"Ah whatever" He sighed. Grimble pressed his paw to the wolf's chest, before slicing the life pumping artery in his neck. He darted over to help Wraith. Grimble hurled himself at the wolf who had thrown Wraith against the rock. He couldn't assist any more because suddenly two wolves were attacking him at once. Grimble clawed and slashed before three owls gouged out one of the wolves eyes and slit his throat. While this worked, it distracted Grimble and the other wolf clawed his face and bit him. He writhed trying to throw her off of him. She shifted, which freed one of his paws he flipped his paw and stabbed her belly. She roared in pain and tried clawing his throat, but he grabbed her paw in his teeth before digging his claws into her neck.
Wraith watched in amazement at the herbalist fighting skills. 'For a herbalist he is fantastic at this.' He recovered and help a bit by biting into the females leg.
By this time Nali had taken down two more wolves but was now being cornered by a large one. 'Dang it. I let my guard down again.' She scolded herself for being so stupid and prepared herself for the attack, but it didn't happen.
Mona had jumped onto the large wolves back and was using her teeth to hang on while slicing at the wolves stomach and sides with her claws, ripping it open and showing no sign of stopping till it dropped dead.
'Not so fast!' Wraith threw himself at one of the wolves charging at Claw. 'I will prove myself! And that is my alpha, so don't you dare harm her.' Her used his claws to swipe at the wolves throat, and cutting it in one slice.
Mona jumped in as well to protect Claw. She let out a very angry snarl and ripped a wolves throat open, throwing it to the side with ease.
Nali was searching for other wolves but it looked like they had either fled or been killed by now.
Grimble cut off one of the wolves charging toward Claw. It went flying and hit a rock when Grimble slammed into it. The wolf slumped over, unconcieous. Grimble dashed over and ripped open the unconcieous wolf's neck before charging back into the battle. As he fought, memories flashed through his mind. Memories of his old pack. Memories of the war he fought in and the war that killed his parents. Grimble shook those thoughts away. He couldn't afford to wallow in his past or show a moment of weakness. He had to keep fighting, even if it killed him. All for one and one for all. He thought as he slammed himself into another wolf who was attacking Claw. He slashed his throat and looked around, searching for more enemy wolves.
She slit the throat of the wolf underneath her. Then turned charging at a wolf who was running towards her, a firm smack and the wolf was on the ground "Somebody! Here now!" She yelled "keep this one alive but I'm pain" she said to the wolf who came over. She ran to help a pack mate
Grimble dashed over to Claw and pinned the wolf to the ground before pulling out a length of vine and binding the wolf's muzzle, back paws, and front paws together. He dragged the wolf to his den, and locked him in there. He knocked the wolf unconciuous for a good measure before running top speed back to the battle. He discovered that all the enemies either fled or had been killed.
"There is a wolf tied up and secured in my den." Grimble said gruffly. He stretched before trotting downhill to a small pond which he jumped into to clean the blood of his fur. He surveyed his packmates looking them over thinking about what remidies he would need for all their wounds.
"Hm ok Beta, Arizona, let's go interrogate this idiot" she said looking from wolf to wolf "why don't you start mixing herbs?" She said looking back at Grimble she turned and led the other two back to the wolf