[closed] WIN GC - Help me decor my new stud!!
[closed] WIN GC - Help me decor my new stud!!
Posted 2023-03-23 19:44:15 (edited)
This is his design so far! ---- Rules ---- 1. Add as much decor to the design as you wish!! 2. You may remove existing decor if you like.... 3. ...but please don't remove any markings!! - However, you CAN add new markings - but they must be available through the Markings Applicator item from the grove. 4. You may change his base if you wish - however, if you do change it, I would like it to be either TIII or T*. Again, this base must be available through an applicator :) 5. You may change the pose!! 6. It would be nice if the decor you choose didn't obscure too much of his body. However, this is not mandatory :) 7. Custom Decor is allowed!! ----- FAQs ----- How will this work? Add as much decor as you like to this design, then paste the link to your design on this topic!! When the contest ends, I will look through all the designs and choose the one I like the most. That design will be the winner!! When does the contest end? 1st of April!! What do I get if I win? 10GC :0 After the contest ends, I'll send the prize to the winner in a gift :) How many designs can i submit? As many as you like! Good luck, and happy decor-ing!! |
salmonn #103685 |
Posted 2023-03-23 20:14:15
Heres my attempt! Will update with more if I have the energy |
Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat #112631 |
Posted 2023-03-25 02:23:14 (edited)
Featherfull Jay (10 OR 5 & 1000) Dreamlands Light (7 OR 5 & 600) Rings of Wolf (6 OR 5 & 100) Total: 23 OR 15 & 1700 |
Draygirlx #57587 |
Posted 2023-03-25 03:22:58 (edited)
https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/7021115?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. |
-Celtic Gem- #27331 |
Posted 2023-03-25 03:23:37
-Celtic Gem- #27331 |
Posted 2023-03-25 06:06:10 (edited)
I may try for another later. Entry 2 Wardrobe CD 1 CD 2 |
🌈Wolfryn🐺 #117902 |
Posted 2023-03-25 06:07:42 (edited)
Lumen Fur Tufts: Lunar "Lunar Phoenix" Lumen Glow & Eyes Primeval Predator - without sail Deep shadows: Blue Double Vision: Omen Dream lighting: Wolf & Enviroment Can help supply with GC to buy this all considering all of them are CD. Some marking additions. Added marks: Slot 5: White Butcher 100% Slot 6: White Cross 100% Slot 10: White Grizzle 40% I don't know if Grizzle is a marking app option but it isn't really that noticeable. |
Aglophobia (NC) #54084 |
Posted 2023-03-25 17:56:12
Might try for another design later, but I'm pretty happy with mine. |
JDoggyGirl (NC) #106775 |
Posted 2023-03-27 08:09:54
Base/Markings Design The base could be any of the following ones as they all would look good in my opinion. Airglow, Artemis, Luna, Moonlight, Nightchill, or Turquoise. I will begin the decor design shortly. I will be going for a winter/lunar/snowy decor design for him. |
»--𝙻𝚎𝚡--« #33076 |
Posted 2023-03-27 09:40:03
link |
JDoggyGirl (NC) #106775 |