🌆 After Dusk 🌆 [Onsite Warriors RP][CLOSED]
Posted 2023-04-18 00:42:45 (edited)
Tigermoth's restless slumber meant she was awake as the morning rays of light hit her eyes. Green eyes opened to the sight of the warriors den, she smiled as she gazed outward, seems she finally managed to sleep until the morning patrol. She rose up out of her comfy nest and stretched out, scorching gouges in the wood near her nest which she hurried to cover up again. She also briefly groomed her pelt to remove a scrap of moss that had been irritating her. She then walked quite calmly out of the den. The sight that greeted her when she arrived at main area made her speed up as she realised she was one of the latest to wake up. She saw Cherrystar and Minkpelt and gave a respectful nod and pause to both, then continuing her walk onwards. She also saw her other clanmates and greeted them albeit whilst still making her way speedily to the fresh kill pile.... which was almost empty and would need to be replenished. Guess her first patrol would be a hunting one. She noticed Poppyeyes still splayed out and padded forward, tail twitching as she tried not to laugh. "Poppyeyes? Oh no hes passed on to Starclan and so young, I will avenge you!" At the last word she broke character and started laughing. She noticed Littlepaw looking triumphant in the distance and laughed further. She stopped and smiled at Poppyeyes, glad for her clanmates humour as it did definitely brighten her day at the very least. |
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan #92708 |
Posted 2023-04-18 09:24:46
Rosefrost - Queen - Molly - Location: 2nd FloorLittlepaw had dropped off the recovery herbs the night before, and yet, she still hoped it would be nothing but some awful nightmare when she awoke in her nest. Still, it was an agonizing reality. For the past moon, Rosefrost had been awakened by the squirming of her expected litter, but now, all was still. Deathly silent. She and her brother had thought of such wonderful names, and now, she wouldn't get to use them. The nest she'd worked so hard to perfect was useless. Her predictions of what the little furballs would look like were nothing but false memories now. The tortoiseshell point's ears twitched at the sound of commotion below. Moons ago, she'd be one of the first to rise, eagerly volunteering for the dawn hunting patrol to bring back a rich haul. Back then, she'd ensure that the fresh-kill pile was never empty...but things were different now. The world had lost its color and been replaced by a cool and unforgiving gray. Her desire to hunt, to converse with her brother, to entertain the apprentices...it'd all been whisked away with the grim news she'd received from Swanstorm. Rosefrost wanted to be down there to support her brother, but... She tensed and released a sharp breath of air as she attempted to move. The pain had returned. The poppy seeds had been enough to take the edge off and allow her to sleep through the night, but now it was back. The queen allowed her body to relax, sinking back down into her nest out of defeat. She'd have to take it slowly for now...slowly, very slowly. Herbs could mend wounds, but they couldn't fix a broken heart. |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-04-18 12:56:10
Silentflight - Warrior - He/Him - Location: Camp CenterThe mock battle, complete with a dramatic 'death', lightened the sense of unease hanging over Silentflight from his uneasy dream. Perhaps because he could imagine Howlingwind either right in the middle of the morning chaos or egging them on. While still tender from the loss, he could remember his brother with fondness now. About to add in his own mocking commentary on Poppyeyes' fighting ability, or lack there-of, he paused when Minkpelt appeared and gave the fresh-kill pile and annoyed look. A pang of guilt flashed through him, as if it was Silentflight's fault he'd not caught enough prey the day before. It was a foolish thought he knew, but with Rosefrost still sidelined there was a compulsion on his part to take up the slack. Not that he thought it was Rosefrost's fault! He felt horrible for the she-cat, and prayed to Starclan for her speedy recovery. Noticing the deputy head his way he returned her greeting head nod, his own a bit lower out of deference to her higher status. While Silentflight didn't know Minkpelt on a level he could consider her a close friend, he'd always liked and respected her. She knew how to get things done and didn't take anyone's nonsense. Was she a bit intimidating? Absolutely. With time though, he'd come to realize it wasn't because she was malicious or hateful. Simply blunt, but loyal and intuitive as well. Someone he was perfectly fine following as deputy or maybe someday leader. It helped