, they let their paw leading their way, after what felt like hours they arrived to a beautiful place were jewelry, artefacts, plants and drawings could be seen. It was very impressive, but the most impressive thing is that there was some kind of ghost wolf in the center he was looking at them, like he was waiting for them. Nobody spoked for a few minutes, the ghost had a slight blue color, he said being Lupus and this was his house. The three females looked at him like he was crazy Kassya was the wisest one and asked him why would they trust him. Lupus smiled and said they don't have to but if they needed any help they knew who to call and with that he left. Thhey were very suspicious and didn't trust the ghost wolf a lot and they didn't wanted to stay here any longer. But they were lost and their scent was everywhere. Madelaine got annoyed and yelled in the void that if he was really Lupus then he should help them getting back to the surface. She had just finished her sentende that a little mouse was at their foot waiting for them to follow her, desparate to leave this place. They reach the lake in no time and the mouse left behind a rock. The three females look at each other not knowing if it was just a coincidence or was he really Lupus. When they got back to the surface they decided to keep this secret for themselves and forbid any wolf to enter the cave saying it wasn't safe and it can collapse at any time. Moons later winter was here and the pack was starving at this time Madelaine had left this world. Olden didn't know what to do anymore and begged Lupus for foods, a lot of food so the pack will be able to eat until the end of winter. And then when the hunting parties came back they bring back so much food everybody could eat until they were full, it was like that all winter. Kassya begged Lupus to save a puppy who was on his death bed, and he did save him, a miracle. Olden decided it was time to let the pack know about Lupus and his protection over them. Some new pack members were thinking she was crazy, they didn't believed he was the reason they didn't starved and that he was the reason a puppy lived, yet the herbalist believed her, he saw and heard Kassya when she begged for the little one and right after that he was saved, some packmates also believed her, they trust her and eventually they all followed her. One day a pack give to Olden, Ahali a little girl they couldn't take care of, at this time Olden was young and so was Oracle, Ahali would only dream to discover the land of the pack, not travelling but scouting, unfortunatly there was already two scout. It took Ahali months to conveice the alpha. So Olden decided to offer to all wolves above 5 years old to retire and rest until Lupus would come and take them but at the age of 7 they have to retire and let the next generation take the place. They helped and support the pack so it's normal for them to now rest and let the young one take care of them. Chapter four: The new AlphaIn a sunny day of winter Olden howl to call the whole pack gather near the rock she was standing on, she took a deep breath before speaking. "As you all know, the pack is very new to this world but time pass by and my time will end soon, this is why I call you all here, a new alpha need to be choosen before it's too late. I Olden, one of the founder and current alpha of the Sient Fang pack ask Lupus to bless the choosen wolf with his protection. Owen, you will learn by my side how to rule over the pack. You have been trained since a puppy to be ready for this day, you will leave your scout life behind to travel across lands." Olden look at the with wolf, he was clearly surprised but you could barely see it. He remain as calm as possible and slowly nod his head "I will follow your steps and rule fairly the pack." Holws of joy coming from his packmate were breaking the tension, he was a little bit pushed by his packmate towards the rock, he climb now sitting next to Olden. His mother standing a bit behind a happy smile of her face, she couldn't have dreamed a better fate for her child. It also means the reign of Olden will soon end. Owen will loose his grandmother and mother in a very short period of time. It will be hard but it's the way things are. It was early winter and no one saw Olden leaving her den. Malice knew very well why but she refused to admit it so she didn't enter, Owen was the first to go in. Afyer a few minutes he called Malice for helpand the herbalist, Olden was weak, too weak to survive, she reach the end of her story and with her end the first generation of the pack. Mélanie the herbalist left when there was no hope for her, Owen and Malice stayed with her until her last breath, her body lies here in the almost silent den, soft cries of sadness could be heard from Malice, Owen try to comfort her but himself was weak at that time. The time pass by and Malice stopped crying and her son too. She sigh and left the den to go on the rock, she let out the loudest howl she could. Owen was standing beside her. The pack quickly come around waiting for the beta to speak. "Lupus... took our beloved Olden, our alpha so she can rule with him in the stars. I, Malice must announced the beginning of a new realm... Today Owen will make rise and rule the pack with the eyes of our ancestors to guide him. The heart of the pack shall beat in him, and may Lupus protect us." She said with a sore voice. Owen step up next to his mother. The whole pack looked at him, some were crying, well most of them those who didn't know her weren't really affected. "Olden chose me to succeed her, and I will guide the pack the way she used to. Her memory will not be forgotten. I will serve my pack with my life and protect those who need help. I swear on Lupus himself." Said the now new alpha with a derminate voice. He knew he woudn't receive cheers, they're grieving the old alpha and so was he. He will miss her for sure. But he can't let those feelings affect him for now, not when the pack needs him. Malice saw how her son didn't know what to do, so she started to howl for Olden so Lupus may hear and guide her to the stars. Owen followed the beta and soon the whole pack called Lupus. For the wolves who hear it, it sound like a single howl, as if it was a single wolf with multiple voices who was singing. Today the pack had lost a lot and Owen will have a hard time fixing it. His mother took him to the sacred tree where he put his paw on right next to Olden's mark. He will now be remembered forever. Chapter five: The curseIn the silent of the forest, the moon was the only light guiding Owen to a nearby pack. This pack had the guts to lure and killed two pups from them. He cannot let that happend again. Malice told him about Saphir having a bond with the dead, and she asked her if they should attack them, not defending but attacking and the answer was no, doing so will unleash the anger of Lupus for hurting innocents. But Owen didn't listen to them, nobody would follow him if Lupus didn't wanted that so he decided to go alone. He had no issue entering the camp and finding the nursery. All the wolves were asleep and the pups too, he gentle took the pups one by one out of the camp and the warmth of their mother and end their life under the full moon. Clouds quickly gather in the sky blocking every light, but Owen continue until there was no puppies left. When the last pup died thunder, wind, rain as sharp as a knife, the ennemy pack woke up end the sreams of the mother was barely audible because of the wind. He ran back to his den as if nothing happend and never told anyone about it but, Saphir evetually come to him, she asked to speak in private with him. Once alone she yelled:"How could you! You dared to spill the blood of innocents, of pup! And you expected to get away with this, you cursed us all Owen, we will all die because of you. You aren't worthy of the alpha role! I have no idea what got in Olden's brain when she chose you. You wanna know something? Because of you we won't any pups. The spirits were very mad. They said "For the lifes the alpha took the one the pack will hold shall not exist." No more pups to take after us. Owen you knew very well it was against Lupus's desire yet you decided to go aginst it. You will be punished fairly by the beta." Owen was silent and let her leave, he knew Lupus saw him but he add to take revenge, sitting here and letting them kill their pup wasn't the good thing to do right? Later that day his mother howled for the pack to gather around she was mad you could tell. She send a sharp glare at her son, the alpha. He stand beside her his head high knowing he will suffer. "Owen, our new alpha was aware of Lupus side for the death of our pups. Our dear alpha killed innocents pups for a so what say revenge, he killed without mercy pups who barely knew how to walk. He went against Lupus, the ennemy pack is mad, we entered a war because of him. Lupus cursed us for his insainly action. Our pups will suffer until their body can't take it. We will loose all our pups until the debt is done. Owen for every lives you took we will loose just as much. Owen, you will face punishement for your action. You will be exiled to the desert with no food or water. And this for 6 months. If you survived you will be accepted and keep your alpha role but if you come back early you will be killed on sight. We will come to find you when your punishement is done. Pack dismissed!" Bark Malice as the pack was mad at him, anger leading their thoughts, he accept his punishement, he knew he would have to leave one day or another. So he just held his head high and left in the desert his mother look at him with that sadness in her eyes, they both know she's too old and once he'll come back she won't be there. It's the last time they see each other, no words need to be spoken as he leave a heavy hearth in his chest. When Owen saw Ahali and Saphir in the desert he had no doubt they were here to pick him up, and even tho you could see in their eyes they would have much rather let him starve in the burning sun. When he was back most of the wolves look at him with pure hatred, the pack might die because of his foolish actions. He wasn't surprise when he heard the beta died of old age, he also learned that Malice let Saphir rule when she left with Lupus, now it was time for Owen to choose who will second him, of course this decision is very important, he can't let someone with no leading experience doing everything they want with the pack, so he announced that Saphir, will be the next beta and may Lupus agreed with his choice. The pack didn't complained for once. If he wanted to make sure everyone would listen he had no other choice then to pick a wolf they trust so much she could tell them to jump of a cliff and they would do it. This night in his den he cuddled with his mate comforting him after so many months of loneliness Chapter six:Lupus take overOwen passed away as an old wolf, he had calmed down a little with the age but Lupus didn't trust him to choose a good successor to become the third alpha, Lupus had given them a messenger, he was called Helios, Lupus wanted him to act like some kind of second beta and help, after years of hostility Lupus removed the curse as the pups could now finally live and the pack regain a new wind of