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Depeche's Cove of Curiosities [LONG-TERM WIP - DNR]

Depeche's Cove of Curiosities [LONG-TERM WIP - DNR]
Posted 2023-03-09 18:01:57 (edited)


In your travels, you've come far, but your paws never bore to a place as strange as what lay before you. Ravens' wings beat and harsh caws fill what would be silence, interrupted in intervals by an eerie breeze. Lightning splits across a sky lit by a dying sun. Rain patters against dry earth, setting dust to swirl about. A shiver races down your spine; you can't help but feel as though someone...or perhaps even watching you. Soft paws approach, drawing your attention from such strange tidings to look up to see who it is that approaches.

"What brings you to my domain?" Echoing, otherworldly, like a whisper of ghosts far from a warm den's shelter, her voice evokes memories of darkest nights lit by nothing by distant starlight; her darkness, her starlight. Ears drawing forward, alert and wary, she stands tall, to her full height. Small though she is, her demeanor more than compensates. "I advise you answer," she warns.

Listening intently as you describe your journey and what you faced as you traveled, this she-wolf sits on her haunches. "It is no coincidence that brought you to my den," she quips. Turning, she pads quietly forward, expecting you to follow. "Come, wanderer. Rest a while. I'd be glad of your company, before you go. Perhaps you will find what you seek among my wares."

"I serve my pack, Initiis Novis, as herbalist and seer,"
this she-wolf explains as she sprawls lazily on a soft mat, nodding for you to seat yourself on an identical mat close at paw. "As such, I forage for herbs in plenty, as well as craft medicines and remedies. To help support my pack, I've opened this shop, to supply others necessary items and to utilize my herbalism skills for a small fee. I am called Depeche. I bid you welcome."

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 18:49:58 (edited)


As you lift yourself from your seat to explore Depeche's wares, as invited, Depeche herself elects to offer a tour from her comfortable mat, a central point in her shop. What first greets your senses is a long platform upon which rests a host of animal carcasses, organized by size and freshness.

"Though it isn't my primary focus, I do offer food exchanges," Depeche explains. "Our hunters are skilled and work very hard, and so bring home plenty of prey to sustain our numbers. But I've heard of occasions that a certain snake has made requests that are...difficult to fulfill. Beastly little thing. As such, I am more than happy to exchange food items of equal or greater size to accommodate that serpent's greed."

she adds, almost an afterthought. "I can sell food to those who need our resources. But I've a limit to how much I can sell and how often. My leader, A New Dawn, recalls dark times, and won't see us hunger again. A fair and reasonable leader, particularly after our last ones..."



I will exchange food items for use in completing Snake Quests that are of equal or greater uses. For example, to complete a Snake Quest that requests two porcupine carcasses (eight uses each), I will ask for 16 uses of food in return at minimum. Four critters, two small carcasses, or one large will do; so long as an equal exchange is provided.

I will not accept multiple single-use food items at this time.



5 per use OR see price per carcass below

Critters (4): 20 each

Small (8): 40 each

Medium (10-12): 60 each

Large (16-20): 100 each

Extra Large (24+): 140 each

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 20:02:12 (edited)


Depeche watches as you pad on from her table of food offerings to stand before another table. A breeze sweeps through, setting a small feather aloft to land on your nose. It tickles! As you sneeze it into flight once more, you watch it glide away, your eyes left to wander across a host of bright feathers and fresh bones. Depeche laughs at your feathery plight. "Bested by a feather?" she gently teases. "Don't worry; it happens to even a wolf most mighty. As you can see, we've a selection of amusement items to choose from! Can't let your pack get bored, can we?"

Rolling onto her back, her shadowy tendrils being smooshed gently under her weight, Depeche huffs. "I've heard yet more whispers of a certain cornsnake requesting toys of wolves, in addition to food items. Lazy brute. Though I suppose that's a touch hypocritical, coming from me." Snorting, she goes on. "As before, I'd be happy to exchange amusement items so you might get what you need to please that sly thing. Do inform me of your choice."



Similarly to food items, I will exchange toys for use in completing Snake Quests that are of equal or greater uses. For instance, should you need a bone to submit for a Quest, I will request an amusement item of five or more uses in return. As a personal preference, I prefer feather amusement items, but I will be satisfied so long as equal amusement is provided.