that she was also a large cat, bigger even then Silentflight in some regards so he didn't feel quite so awkward. "Yes, it seems hunting didn't go as well as we'd hoped yesterday." He answered, voice surprisingly deep for what he knew he looked like. "If you'll allow it, I'll join a patrol and spend the day restocking. New-leaf seems to be well on it's way, hopefully the animals will be active after the long leaf-bare." Cherrystar's appearance had Silentflight pausing, head dipping in respect but shoulders tensing. While Minkpelt might intimidate many, Silentflight found their leader to be more daunting. Maybe it was because he was leader, or maybe because he was harder to read and understand? Silentflight would never know the pressures Cherrystar was under, so he didn't take offence or dislike their leader. He simply respected him from a distance and tried staying out from under Cherrystar's paws. While Cherrystar and Minkpelt stalked Silentflight attempted to shuffle back some, eyes on his own paws. |
![]() Alcarie #5393 |
Posted 2023-04-18 13:14:43
Tigermoth overhead Silentflights offer to join a hunting patrol and perked up. She wanted to burn off the extra energy she had gotten from her first restful sleep in moons. "I can go to as well Minkpelt". The deputy made direct eye contact with Tigermoth causing her orange tail to fluff up involuntarily. She cursed under her breath and groomed her tail back to its usual state, "It's cold in here" she said to try and play off her nervousness around the deputy. She walked back slightly and joined Silenflight in walking behing the leaders. "Mousedung" She thought, Tigermoth was thoroughly embarrassed by her reaction to the deputy. It wasn't that she was scared or annoyed at Minkpelt. It was simply that her own experiences had caused her to constantly be ready for a fight, she sighed at the memories of the encounter that had caused her scar. She shook out her pelt and took a deep breath to anchor herself in the now. Tigermoth thought on it and decided she'd go out of her way to bring Rosefrost her favorite prey. She didn't know the queen too well but had experienced the pain first hand of loosing a loved one and wanted to help in anyway she could. She also wanted to ask Swanstorm's permission to take Littlepaw on for a day or two to teach the excitable cat some battle moves; Tigermoth knew that Littlepaw was a medicine cat apprentice but she reasoned with herself that every cat should know a few moves in order to protect themselves. Tigermoth then paused her train of thought and kept her ears open to hear Cherrystar and Minkpelts decision for the hunting patrols and border patrols. |
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan #92708 |
Posted 2023-04-18 13:21:19
Swanstorm - She-cat - Medicine Cat - Location: Camp CentreSwan'Storm greeted Littlepaw with a smile. She had always found their unlimited energy enlightening, and is in a considerably better mood around them, save for when a few "accidents" occur. "If you ask about where kits come from again, I'll be having your ears!" She scolded lightly, smacking them lightly on the shoulder with her tail. Purposefully holding back that subject, for obvious reasons. Still, she wondered why Littlepaw was so curious. "Now, I'll be needing you to forage for some herbs today." She mewed thoughtfully. "And we'll cover some more injuries as well. You've been doing very well." A frown crossed her expression, as she tapped her paw on the ground while thinking of the list of duties she had to get to. Turning her attention back on her apprentice, before they started scampering around, she inquired doubtfully, "have you had a meal yet?" In which she considered not, as the fresh-kill pile was pitifully bare. She hoped that a patrol would go out soon- Swanstorm was probably not the only hungry cat in the clan at the moment. |
FoxyStorm #117822 |
Posted 2023-04-18 14:08:45 (edited)
"Oh uh yes, morning Cherrystar." Minkpelt dipped her head back, albeit a bit awkwardly. "I uh…. Hope you slept well." The words came out a bit forced, but she hoped her leader could sense that she was really trying her best here to make casual talk. Something about the flame-point tom made her even more tongue-tied than usual. What if she accidentally said something too blunt or too rude? What if he learned of the fact she secretly envied his easy and truthful demeanor? No, Minkpelt really wanted to be a good deputy so she tended to be a bit less talkative and more awkward around her superior. Since the conversation turned to job work, Minkpelt visibly relaxed. This, this she was good at. "Yes, I think that would be a good idea. I can lead the hunting patrol and bring Sunpaw. If you want, could you lead the border patrol? With the amount