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Warriors roleplay [closed]

Posted 2023-05-22 02:18:31
Could I get an invite?


Posted 2023-05-24 08:28:31 (edited)
I'd like an invite to the discord! :D

Posted 2023-05-28 19:48:56 here u go!


Posted 2023-06-09 05:11:53
hi can i join? im new to these soo....

Posted 2023-09-10 15:53:59
Featherpaw watched as the clan jumbled around her, everything and everyone a blurr. Maybe she just needed more time to recover or maybe it just wasn't enough.


Posted 2023-10-09 13:46:21
Clan: Riverclan
Name: Finsplash
Rank: Young warrior
Age (in moons): 15 moons
Birth Gender and Pronouns: AIAB, uses He/They pronouns
Sexuality: Pan :)
Personality: Loud, arrogant, thinks he knows better than everyone else (He doesn't). He is impatient, and if something isn't done right away, he's on it. Despite his know-it-all demenor, he's very sweet, and cares deeply for cats younger than him.
Description: Finsplash is a large, thick-furred silver tom with dark grey dapples, a large dark grey spot on his eye, stormy green eyes, and a long, fluffy tail.
Relationships (All, whether it's family or romantic): none yet
Backstory (Optional): n/a
Extra: would make a great mentor, open for ships ^^

Posted 2023-10-22 23:16:01
Welcome to the rp!


Posted 2023-10-24 11:08:17
Clan: ShadowClan
Name: Darkeye
Rank: Deputy
Age (in moons): 32
Birth Gender and Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Darkeye is a quiet, strong, and dutiful deputy, with undying loyalty to the Code and the Clan. His responses tend to be short, but when he has something long to say, his speech is elegant and often tactful. He has a shorter temper than most cats realize.
Description: Darkeye is a big black tom, with slate gray underparts and toes. He has the crimped fur of a Selkirk Rex. His eyes are a deep gray, hence his name, Darkeye.
Relationships (All, whether it's family or romantic): None, although he'd be open to a relationship
Backstory (Optional): Darkeye was found as a kit and, since he had no Clan-scent, he was taken into ShadowClan. He has proved his worth tenfold with his quiet strength and intelligence.
Extra: Darkeye has a tear in his left ear, and a scar on the inside of his right foreleg.

Posted 2023-10-25 06:19:47
What a cool backstory would love to see that in the rp!


Posted 2023-10-26 13:14:57
Darkeye sniffed cautiously at the WindClan border, checking for patrols. Once he was feeling sure that no patrols were around, he softly crept over the border and into WindClan territory. As ShadowClan's deputy, he knew it wasn't a smart idea. He knew he shouldn't go into other Clans' territories, but... he just had to see that hollow in the woods, beyond WindClan territory, beyond the farm where loners hid. The hollow where ShadowClan warrior Softheart, who had recently passed away, had found him, mewling for milk and a mother's warmth.
So, very carefully, Darkeye crept his way into WindClan...

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