life, Lupus then send Helios on a little journey, when he came back he had two puppy, one called Lilith and the other Tyr, the female will become the next alpha as it is the wish of Lupus and Tyr will be her mate and stay by her side for the long journey that is life. After some time the wolves started to fear Saphir she was acting more impulsive, more hysterical, more insane, years ago they exiled a wolf who accidentally killed two pups by giving them the wrong medicine and Saphir went mad and then when the curse came she became even more crazier, her desire to have a pup was killing her, when Saphir learned and saw that the wolf had pups and the mother bringing them she immediately attacked them, if it hadn't been for Owen to protect them they would be dead, Saphir was dragged away and from this moment Saphir kept loosing herself in insanity, when she did had a puppy she spoiled her so much it became creepy, even her daughter now refuse to talk to her, Owen was already nervous about letting her the beta role and wanted to demote her but didn't, Lilith warned her that she will give her one chance to stay as a beta, she gave her the chance to keep her role but the female kept being violent towards the exile's daughters, Lilith tried to see the pros and the cons and obviously she was the one that have been by the side of an alpha and saw how to rule, she can't be fired that easily. When the exiled herbalist, Anko was accepted back Saphir was mad, the moment she saw him in the camp she lounged at him inflicting a few injuries, Anko was old but he didn't loose that easily and put up a fight long enough for the wolves to get Saphir off of him, Anko was healed and taken care off. |
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-02-08 02:57:52 (edited)
Chapter seven: The predator of allIt was a hot summer evening and for Lilith everything seemed fine at first, the hunters were proudly bringing back their prey, the scouts were laying around, pupsitters were exhausted like always, a normal day despite the hot weather, the red eyed female look at the young Nizerin the future alpha once she passed away, she was proud of the little one and raised him by the will of Lupus, although he doesn't seem very eager Lilith understand not every wolf is fond of religion and other deity, she adopted him with her mate to a kind bear, she saw in him the guts of a leader, nobody could do worst than Owen anyway, the young Nizerin is trained and still learning despite being adults he has a lot to learn, he's very young but Lilith doesn't allow him to slack off, she knows her time will be over soon unfortunately that means she'll have to push Nizerin forward a lot more than intended, while she was scolding him for trying to steal, Lilith was pissed at him, lucky or rather unlucky for him the hunters arrive they look rather stressed which is odd considering the oldest ones of the hunting party are also panicking, they say a fire with flammes higher than the trees, ravaging everything is devouring everything on it's path, they're terrified, Lilith look up to see some smoke but from her point of view she probably wouldn't have seen it before it was too late, the pack is in a rocky valley it's still very dangerous, the forest is surrounding it and the few patch of herbs, flowers and just plants are dry, and if that fire does get close to the pack it will burn everything, nests, herbs, even the dens if it gets too intense, Lilith hesitate, the odds are low but if they get trapped in their camp even the worms won't be able to feed on their carcasses if they're burn to ashes but on the other hands if they go they might loose some pups, elders or even grown adults, it's dangerous, by now everywolf look at her, even the beta Ytrix doesn't seem to know what to do, she eventually decided to lead them away the farthest from this place, and thus the elders lead the way especially the old scouts they know where to go, behind them are some of the strongest wolves to ensure protection, then comes the nursing mothers, pups and the pupsitters helping to carry the puppies, the hunters behind and then comes the alpha, last in the line, she look back one last time, she only hopes everyone is here, she don't have time to check everywhere on the territory it's already on fire and the smoke is getting closer, she follows her pack, they run in a somewhat coalisions they watch deers, foxes, boars, every animal running away for once nobody attack each other. The paws of the wolves are getting tired especially of the most fragile ones, as the end of the forest finally come to an end and they have traveled the plains they arrive at the desert, despite the hot and almost unbearable heat this place don't catch fire which have intrigued many wolves, the aride landscapes can provide for a great security, nothing to burn or almost nothing is good right? Well they'll have to rely on the knowledge of the elders and beg Lupus it works Lilith stay at her place at the end of the line, it felt like running into hell itself, with no idea what lays further but the death itself following close behind, the pups are exhausted and the some of the pregnant females too, yet there is no way to estimate the time they need to continue when te smoke only grew closer and darker. But finally the dirt is replace by the rocks of the desert a sign of hope but just staying near the border is not security, they need to go further, as if the pack as regain a whole burst of energy they run behind the elders to what they hope to be a safe place, and soon the elders slowdown, the arid landscape that offers the desert surround them, the pack is exhausted and won't go