of warriors we need hunting I'd feel better if our leader was heading a smaller group." Minkpelt scanned the central area before turning back to Soarflight. "You can certainly join me and Sunpaw to hunt if you wish" she mewled, happy at the tom so kindly volunteering. Tigermoths presence also caused her to calm down. She rested her tail tip on the calico's shoulder in a friendly manner. Thank you, of course you can accompany us." Then she stood up and cleared her throat, preparing to address the few cats out and about. "Since our prey pile is dwindling and so many of us are up early I am sending out some morning patrols. Me, Soarflight, Briarstorm and Tigermoth will be hunting. You and Feathertail-'' she shot a mock glare at Poppyeyes-"Can accompany Cherrystar on a border patrol alongside Berrypaw." She gave Poppyeyes an affectionate glance after the announcement.. She was preferential to putting her former apprentice on border patrol as she knew how hard hunting was with his lack of smell. Thankfully everyone in the clan recognized this and didn't think she was coddling him. Turning to the apprentices den, it looked like the siblings inside were still fast asleep. Minkpelt sat back down. She would leave when Sunpaw was awake, as she would feel guilty waking her. Poppyeyes- Warrior- Camp Center Poppyeyes barked out a laugh at Littlepaws claim of his sibling having cooties. Seriously, that apprentice was a riot! Looking at the amused faces of those watching, Poppyeyes grinned as he stood to face Tigermoth who was currently having a fit of giggles. "Psshhhh. You, avenge me? No no, I, Poppyeyes, simply do not lose." The tom preened his chest to muffle the cackling laughter escaping him as the two approached the prey pile. He always liked spending time with Tigermoth, as the two tended to get each other's humor. Looking up at the sound of Minkpelts raspy voice, the tom bounced lightly in joy as she announced his presence on the morning patrol- with Cherrystar no less! "You hear that Tigermoth! Time to get my patrolling on!" He lightly butted his head into her shoulder affectionatly before prancing over to the deputy. "Oh Stinkpelt, gooooood morning!" He purred, brushing up against the older deputy affectionately. Any other cat talking to her like that would get a harsh cuff on the ear, but Minkpelt only let out an amused huff. "And a good morning to you Bugeyes. Don't cause any trouble for Cherrystar here, got it?" She gave him a soft smile. Poppyeyes only grinned and pranced away once more. This time, the large eyed tom's victim of teasing would be Soarflight. "So, you slept well huh buddy? You were prancing around like a rabbit!" Poppyeyes purring made it clear that the teasing came from a light-hearted place. He sat down next to the large brown warrior. "I could use a rabbit right now. Sounds nice, I am STARVING!" |
![]() ☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️ #94853 |
Posted 2023-04-18 17:15:47 (edited)
Cherrystar - Leader - he/him - Location: Camp Center ⤏ Upper LevelHe kept a mental note of all the cats Minkpelt called out, agreeing with leading the smaller group, as they'd need as many warriors as they could to feed the clan today. "Perfect, Minkpelt. We'll wait for the apprentices to awake, and then we can head out. It shouldn't be too much longer now." His face soon broke into a small grin upon hearing Poppyeyes' voice, the insults he spoke towards Minkpelt didn't faze Cherrystar, especially since the deputy return a similar one in good fashion. Whenever the two spoke, he was able to see under her cracks, and learn a bit more about what she's really like. His eyes trailed back to the fresh kill pile, and he let out a breath. Rosefrost would surely be hungry, and he could check on her if she needed more herbs. The tom looked to where Swanstorm was now awake, and hoped he'd be able to come back with a report of how his sister was doing. "I'll be right back to take care of something before the apprentices awake." He returns his attention to Minkpelt, dismissing himself before padding over to the kill pile, and picking up the one squirrel. Rosefrost was laying still, a sight Cherrystar could never get used to. The spry she-cat now lay with her back to the world, as the world has turned its back on her. He was excited to be there for her, an uncle, and help her raise her kits. Now, he had to be there for her through her mourning. He slowly approached her, never too sure what to do, not wanting to startle her. Cherrystar placed the squirrel next to her nest, her back facing him, and took a step back, sitting in his place. "I brought breakfast," He said in a soft tone. "How are you feeling? Should I ask Swanstorm for more herbs?" He had a soft spot for his sister, of course he did. And