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Warrior Cat Rp (On-site) Rp Thread

Posted 2023-04-10 11:41:29
TigerCloud - Warrior - Goldenseal Clan
He smiled and batted back at Babbling'Stream. "How dare you make fun of my roar. You just wait till I am fully recovered, then I will show you my true strength." He made a dramatic huff and half-walked half-strutted out of the camp.


Posted 2023-04-10 11:43:31
Magpie'feather- Medicine cat- Heather clan
She wanted to query further but didn't want to upset the tom. So she sat down, her injured foot jutting out slighty as she made herself comfortable. "Well thats great,.... not that your bored I mean!!" She sighed inwardly at herself, "Great your not doing anything, since I was planning on asking Juniper'star for a patrol so I can gather some herbs, would you like to join the patrol?"
𓆏Shetan 🐌

Posted 2023-04-10 11:45:43
Babbling'stream- deputy- Goldenseal Clan
Babbling'stream quickened her pace to catch up with the fiesty tom, "Hey" she called out as she lagged behing "I thought you were the injured one? How come your faster than me?!" Her fur rippled as she struggled to keep up with Tiger'cloud, exposing old scars and some new cuts from hunting prey.
𓆏Shetan 🐌

Posted 2023-04-10 11:47:10
Rock'fall-- Warrior-- Heather Clan
Rock'fall kinda laughed quietly to Magpie's nervousness " you don't have to be nervous around me, you can tell me anything, I'm a listening kind of cat. And to the herb patrol I'd love to join" he smiled at her


Posted 2023-04-10 11:48:32
TigerCloud - Warrior - Goldenseal Clan
"No injury can keep me down! ADHD won't allow me to stay still for to long." He chuckled and slowed a bit. "Wow you have a lot of scars. Cool! I haven't gotten many, but I wish I did. Then others would defiantly think that I'm amazing and cool."


Posted 2023-04-10 11:50:18
Magpie'feather- Medicine cat- Heather clan
Magpie'feather felt her nervousness melt away, "Thank you" she smiled at the cat. "And for the herb patrol we might need to go to the kittypet place as the abandoned house is the best for catmint,... sorry if thats to far" She licked her shoulder to remove a scrap of moss "Oh and I will need to go to the hollow for some juniper berries as whitecough season is close" She fretted over the herbs she needed and then snapped back to reality, "Once again thank you" She beamed at Rock'fall.
𓆏Shetan 🐌

Posted 2023-04-10 11:54:07
Babbling'stream- deputy- Goldenseal Clan
Babbling'stream once again felt herself blink at the kind nature of the tom, she decided to reveal the nature of some of the scars she had gotten. "Well scars can be cool, like this one" The she gestured to her eyebrow "A present from a kittypet who decided Goldenseal clan territory was his". She then gestured to her shoulder "This one wasn't that cool, I got it when I was still Babble, from the leader of our group who decided he needed first pick of the prey, plus it causes me pain every so often"

Babbling'stream paused lost in memories, before she shook her head and once again smiled at Tiger'cloud.
𓆏Shetan 🐌

Posted 2023-04-10 11:55:47
Rock'fall-- Warrior-- Heather Clan
Rock'fall nodded and followed Magpie over to Juniper'star's den


Posted 2023-04-10 11:56:56
Juniper'star-- Leader-- Heather Clan
Juniper heard paw steps outside of his den and looked up


Posted 2023-04-10 11:57:32
TigerCloud - Warrior - Goldenseal Clan
The tom-cat only looked at Babbling'Stream in a soft way before smiling back and continuing in the direction the needed to go. He was quieter now, seemingly zoned out. But when the sound of another creature nearby caught his attention he snapped back to reality and tried to listen in on it more.


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