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Pinekin - On-site Wolf Pack Rp (Roleplay Thread)

Posted 2023-02-17 19:58:28
Grimble clambered out of the shallow pond, shook himself, and trotted after the Alphas. He pulled away the curtain in front of the entrance to his roomy den. In the middle of the floor, a bound and gagged wolf writhed. Grimble sliced away the vine wrapped tightly around the stranger's mouth and went over to his mixing area. "Ask away." He said calmly and began looking through his stores for what he needed. He grabbed a premade Open Wound Salve and went over to Claw. "Tilt your head down a little." He said firmly. He poured the salve onto the wound across her face. He poured some water through the wound to clean it before wrapping the wound with a leaf bandage.

Posted 2023-02-17 20:00:55
"Ouch" she mumbled before turning to the stranger "Who are you?" She said sternly "What do you want? Who's your leader?"

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-17 20:03:40
(Is it fine if I take up the role of the intruder wolf)

Posted 2023-02-17 20:04:59
(Go for it!!)

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-17 20:14:29
Hila snarled as soon as her muzzle was free. "Unbind me!" She spat at them. Hila snarled again. "Who I am is none of your buisness!" Hila roared. "NOW UNBIND ME!"

Posted 2023-02-17 20:16:59
(woof an entire battle happened while I was drawing, lol, good job team xD)

Arizona had gotten overwhelmed once the fighting happened, trying to help where he could and throwing wolves off his pack mates. Seeing Claw get hurt, he hesitated a moment too long before he was pinned down. His teeth snapped at the intruder before he did a quick roll and made a swift finish to the creature underneath him.

Huffing and panting after things started to finally settle, he nuzzled his mate and helped the herbalist make paste and spread it on Claw's wounds before tending to the others.

Once he heard of one being captured, Arizona spat and grew dark in his glare, following to the den where it was kept. The alpha took on a terrifying visage and somehow looked taller in the shadows, bigger and filled with the rage of his pack.

"What do you think you are doing, attacking in our territory?" Arizona said in a steady but low tone. His ears were pinned back as he loomed over the enemy. "What brought you here?"


Posted 2023-02-17 20:17:07
Claw smacked her muzzle "you will do as I say! You're at my mercy!" She yelled "now I'll ask again" she said in a calmer but stern tone "who are you, what do you want, and who is your leader?" She growled the last few words

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-17 20:21:23
"I won't speak a word!" Hila yelled. "NEVER! I would never betray my pack!" She said boldly.

"Perhaps then" Grimble said quiet and menacing. "A little more force is necesary" He smirked. "If the alphas gave me permission, I could force you to drink a potion that would have begging for mercy and telling us everything you know" He smirked again.

Posted 2023-02-17 20:25:00
She looked surprised and looked at her mate for a second before looking back at the captive wolf "do it" she said without breaking eye contact with the wolf

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-17 20:28:09 (edited)
Arizona stared at the intruder for a long time before looking at Grimble. He nudged his mate to back up.

"Fine. Bind her muzzle once more, leave her for a bit. Let her think in the dark, and then apply the mixture, but we have our own to tend to." Arizona backed out of the den and the chill overtook him once more. He looked over his pack and felt an intense worry all of a sudden. He saw the ones closest to him get hurt and he felt awful.

Soothing the wounded and cleaning up the area surrounding the territory, he helped dig holes for the bodies and made sure it wouldn't attract vultures or other cleaning animals.

"I'm sorry, my mate." Arizona said quietly to Claw once things calmed down. "You got badly hurt, I will be better prepared for an attack like this if it happens again."


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