even more so now, the tom spoke soft, and quiet around her. A tone much different than his firm, confident dripping voice he uses when addressing his clanmates. A tone others rarely heard, unless they were eavesdropping on his conversations with Rosefrost. Briarstorm - Warrior - they/them - Location: Camp CenterThey smirked, unsheathing and resheathing their claws, excited to be joining the morning's patrol. However it quickly faltered with the idea that Sunpaw would be joining them. Briarstorm didn't really speak with her, they were hesitant to. They didn't really know if she knew about how they shared blood. Trying to return their face to a neutral one, Briarstorm gave a curt nod to Minkpelt. At least they'd be joining a patrol instead of being stuck with inside duties. |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2023-04-18 18:33:30
Sunpaw - Apprentice - She/Her - Location: Camp CenterDecidedly not a morning cat, Sunpaw grumbled irritably as voices grew louder outside of the apprentices den. Tip of her fluffy tail twitching, she attempted to curl deeper into her nest for a moment to soak up the last bit of warmth from it she could before she inevitably had to get up. But if it was loud enough in the camp to wake her, then that meant it was getting late. Sunpaw was surprised Minkpelt hadn't come in to wake her just yet. The clan deputy was irritatingly particular about training, at least according to Sunpaw. Sure training was important and she wanted to be a warrior; but she also wanted to enjoy life too! Why couldn't Minkpelt understand that? Nose wrinkling at the thought of what was to come, Sunpaw groaned dramatically and pushed herself to her paws. Giving a vigorous shake and sending bits of bedding all over, Sunpaw yawned and blinked the sleep from her eyes. Wait, wasn't that her mentors raspy voice? Crap. It meant as soon as she left the den she'd likely be ushered into a job. Maybe she could slink past without being noticed? Slipping from the den on clunky paws, she glanced warily around before attempting to discreetly slink towards the entrance that would lead towards the lower level. If she could get down there she could properly wake up, stretch, and give herself a thorough grooming before Minkpelt put her through her paces. It wasn't that she disliked her mentor, it was just the Minkpelt was to stoic too be of any fun! ****** Silentflight - Warrior - He/Him - Location: Camp CenterCarefully listening to Cherrystar and Minkpelt converse, Silentflight had to bite back a smile at the deputies forced casualness when speaking to their leader. His amusement probably wouldn't be taken well. It was nice to know he wasn't the only one on the wrong-foot when it came to dealing with the leader though. After Cherrystar has walked off with a squirrel presumably for Rosefrost, the lanky tom finally relaxed some. "Thank you, I'd be happy to join." He meowed, pleased at the duty given. Much better then a border patrol. Noting Tigermoth had joined them, he offered her a nod. "Good morning Tigermoth." Settling into a more comfortable seated position, he shifted so his bony hip wasn't pressed so hard into the unforgiving floor to wait for the apprentices to finally wake. And to watch the snark-to-snark combat between Minkpelt and Poppyeyes. Silentflight was content to sit out of the way until it was time to go. At least until he noticed Poppyeyes approach with the tell-tale mischievous glint in his eyes the younger tom always seemed to have. Whiskers twitching in helpless amusement, Silentflight aimed a gentle cuff towards Poppyeyes' ears. "I slept like a milk-drunk kit knowing I was keeping you from your beauty sleep." He really hoped Poppyeyes was just teasing about the twitching though, because if not Silentflight would feel bad about waking him. "Just for you I'll find the skinniest, mangiest rabbit I can find. And Fennelpurr will get the fattest." |
![]() Alcarie #5393 |
Posted 2023-04-18 21:06:39
Feathertail || Warrior || She/Her || Location Camp Center An outsider looking inward, she watched her clan mates fondly as they mercilessly taunted and teased on another. A sign to her that all was almost well in the clan. It's be hard not to hear about Cherrystar's sister. Though, she did perk up upon her name being listed for border patrol and gave a curt nod. "Of course. I'd be happy to patrol." Cherrystar announced his need to step away for a moment and Feathertail nod in acknowledgement. Those forest green eyes peered at him for a moment more before her gaze flickered away. She searched for Poppyeyes to find him near Silentflight. A soft chuckle of amusement stemmed from her at Silentflights response. "That's more than generous. I'd give him nothing." A soft flick of her tail indicated her enjoyment before it folded neatly across her paws. "Soak up all this attention now Silentflight. Once we're off, Ill be with him along with Cherrystar. Aren't I lucky?" A wink followed her comment, clearly being playful. |