Price: 10 per use

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 20:03:39 (edited)


Depeche rolls onto her side to observe you as you pad deeper into her cave of wares, a grin splitting her face as you wrinkle your nose. A pungent aroma assaults your senses, and you easily determine its source: a table, every inch covered by a variety of herbs, most freshly foraged. Strong, aren't they?" Depeche laughs. "I needed almost a full moon's cycle before I acclimated to such a stench. But each has its use, and not a single one of those plants is to be discounted. I've saved countless members of my pack using those herbs' power. I'm certain your own herbalist would be glad to acquire and put to use some of my collection."





ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 21:27:55 (edited)


As you on from what herbs Depeche has arrayed, another table close at paw catches your attention. Bottles and pouches, bright in color and expertly labeled, sit in neat rows on this surface. Depeche, seeing your newest interest, quips, "Perhaps your herbalist still needs to learn a thing or two? We all need time to be our best; I may be talented, but I'm no pup-prodigy!" After a breathy laugh in that unsettling voice, she goes on. "My pack is healthy. We've plenty of medicine to spare. As such, our excess remedies are available for purchase. Don't see something you need in stock? Not to worry. I'm always happy to craft medicines by request, so long as I've materials to use and proper compensation is offered, of course."



I will determine what constitutes a common, uncommon, or rare medicine. Please message me or post in this forum to inquire as to what your desired medicine will cost. Thank you!

Common Medicines: 400 or 1 each

Uncommon Medicines: 600 or 1

Rare Medicines: 800 or 2 each

Healing Salves: 1 for five (5) salves



Depeche will craft medicines upon request! As an experienced herbalist, she knows all medicines and is very fast at her work. This can be done one of two ways:

Method One:
I will request herbs for a medicine to be transferred, and Depeche will use those herbs to create a requested medicine. I will not ask for a crafting fee, unless I must use my own herbs to exchange for an herb to create a requested medicine. In such an instance, I will ask a 100 fee. Should you be unable to send specific herbs required for a medicine, I will accept multiple herbs to exchange for a missing herb. Please specify what herbs you would like to be used in an herb exchange in both your forum post putting in your request as well as in your gift upon sending herbs to circumvent confusion and errors.

Method Two:
Should a specific medicine you need not be in stock, Depeche will accept requests for specific medicines to be crafted. As before, I will not ask for a crafting fee, unless I must use my own herbs to exchange for an herb to create a requested medicine. In such an instance, I will ask a 100 fee, same as before. Once this requested medicine is finished, I will send it to you in a private trade for standard medicine pricing, as listed under Medicine Sales.



I will offer aid to cure wolves in outbreaks of illnesses in packs. In such circumstances, I will offer a bundle of two medicines for one's price, but it must be paid in unless you cannot afford it and I will permit an exclusion; may be paid in its stead. Crafting medicines to cure an outbreak is a taxing process, hence why I request this price. Providing herbs to craft these necessary medicines may allow for a price reduction.

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 21:33:32 (edited)


As you continue to wander about Depeche's cave intently, you stand before yet another table, but this one bears nothing but...leaves? Upon closer inspection, you notice upon each leaf is scrawled a note: a name and a price. Seeing your perplexed expression, Depeche explains. "Oh. Those. Well, you see, we engage that fellow called Raccoon in business engagements from time to time. Odd little thing, that one. Regardless, A New Dawn thought it best to offer what wares Raccoon offers us to you, and I concurred. I hear he offers different things to different wolves, depending on what territory they elect to settle. As we are located in these glorious prairies, we've a different selection of wares! See something you'd liked from that insufferable rodent? Bring me what leaflet corresponds to your desired item and I'll send one of our adolescents to run it there and bring it here. All I ask in return is equitable compensation. Simple, yes?"



Initiis Novis is a Prairie pack. We offer everything Raccoon offers us in his Prairie shop! To purchase a Prairie Raccoon Wares item, you must pay its price plus 200


Common Poorwill: 300

Monarch Butterfly: 350

Scarlet Globemallow: 350

Sharp-Tailed Grouse: 350

Swift Fox: 400

Swift Fox Kits: 400

Windswept Elm Seeds [Foreground]: 350

Windswept Elm Seeds [Background]: 350


[USA] Indiana - Cornfields

[USA] Iowa = Broken Kettle Grasslands

[USA] Kansas - Twisters

[USA] Nebraska - Chadron State Park

[USA] Oklahoma - Black Mesa

[USA] Texas - Chisos

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 21:45:32
Reserved for future posts!

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

Posted 2023-03-09 21:45:52
Reserved for future posts!

ᴀɢᴇɴᴏᴛʜʀᴇᴇ (ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ)

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