Wolf Pack RP sign ups & ooc
Wolf Pack RP sign ups & ooc
Posted 2023-02-18 10:41:56 (edited)
Rules:— • Cursing is allowed but not too much • Try not to talk out of character • No power playing as this is a realistic RP • Don't force someone to do something • try not to make your two characters can't be lovers as it ruins the fun • Ask before killing/hurting other person's character • Don't control other person's character without having their permission • don't have multiple alphas please Current Season:- spring Gem Pack:— Alpha Male 1/1 Alpha Female 1/1 Beta 1/1 Lead Hunter 1/1 Herbalist 1/1 Scouts 0/10 for now Hunters 0/10 for now Adolescents 0/ unlimited Pups 0/Unlimited Elders 0/10 for now Omega 1/1 Territory:— forest Storm Pack:— Alpha Male 1/1 Alpha Female 1/1 Beta 1/1 Lead Hunter 1/1 Herbalist 0/1 Scouts 0/10 for now Hunters 1/10 for now Adolescents 0/ unlimited Pups 1/Unlimited Elders 0/10 for now Omega 0/1 Territory:— Grasslands Loners 1/Unlimited (until too many) Name- Gender- Age- Birth Season- Pack- Relationships(family or romantic)- Sexuality- Role- Personality- Appearance- Extra- |
Dussa #113174 |
Posted 2023-02-18 10:42:21 (edited)
Gender- female Age- 1y 3m Birth Season- winter Pack- gem Relationships(family or romantic)- mother: Ruby father: whoever becomes male alpha wolf Sexuality- straight Role- omega (weakest wolf in the pack/if male possibly old alpha but lost in a challenge) Personality- quiet, shy Appearance- All white with glittering gold eyes Extra- runt of her litter Name- echo Gender- female Age- 3y 8m Birth Season- winter Pack- gem Relationships(family or romantic)- mother: unknown father: unknown daughter: amber (rest of litter died) Sexuality- straight Role- female alpha Personality- outgoing, bossy Appearance- White with blue eyes Extra- |
Dussa #113174 |
Posted 2023-02-18 10:52:12 (edited)
Gender-female Age-2 years old Birth Season-Fall Pack-Storm Pack Relationships(family or romantic)-Mate- Kingsley Sexuality- straight/ Polyamorous Role- Alpha Female Personality- Strong but sarcastic with those she likes Appearance- Claw Extra- Since she was a pup she has always wanted her own family! Likes: anything shiny, food, strong males Dislikes: most adolescents, flowers, weak wolves |
Dragon Queen🐉 #114325 |
Posted 2023-02-18 11:57:08
Dussa #113174 |
Posted 2023-02-18 13:42:52
Gender-female Age-3 years Birth Season-Autumn Pack-gem pack Relationships(family or romantic)- none (ask in chat or dms to be mate/crush) Sexuality-pan Role-herbalist Personality-kind caring loyal patient motherly Appearance-https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiI4MiIsImUiOiIzIiwibiI6IjE0IiwiYyI6IjIiLCJzIjoiMjciLCJrIjowLCJ4IjpbbnVsbCwiQmxhY2sgQmxhbmtldCIsIkJyb3duIEhhbGYgU2FkZGxlIiwiV2hpdGUgSGVhdnkgSHVza3kiLCJZZWxsb3cgSGFsZiBEb3JzYWwiLCJDcmVhbSBDYXJuYWdlIiwiQ3JlYW0gQ2FwZSIsIkJlaWdlIEhhbGYgQ2FwZSIsIlJlZCBTaGFkZWQiLCJTdG9ybSBBdXJvcmEiLCJEZWlyYSBMaWdodCBIdXNreSJdLCJvIjpbbnVsbCwiMTAwIiwiOTAiLCI2MCIsIjQwIiwiMTAwIiwiODAiLCI0MCIsIjMwIiwiMTAwIiwiODAiXSwiZCI6W251bGwsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiJdLCJhIjoiMjQiLCJtIjoiIn0. Extra-has a crooked paw |
TearsofAngels #116165 |
Posted 2023-02-18 17:17:30
Dussa #113174 |
Posted 2023-02-19 19:34:48
Gender- male Age- 2 1/2 Birth Season- winter Pack- gempack Relationships(family or romantic)- none(open dm me) Sexuality- bi Role- beta Personality-Riot is a confident,firm but funny wolf. he tends to make others laugh and doesn't use harm to the omega. he wants a mate and would prefer a MALE mate. He is ind and can take charge if he needs to. He loves to swim,climb and is great at fighting but doesnt LOVE it. Appearance- https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?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. |
natureismyfriend34 #62683 |
Posted 2023-02-19 19:58:54 (edited)
Gender- Male Age- 2.5 Birth Season- Fall Pack- Storm Pack Relationships - Mate: Claw Sexuality- Bisexual Role- Alpha Male Personality- Sarcastic, fierce, arrogant, and rough Appearance- link |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-02-19 20:00:02
Dragon Queen🐉 #114325 |
Posted 2023-02-19 20:01:39
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |