🌑 Moonlight Wolf Designing Contest! 🌕 (Round Four OPEN!)
Posted 2023-04-02 15:19:22
https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?eyJ2Ijoic2VudGluZWwiLCJiIjoiNTAiLCJlIjoiNTIiLCJuIjoiOSIsImMiOiIzIiwicyI6IjE2IiwiayI6MCwieCI6W251bGwsIkF1YnVybiBEb3JzYWwiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCJCcm93biBDaGVzdCIsIiIsIkJsYWNrIFBvaW50cyIsIiJdLCJvIjpbbnVsbCwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIl0sImQiOltudWxsLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiXSwiYSI6IjI0IiwibSI6IiJ9 |
Koshmarr #118121 |
Posted 2023-04-03 09:51:14 (edited)
Definetly a hyper-realistic design. GL to everyone <3 Adai was vicious from birth, rambunctious and untamed. The zookeepers who kept him couldn't control him, even as a young pup. He snapped and squalled at the people who tried to handle them, angry at the world. Their family, their pack were the only ones who saw his friendly sides. Gadalla, His mother was proud of him, she loved that he was vicious, he was a great asset to her future plans. His father,Kakar, was uncaring most of the time, but supported their mother, and therefore him when he had the time. He had three other siblings, not as vicious, but matching candidates, Xex, Kurosu, and Clukio. As they grew up, the intensity of Adai grew, he was meaner to the humans at the sanctuary, prouder, better. Gandalla took the monster under her paw and trained him, teaching her her plans for the future. They would escape, and live together freely in the wild. And one day, it was time. He was now three years old, and had more siblings. Their first had been moved to a new cage with another wolf of the opposite sex, to start their own family, but Adai, he was too deadly to be moved, so he stayed with his mother and father to wait. The new pups were deadly, as he was, and all would be taken upon their sixth month of life. When the day came, the day of escape, they were ready. The younger pups, Kehaar, Hazeil, Corren, And Cross were clever, they knew techniques no other would dream of having, but they were weaker, so they watched, and the adults worked. They dug under a spot in the fence behind a rock they lazed on, and after a week of work, they were ready, they escaped. After the quick escape, the six traveled far. His mother and father knew the wild, they used to lie free, and they passed the knowledge of hunting to their children, who learned slow, but steadily. At the age of 4 now, the family, after travelling far distances came to where they live now, the woods of Missouri. Mother and Father, assuming the rank of Alpha, were extraordinary. They continue to live in the same woods now, with 3 new pups, and 2 new adults, one was one of Adai's siblings, Xex, the one who was the most similar to Adai mentally. He had been released into the wild, and after searching for months, came to the woods his family lived. The other was a female, who left her own pack in search of a mate, and had found this pack. Her name was Zolus, a pretty black she-wolf who was emotional and rebellious. The new pups are Vekka-Vega, Citu, And Wentapii. Mother and father still reign supreme, with Adai as beta, Kehaar as delta, Hazeil, Corren and Xex as subordinates, and Zolus as the Omega. |
![]() Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat #112631 |
Posted 2023-04-03 13:17:19 (edited)
First Wolf: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiI5NiIsImUiOiI4IiwibiI6IjEiLCJjIjoiNSIsInMiOiIzIiwiayI6IjI1MjAiLCJ4IjpbbnVsbCwiR3JheSBBZ291dGkiLCJXaGl0ZSBCb3R0b21zIiwiV2hpdGUgSGFsZiBTb2NrcyIsIldoaXRlIFNhbGxhbmRlciIsIldoaXRlIFVuZGVyZnVyIiwiQmxhY2sgQmFjayIsIkJsYWNrIFRhaWwgVGlwIiwiR3JheSBVbmRlcmZ1ciIsIldoaXRlIFVuZGVyc2lkZXMiLCIiXSwibyI6W251bGwsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjE1IiwiMTAiLCIxMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCJdLCJkIjpbbnVsbCwiQmlyZCdzIE5lc3QgW1RyZWVdIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIiwiIl0sImEiOiIyNCIsIm0iOiIifQ.. Second Wolf: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/6398047?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. 