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Pinekin - On-site Wolf Pack Rp (Roleplay Thread)

Posted 2023-03-11 18:24:56
storm narrowed her eyes as a hunted grabbed grimble off of the other hunter and threw him about 2 feet away pointing a gun at him ''random wolf get the hell out of here!'' she said taking a step forward but not very far 2 more hunters joined the other pointing guns at grimble as 3 medics carried the other hunter away the hunters forced the wolf back one watched storm unsure if she would attack but storm stayed next to mona at some point while storm was distracted a hunted put a muzzle on her and a collar made of leather attached to a chain she pulled but was unable to get it off as they chained mona as well leaving the muzzle off for now storm tried flapping her wings but they were chained she was unable to bite growl o even hit someone with her wings to them being chained together

(dramaaa i have an idea on how they escape dw lol)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 18:55:05
Grimble snarled as the humans pointed their guns at him. He braced himself to pounce again but stopped as a warm sensation spilled through him. Suddenly, Grimble's claws sharpened. His teeth and snout lengthened. He started to get taller and he felt stronger. A vicious light gleamed in his eyes. He turned to the humans and leapt at them, knocking one down with the brute strength of his newly powerful shoulders and enormous paws. He rolled and knocked down three more humans. The hunters shot but the bullets just seemed to brush off him. Grimble knocked everyone of the humans unconcious and sat back, panting.

Posted 2023-03-11 18:59:32
a small sliver fox slipped in and poked grimble with its nose it tried pushing him towards the door it seemed in a big hurryand it nudged him towards the door

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:02:37
(what do you mean, a door? we were inside?)

Posted 2023-03-11 19:03:34
(yes there in a building inside cages with lots of hunters to keep them from escaping)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:09:05
(Oh, ok)

Grimble looked down at the little fox. He had a strong urge to follow it. Grimble stood up and squeezed through the door after the silver fox.

Posted 2023-03-11 19:12:16
the fox moved quickly now in the trees moving in the same direction finally stopping at a small building with a fence it tried to dig under it but its paws were far to small it looked up at grimble

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:14:46
Grimble followed the tiny silver fox to the building. He understood the look the fox gave him and stepped up with his huge paws. He began digging and made a hole large enough for him to squeeze through in a few swipes of his paw.

Posted 2023-03-11 19:18:20
the fox slipped in and stopped at a bunch of cages with many animals foxes,coyotes and even a few wolves the fox used its small paws to unlock one of the wolf cages it licked the fox on the head in thanks and bolted under the fence the fox turned to the next cage

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:21:02 (edited)
Grimble suddenly understood. He squished under the fence and used his sharp claws to unlock the cages. Wolves, foxes, coyotes, and other animals bolted away through the whole he had dug, always very thankful.

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