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Prides Divide| Discord Lion Server

Prides Divide| Discord Lion Server
Posted 2023-02-02 12:13:15 (edited)
A long time ago, the two prides were once one. Led by two king brothers, the pride worked in harmony with eachother. However, the kings had conflicting ideas. One brother, following the God of the son, the other following the moon goddess. As they became older, the moon brother believed it was in his right to rule, since he was more powerful and feared. The sun brother disagreed, and said he should rule because he understood the lands and was more respected. (Either there is a war between the religions, or the moon brother killed the sun brother in retaliation) this caused the followers of the sun God to leave, feeling the lands were now unsafe.

Now that the once one whole pride split, two prides were then created. The first pride being 'Asani Mountains'. Asani mountains a pride that is based off of wickedness, evilness, and cunning skills, this pride doesn't tolerate softness, as they find that those worthy of holding a sweet side are weak. The Asani believe in a god named- Chiro. Chiro whose pelt is made up of stars is the counterpart of the sour Soleil.

The other pride that was created was 'Mwekuja Desert', a pride based off of the lawful good, tranquility and peace. The god of this pride is Soleil, he is worshipped by the suns and the earth. Mwekuja is the kindest pride around Africa as they believe that fighting is not necessary as they'd rather use their words than their claws. Those that live within Mwekuja are protected as long as they stay in the pride.

But now that the prides are separated how will they survive together?, will they form peace again?, or will they remain enemies forever?

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Posted 2023-02-05 19:18:44
um hello can i join (btw i cant/dont have discord)
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-05 23:59:19
Unfortunately we are only on discord! We'd be glad to welcome you at any time when you do get discord!

Posted 2023-02-06 04:46:02
Thank you for letting me know
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-03-05 15:51:22
Semi lit is 4 to 5 sentences  correct?

Posted 2023-03-06 19:37:12
Yep! But or server focus's more on Literate roleplay! We do have a few semi literate members!

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