3. Wolf: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiI1MiIsImUiOiI1NSIsIm4iOiIxIiwiYyI6IjUiLCJzIjoiMyIsImsiOiIyNTIwIiwieCI6W251bGwsIkdyYXkgQWdvdXRpIiwiV2hpdGUgTGltYnMiLCJXaGl0ZSBIYWxmIFNvY2tzIiwiV2hpdGUgUGF3cyIsIldoaXRlIENoZXN0IiwiQmxhY2sgQmFjayIsIkJsYWNrIFRhaWwgVGlwIiwiWmlyY29uIFVuZGVycyIsIlppcmNvbiBVbmRlcnNpZGVzIiwiV2hpdGUgVW5kZXJzaWRlcyJdLCJvIjpbbnVsbCwiMTAiLCI1MCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwMCIsIjQwIiwiMTAwIiwiNTAiLCI0MCIsIjEwIl0sImQiOltudWxsLCJCaXJkJ3MgTmVzdCBbVHJlZV0iLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiXSwiYSI6IjI0IiwibSI6IiJ9 4. Wolf: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?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.. 5. Wolf: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/6398047?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 |
![]() ☠Nevaneel 1#CoolGuy Fan💞 #119024 |
Posted 2023-04-04 05:12:06
https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/6757934?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiI4IiwiZSI6IjEiLCJuIjoiMjAiLCJjIjoiNCIsInMiOiIxOSIsImsiOiIyNjU4IiwieCI6W251bGwsIkhvbmV5IENyb3NzIiwiQmxhY2sgV3JhaXRoIiwiV2hpdGUgVGFtYXNrYW4gVW5kZXJzIiwiV2hpdGUgSGlnaGxpZ2h0cyIsIldoaXRlIFRvZXMiLCJXaGl0ZSBJbm5lciBFYXIiLCIiLCJDcmVhbSBCYWNrIiwiIiwiIl0sIm8iOltudWxsLCI0MCIsIjIwIiwiMzAiLCI1IiwiMzAiLCIxMCIsIjEwMCIsIjEwIiwiMTAwIiwiMTAwIl0sImQiOltudWxsLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiXSwiYSI6IjI0IiwibSI6IiJ9 Hope you like it :) |
Shadow205_intj #105731 |
Posted 2023-04-04 13:38:02
Wardrobe (without decor or background). I really really would rather not have to put the pictures in the forum, but I can if you really want. This was fun! |
![]() JDoggyGirl (NC) #106775 |
Posted 2023-04-07 18:37:52
Just reminding everybody that this round is half over! :) Thanks for all of your designs so far, i love em! ![]() |
![]() Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC/Semi Active) #40012 |
Posted 2023-04-07 21:29:08
Sankta Alina #65856 |
Posted 2023-04-08 17:43:35
I had a BUNCH that I spent a lot of time on, but dumb me copied the website url, instead of the one at the bottom (hey, it's my first time doing this) so they got deleted. And now all of these wolves are brown, but the others were like bee-esque ( I wanted to see if a wolf with the bright yellow base would look good—Spoiler Alert—it doesn't) BEAVER link Beaver is a ragtag wolf, with a curious, goofy nature to him. He loves water, and his favorite pastime is fetching sticks. Although he may seem as kind and cuddly—beware his bite! ===== ACORN link Acorn is a shy and somewhat possessive wolf. She's quiet and thinks a great deal about her everyday life, but not everything she mumbles is nonsense; she listens to all—the grass rustling, the owl hooting, the secrets of the night. ===== ROWAN link Rowan is a natural-born leader—they always know what to say and do, especially when it comes to making people feel better. They're like the wold equivalent of a psychiatrist. Their favorite remedy? Elk guts. ===== BLAZE link Imagine a blazing fire tearing town row after row of trees, scorching its mark into every crevice of the land. That is the opposite of Blaze. However harsh the fire burns, Blaze soothes, his voice softer than a soot-mouse's squeak. He is the gentle giant. The grown up wolf who's still a pup. And he has burned his way into one place—our hearts. ===== SINALOA link Right from birth, Sinaloa loved the world. The way it smelled. The way it tasted. The way the trees looked over her head, ferns leaving dewy droplets that clung to her fur. Sounds that rang through her ears. And the lumbering, foil-tasting, stench of the massive brown bear that stumbled upon her fragile body. Too late she realized—not everything loved the world like she did. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. But she lived to tell the tale. And even though some things don't love, Sinaloa loves for them. Because no creature deserves to be unloved. Hope you enjoyed!! These will also be permanently on my Wolf OC forum, so feel free to check them out there. No stealing my babs!! |
ThatLastWolf #115908 |
Posted 2023-04-10 05:00:13
Design 1 (w/o decor) I might add one more later :) |
💤 Sleepy 💤 #41694 |
Posted 2023-04-11 18:14:44
All based on real wolf species! link - Hudson Bay wolf link - Himalayan Wolf link - Mexican Wolf |
FoxyStorm #117822 |