further, they're panting and stressed, the pups are already laying down, poor things don't even know why they had to run like that, the pack waited for days, they heard a weird iron bird spitting water on the fire and monsters of red also spitting water, once the fire was gone Lilith put Ytrix her beta in charge as she decided to go back to her camp alone to see the damages, her apprentice and future leader Nizerin wish to follow her, even if Nizerin is an adult he still have a lot to learn plus she sees in his eyes how the fire had shaken him like most wolves to be honest, even her isn't stoic against such events she reluctantly agreed and so they walk back on the burnt path they took, it take hours but they finally reach what's left of their once camp, the fire caught the camp, it's destroyed and burned down, Lilith sigh and walk in with a heavy heart, the muddy dens the founders built for us destroyed, the herbs have simply become ashes, Lilith is on the verge of tears as she watch what have become the camp she grew up in, she hears some paws behind her and without time to react the paws' owner rushed to her, thinking it was an intruder she growled while turning around but instead she saw Kiesis one of the new hunters, she whimpering and glued to Lilith absolutely terrified, Nizerin watch from afar as Lilith is gently nuzzling Kiesis to try and comfort her, poor thing must have suffer, Kiesis' pelt matches the ashes, her celtic wrap a bit burned on the side still on her and she seem to have lost one of her earring, the look in her eyes tells she saw death itself, today Kiesis survived what would normally be impossible, after some time Kiesis is still glued to Lilith, when the alpha asked her why wasn't she with them when they left she said she was out of the camp to try and catch a prey on her own and when she returned after seeing the smoke nobody was there, they had all left, she was terrified, she tried calling for them but nobody came. Unfortunately they can't salvage the camp, and they can't risk another fire, so Lilith went to the forbidden cave for the last time and bid her farewell to Lupus who won't be forgotten even if they leave, as she exit she asked Kiesis and Nizerin to follow her, they approached a tree, one that used to be magnificent and huge, even if there's not much left you can easily imagine how impressive he was, this tree carries the imprint of the wolves that showed their worth and those who built the story of the camp, the first imprint wasn't Olden the first alpha but Kassya who guided the four founders to the camp and now Kiesis will leave the imprint of her paw on that tree, and probably the last Lilith already put her imprint on that tree, she look at the tree one last time before turning back to return to the pack, she guide her two packmates to the pack where she announced they'll have to find another pack of course some elders refuses, they were born in that pack and will die there they screamed, the camp was very deary to them, dearier than for Lilith for sure and she couldn't blame them they had a lot of memories there, their whole life, unfortunately she can't let her pack be divided in two like that, even if she hates it she'll have to force her title on them, they need to find a new place, the two elders scout do have a few places unlike the two current scouts with little experience, ytrix again was left to watch over the pack as Lilith and Nizerin leave with the scouts, but Lilith is old and she knows Nizerin will be left alone to rule over the pack at a very young age and she doesn't like it but even her is nor immortal to the cycle of life, Ytrix will help and guide him but nobody is trained to build a pack from scratch, only the founders knew but they left us long ago, they found a small clearing in the plains near the desert that way if they need to escape the desert isn't far, it's spacious and everything seemed good, Lilith coud see the sadness in the elder's eyes to them this place will never be the camp, just a shelter, with some wolves they rebuilt the dens trying to make them similar but it's a whole new place. It takes them times before they can install themselves in it but now they have a home that sure need improvements but it's the closest they have from a home. |
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-02-13 06:30:14 (edited)
Chapter eight: New paws, old memorySelva but she couldn't just show it, so instead of the grown ups, she went to the pups faking to be amazed and melting for their cute faces to tell them about Lupus, but she wasn't spending enough time with them alone since the parents were mostly around and there were pupsitters listening, she talked to the alpha asking what he knows about Lupus, he told Selva that Lupus has guided and was worshiped for many years and that he still firmly believes in him, he did admit that they left and that the new generation didn't grew up near the cave and the security of it, he did explain that there was a fire that forced them to leave otherwise they would have burned alive. Selva was listening intently but their excuse wasn't a good enough reason for her to let down Lupus, however she didn't voiced it. Once Nizerin passed and Laeryphe became alpha she lickspittle her so hard it was making the alpha uncomfortable she was trying to gain the favors of the alpha to be the beta, didn't really succeed, didn't stopped her from trying to convince them, and Lupus wasn't pleased to see her failing he had put so much effort into her, he wasn't strong enough to put a curse anymore like he did when Owen went against his rules, he was pissed, he started to torment her head, by nightmares or horrible visions of things that would happen, a bloodbath, flood, fire, tempest, tornado, earthquakes, it was affecting her a lot and went to the herbalist to get some help but they could only give her few sleeping seeds nothing to really dull her thoughts, at one point the pups weren't even taught who were Lupus anymore, the pack was moving on and that angered the starry wolf to no bounds, he took control of the mind of the poor Selva and basically forced her in a trance, she saw the face of Lupus, she saw him, she felt him taking her body. Upon waking up from the said trance she was pinned on the ground with bloody paws and muzzle, Ciriess one of the strongest in the pack was the one pinning her, the female had tears in her eyes, they were around the same age, Selva wasn't realising nor understanding what was happening, she had no memory, many pack members were around her, anger and disappointment in their pupils, great sadness in Learyphe's eyes, the alpha step forward and look at the female, she sigh but speaking authoritatively looking at the female "Selva, why? What came through your head?!" The alpha was pissed and disappointed in the huntress, Selva look around trying to understand before looking back at the alpha "I... I don't know, I don't remember... What happened?!" Her tone was becoming more urgent and worried, Ciriess above growled even more applying more weight on Selva, Laeryphe looked at her and stay silent judging her "You've got to be kidding, Selva, huntress of the Silent fang, you have killed in daylight many younglings in the nursery and their den, what do you have to say for yourself?" Growled laeryphe as Selva widen her eyes, she wouldn't do that, she couldn't have, not pups, it was unthinkable "I don't... I didn't do it... I.... it wasn't me.... I'm sorry.... I don't know.... I don't remember" At this point Selva is crying she can't understand why, how, what happened, she was taken and imprisoned in a isolated cave with two to three wolves guarding it, it's in that same den that Saphir ended her days in, after inspection of the herbalist and even herbalists from nearby packs they did conclude that she in fact didn't knew anything, she was heard by the herbalist of the pack to which she explained her visions and Lupus' face, how she saw him ever since she was a pup, his weakness which is to be forgotten, the pack ended up letting her be, she deeply apologized to the pack and especially the parents to whom she took the pus from, she has yet to be forgiven Ciriess was one of the females who have lost her pups because of it, the pack thought it would be better to let Lupus go and not let him poison yet another life and live on a new beginning, a new start, letting the past go and move on, saying goodbye to their ancestor and recover from the unfortunate event, Selva the female never forgave herself, blaming herself for being manipulated and quite literally possessed by Lupus, everything that she did, and how she could have stayed with her family all along, she feels like she owes the pack for what happened. Most of the wolves didn't forgave her either and still mourn their pups, maybe in another life she will be better. Part 2:The pack lost it's last storyteller long ago and the pups grew without the history of their pack, Fowher was extremely disappointed at that, and she asked the oldest wolves where was their previous spot? Where were they living before, and she got a rather dull answer since the elders were young when they left, but she went for it nonetheless and walked for days searching for where the pack first started, she found the rocky valley they used to live in, in ruins she was astonished and felt heavy in her chest being in such a place, it was eary, the silence around her, it was unsettling, she felt watched as if all ancestors were there with her, like a hundred kilogrammes were placed on her back, she investigated every single den, the burnt nests, the toys left, the bones of the meats they were eating, she walked to a giant tree where paws were on it, the tree it self had his tips broken, but the stamp, the body of it still stands, on those imprints she could still smell the scent of her ancestors, she also wanted to mark the tree with her own paw but decided otherwise and with a respectful bow left and return to the camp, she quickly found the cave and upon entering the drawings called to her, and she responded following them until she found it like generations ago the founders did but this time Lupus was standing in front of her directly, weakened sure but he was here, Fowher was more than impressed, the sweet words of the wolf and his soft voice putting her at ease, his lies were truth to her ears, he asked her to help him rebuilt what used to be the pack after they left him, almost hypnotized she agreed but he warned her that she may not return to her pack as they has stayed from him abandoning him once they didn't needed him after all he did, he said, and the female promised that her and her pups will remain by his side supporting him when others didn't. And thus began a new story with their previous home |
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-04-01 00:43:15 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-04-21 05:07:44 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-06-25 22:23:40 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-06-25 22:23:47 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-06-25 22:23:56 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-07-01 22:59:17 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |
Posted 2023-08-20 04:12:58 (edited)
AntoineDythe #94807 |