xXRiceCrispyTreatsXx #113101 |
Posted 2023-04-19 06:19:18
Littlepaw - MCA - Tom - Location: Camp CenterSometimes, Swanstorm had a bit of a scary air about her, at least when Littlepaw was actually focusing on the scolding he was receiving. Medicine cat work was a serious business, but Littlepaw...he was as silly as they came. He had a lot of learning to do, and even more maturing to do at that. "My ears? Naww, you'll have to catch me first!" The apprentice challenged while promptly leaping to his paws, his tail flicking eagerly. His mind wandered off to who might be the fastest in the entirety of DewClan. Cherrystar seemed like he had some long legs, and maybe Minkpelt could really book it when she wanted to...but no, the answer was simple: it was him! Littlepaw was definitely the fastest in the entire clan! He could have some pretty intense zoomies and had them regularly when he was back in the nursery a few weeks prior. It seemed like none of the other kittens could even come close to catching him! Littlepaw tried to snap his attention back to his mentor as she spoke of foraging for herbs. Oh- an adventure! He was totally up for that! "Right-o, Boss-o! Littlepaw is on the case!" He'd spent the first 6 moons of his life cooped up inside camp, never allowed to see the outside world. Now that he was an apprentice, he loved getting outside of the twoleg den whenever he had the chance. There was just so much out there, it boggled his little mind. "What're we looking for? Is it something new?" Was it something to help Rosefrost with her belly? Littlepaw didn't understand her whole situation quite yet, just that he wasn't really supposed to mention it to her. She wouldn't be having her kits anymore, and it made her really sad. Right, fresh kill...Littlepaw had forgotten about his growling belly quite quickly. "Oh, no. I haven't had anything for breakfast yet..." The scattered apprentice trailed off, returning his attention to the windowsill and the large bug he'd been stalking earlier. He furrowed his brow in interest. "But I did see a big, fat moth! I could catch us that for breakfast!" Rosefrost - Queen - Molly - Location: 2nd FloorThe tortoiseshell point rested her head against the side of his nest, miserably glancing around the area that had been designated as the nursery. She needed to get out. Every corner of the room reminded her of the litter she'd lost, of the kittens she'd never have. But it was so hard to leave the second floor when her entire body was racked with pain and she couldn't bear the face the rest of the clan. They meant well, but she knew someone would slip and mention the kits even if they didn't intend to, or someone and their partner would be dreaming about their future and mention their desires to have a litter as well. It was a vicious cycle, and it felt as if there was no escape for Rosefrost. She heard paw steps on old wooden panels. She didn't know how, but she knew it was her brother coming to check on her merely by the sound of his paws. Rosefrost attempted to summon the typical cheeriness she often greeted Cherrystar with, but it was hard to muster when it was buried underneath the burden of grief. She lifted her head, although she found it too difficult to crane her neck to look at him. "...My brother." Her voice was as sweet and smooth as honey, yet so quiet that it might get lost in the slightest breeze. The loss had taken everything out of her, and the pain warded off the return of her enthusiasm. His gesture was kind and thoughtful, and how badly she wanted to take the breakfast from him...but it was hard to summon an appetite when it was stuck underneath layers of melancholy and pain. "Thank you, but...I'm afraid I cannot summon my hunger today. Maybe one of the elders would like it?" It's fine. It's alright. As his sister, that was her instinctual response. Anything to soothe his worries and prevent a spike in his anxious behavior. But today, she had to swallow those remarks because Rosefrost knew well that saying such a thing would be a lie. It wasn't ok. She wasn't doing alright. She was miserable. The tortoiseshell had spent her life staying strong for him to be his unbreakable support, but now, it felt like her whole world was crumbling. The queen's body quivered from grief, and her voice shook as she spoke. "...I-..." She couldn't even think of how to describe her pain, let alone in front of the brother she cherished so dearly. "-...Y-Yes please, I could really use some herbs. It...it hurts." |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |