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Pinekin - On-site Wolf Pack Rp (Roleplay Thread)

Posted 2023-02-17 20:36:09 (edited)
Grimble nodded and turned to his stores. He pulled out a potion and went over to the captive. He winced a little because he knew how painful this was going o be for the captive. Be strong. He thought to himself. She attacked your pack. She deserves this. He forced the writhing captive's mouth open and poured the potion down her throat and stepped back. He waited for a few seconds before the captive started screaming and writhing worse than ever. He waited a few minutes before pinning her down and forcing her to drink the reverse potion of the Pain Medicine. The captive stopped writhing and screaming. Grimble bound the wolf's muzzle again and backed away.

The pain was unimaginable. Hila felt like she was being clawed by a thousand wolves with claws like flame. "MAKE IT STOP.! PLEASE, PLEASE NO HELP STOP OHHH IT HURTS" She screamed. "I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING PLEASE PLEASE JUST MAKE IT STOP!!" Hila yelled. She felt a wolf pin her down and force her to drink another potion. Instantly the pain ceased.

Posted 2023-02-17 21:01:21
Claw took a few steps back and let her mate do the talking, wagging her tail at his every word

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-18 09:56:04
Wraith had been quite most of the time but now was trembling at the sight of how the enemy begged for the pain to stop. He flinched and a whimper escape his muzzle. 'Wow I am glad I surrendered rather than tried to have escaped. That looks unbearable.' He stepped forward so that he could hear any important information.

Nali was sitting by Claw, her face was emotionless but the pity in her eyes was clearly visible. 'I didn't think it would have to come to this. If she would have just started speaking in the first place everything would have been better.' She shook her head and sighed under her breather.

Mona was outside the cave, listening to the wolf scream for mercy made her laugh. 'Idiot. Stubborn and stupid. Anyone with common sense would have cooperated and avoided this situation.' She chuckled and got up, walking to the cave.


Posted 2023-02-18 13:13:57
Grimble put the small bottle back in his stores and stared grimly at the stubborn wolf. "Perhaps" He said coldly. "Our little captive will consent to telling us what she knows" He paused. "Or maybe she needs a little more pain." He growled gesturing toward his stores.

"No, no please. I'll tell you anything. Anything!" Hila wailed. "What do you want to know?" She said fearfully, eying the wolf who had gave her the potion that caused her so much pain.

Posted 2023-02-18 14:05:25
"Your name, your leader's name, why you attacked us, and" she paused thinking "if you refuse, you won't like the outcome" she said with a smirk

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-18 15:10:57
"M - My name is Hila from the Blood Talon Pack. My l - leaders n - name is Hortense." She stammered and hestited before saying.  "W - we attacked you t - to conquere y - your land." She finished. They don't need to know the whole truth. Hila She thought to herself. I gave them what they wanted. Hopefully they won't try to forcing any more information out of me. She shuddered at the thought.

Posted 2023-02-18 15:13:21
She ticked her tongue "not good enough" she glanced at the herbalist "details. Or else." She said angrily.

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-18 15:16:40
"Wh - what else do you want t - to know" Hila squeaked, terrified.

Posted 2023-02-18 15:24:53
"What do you want with our land?" She growled "and why don't you call your leader in for a" she smiled "chat"

Dragon Queen🐉

Posted 2023-02-18 15:28:02
"With y - your land? We uh.. needed more s - space for our p - pack." Hila lied. "And what do you want with Hortense?" Hila growled back indignantly.

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