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🌆 After Dusk 🌆 [Onsite Warriors RP][CLOSED]

Posted 2023-04-19 07:33:13
Tigermoth- Warrior- she/her- Location: Camp centre
Tigermoth felt her whole body relax at the Minkpelt's kindness, she felt truly safe with the deputy in charge. Not that she didn't also trust Cherrystar!! It just seemed to her that Minkpelt felt the same way as Tigermoth, and she sighed internally, loners had to stick together. She simply grinned widely at the deputy and thanked her for her kindness.

Hearing Poppyeyes teasing comment, Tigermoth stuck her tongue out "Well at least I can finally beat your record and bring back four pieces of freshkill!" She laughed aloud and began to once again stretch out her sleepy muscles to prepare for the patrol, she wanted to prove herself to her clanmates. She uncapped her claws, carefully to show she wasn't beginning a battle, and began to clean the dirt and moss out from under them.

She laughed further, and stopped her warming up, at Silentflights comment of getting Poppyeyes the scrawniest rabbit, "I'll hold you to that Silentflight" And hoping to tease Poppyeyes further "And I will personally get Fennelpurr a rabbit thats the biggest Dewclan has ever seen!!" Her tail waved erratically in the air at the thought of a monster sized rabbit, almost causing her to fallover. She then heard a rustling behind her and stopped before sniffing the air, hmmm it was a clan cat so no danger there, and began to groom her pelt again.
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan

Posted 2023-04-19 08:49:03

Minkpelt- She/Her- Deputy- Elders Den, 3rd Floor

Nodding at Cherrystar, she could assume the tom was going to tend to his sister. "I'm going to check in on the elders, I will be back shortly" she grunted as she grabbed a rather tiny mouse. Minkpelt knew that her mother would forget to eat if she didn't have food right in front of her, so off she went to the higher level of camp.
Floorboards creaking as she padded to the small group of sleeping elders, Minkpelt bristled as she thought of Rosefrost. She should be up here nursing her kits, not suffering! Minkpelt remembered when she heard of what had happened. Her first instinct, despite not knowing Rosefrost well, was to find that shitty loner and maul him, make him so mangled no other cat would be fooled by his feindish charms. And to do it to Rosefrost, such a kind and generous cat…… It made Minkpelts fur stand on end. Diesel better not come back, Minkpelt thought. If he does, I'll make sure he'll never father kits ever again.
Minkpelt had considered vistiting her but vetoed the idea. Around the siblings Minkpelt never felt quite comfortable. With Rosefrost, she distinctly remembered a younger Rosepaw treating Minkpaw with kindness. So did Cherrypaw. Yet Minkpaw had barked at them to leave her alone, to let her train. Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who had kittypet blood? Now that she was older, Minkpelt now saw that they were genuine. Maybe if she had responded in kind, she could have friends. Now though, Rosefrost and Cherrystar just saw her as a gruff protector like the rest of the clan. Not a cat you would cherish as a friend. And even if Minkpelt did visit the bed-ridden Rosefrost she had no clue what she would say to the she-cat.
Finally reaching Palecoral, Minkpelt gently nudged the mouse towards the thin elder. "Ma, you awake?" The soft snoring answered her question. Minkpelt felt a soft breeze of relief. She loved her mother, she truly did, but as of late her memory was waning. Sometimes Palecoral wouldn't reconsise her daughter in front of her. "My, aren't you a handsome tom cat!" Other times, and arguably worse, Palecoral thought she was her father. "Oh, Larkin, you've come back to finally meet your daughter!" It hurt Minkpelt but she didn't blame her mother. Honestly, the entire clan was waiting for the day she passed. No one liked seeing the former loner slowly lose herself. Minkpelt knew that if her mother knew the amount of times she accidentally called her daughter a tom….her mother would never forgive herself.
Palecoral was the first person a young Minkpaw told about being a girl. Minkpaw had been scared her mom would say, "You were born a tom, so you are one." However her mother had only wrapped her tail around the young apprentice and softly murmured, "I am so proud of you, my sweet daughter." A younger Minkpaw had then cried into Palecorals pelt for hours afterwards in relief. Nowadays the idea of someone seeing Minkpelt sad made the deputies' fur stand on edge. Minkpelt sighed and sat next to the sleeping white elder, resting her long tail on her bony shoulder. She could have a moment, Sunpaw probably was still sleeping.

Poppyeyes- He/Him- Warrior- Center F2

Poppyeyes pressed a paw into his chest, sighing dramatically. "Oh, the slander thou put upon me stings my soul!" He slumped against Soarflight with a false expression of agony on his large features. He shortly jumped away from the tom though when Soarflight aimed a playful cuff at him. Turning to face Feathertail, the cream tabby puffed up his chest fur. "And for the record, I am a TREAT to be around. You should be hopping with joy right now." He lightly swiped his fluffy tail against Silentflight. "And don't worry buddy, It'll take a LOT more for me to stop bothering you."
Poppyeyes grinned, but Tigermoth bringing up his hunting skills had dampened his playful mood a touch. "And you better bring Fennelpurr a nice rabbit, they deserve it." Poppyeyes smiled sadly. Despite his teasing he loved his sibling dearly, and he knew they returned the feeling. After their parents died the two only had each other.

☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️

Posted 2023-04-19 10:00:40
Tigermoth- Warrior- She/her- Location: Camp centre
Tigermoth flinched at Poppyeyes sad expression and remembered that the tom didn't have a sense of smell "Oh mouse dung, Poppyeyes I am so sorry" She apologised profusely to the tom before excusing herself from the conversation to go to the medicine cat den. As she made her way she called over her shoulder "I'll bring you both a rabbit, I swear on Starclan"

She arrived at the medicine cat den and softly called out "Swanstorm? Littlepaw?" She didn't want to interrupt their duties but she hoped to offer Littlepaw a place on the morning patrol. She called out further but got no response, "They must have gone out on a herb patrol then" Tigermoth smiled glad to know that Littlepaw was learning something new and wouldn't be cooped up inside. She then remembered she hadn't visited Rosefrost to ask what prey she would like Tigermoth to look out for and bring her from the hunting patrol.

She made her way up the creaky stairs to the area where Rosefrost was resting and was about to call out when she saw Cherrystar with Rosefrost, she didn't want to interrupt them so she deciced she'd hold off on her offer till tomorrow. She then remembered the elders hadn't had a chance to get freshkill and decided to make her way to them to extend the offer and alert her patrol. She walked over to the elders den quietly to not disturb anyone who might be sleeping and called out "Hello, would anyone like me to catch specific prey for them?" She waited for a bit to hear back but only heard some muffled voices, so she thought once again to hold off on her offer till tomorrow.

She made her way down the stairs once again, slowly to avoid creaking stairs and went back to the camp centre. She saw the rest of her patrol sitting together and talking and wanted to approach them but simply felt too awkward and decided to sit closer to the exit so she'd be prepared once it was time for everyone to go on patrol.
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan

Posted 2023-04-19 12:29:25

Feathertail || Warrior || She/Her || Location Camp Center

"Hopping is for rabbits. I gracefully leap for joy." Feathertail chirped up at the relation comment that came from Poppyeyes. "Should we all be envious that you pay more attention to Silentflight with your... presence."

A cheeky smile spread across the she-cats maw and she relaxed just a tad. It seemed the deputy and leader had side tasks to accomplish before leading the morning patrols. Yet, the light air of humor and taunts seem to become almost somber. The sad smile on the tomcat made the warrior fret just a bit. It appeared her morning grooming would be halted for she could spare a few seconds to attempt to cheer up Poppyeyes. "They can have fun hunting but maybe we'll run into a badger. Maybe save a kit? The possibilities are endless... Do you think you can handle a deadly border patrol this fine morning, Poppyeyes?"

A glint of humor shined in those forest green eyes as she gazed fondly toward Poppyeyes. Then, she began to groom herself, licking her paws to start with her ears and face then work her way down until their gracious leader returned.

Posted 2023-04-19 14:45:50
Swanstorm - She-cat - Medicine Cat - Location: Camp Centre

Swanstorm gave Littlepaw an amused look. "I highly doubt a moth would ease a cat's hunger." she replied. "But we'll save a meal for later." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a hunting patrol already forming, so prey should arrive later on. Being a medicine cat was rough work at times, especially in cases such as outbreaks or recovering from a battle. Her thoughts darkened when she remembered how she and her sisters would always find a corner to share a meal and gossip, talking about a recent sickness or a successful hunting session. 

"We'll collect some juniper berries, borage, and...I'm thinking of giving chamomile to Rosefrost today." She listed, focusing back on her apprentice. "Afterwards, I'll explain a bit about how to treat broken bones." Swanstorm had always felt at ease when she centered everything she had to do during the day, back from when she was an apprentice. She always found it easier to handle her duties, and merely assumed most warriors did that anyways.

"Shall we get going then? I expect Rosefrost would need more herbs soon, anyways." She offered to Littlepaw, gesturing to the exit. The slightest wisp of her smile dropped from her muzzle at her wishful thinking of her late siblings, barely noticeable to the naked eye.

Posted 2023-04-20 16:36:50
Littlepaw - MCA - Tom - Location: Camp Center

"Yeah, maybe not. But a moth would still be better than nuthin'!" More or less, he was desperate to flex his "sick hunting skills" to his mentor and the rest of his clan. StarClan would have to give him a super cool full name if he proved himself to be extra valuable to DewClan! a meal for later? Was she implying the moth? But what if it died on its own before they got back? That'd be no fun!

The chestnut apprentice had already clambered back up to his paws, resorting to dancing around his mentor impatiently. It was so early in the morning, and already he had an uncontrollable amount of energy. "Juniper berries! They're my favorite. I like collecting them- their juices taste good." He hummed to himself and twirled around, reminiscing the sweet taste of the berries. Sneaking one or two was tempting...there was nothing wrong with that if there was plenty to go around, right? Littlepaw paused, recalling that his mentor mentioned a new herb. The medic trainee tilted his head back, raising a brow at Swanstorm. "Chamomile? What's that one- I've never heard about it before. What does it smell like?"

Smell was very important to medicine cats, especially youngsters like Littlepaw. Many plants looked the same, and so it was easy to mistake a supposedly medicinal plant for a toxic one. An error he could not afford, especially with his distractability. The individual scent of each herb was like its own unique, individualistic identification. It helped him not make any mistakes.

Broken bones! They were already getting into some big healing projects, and he couldn't wait! So long as the lesson didn't require him to sit long, anyways. His paws didn't particularly like being still. Littlepaw fidgeted some more before eagerly bouncing when Swanstorm asked about leaving. "Yeah, yeah! I'm super ready- let's go! I bet I can carry even more herbs than last time!" Without waiting for an "ok", the proud little apprentice darted towards the exit.


Posted 2023-04-20 20:13:46
Cherrystar - Leader - he/him - Location: Nursery

What could he say, what could he say? His sister was his rock, and she was sinking. He was confident, composed, strong. But he didn't know what to do. And he knew not to pester her more, so he caved. "I'll... I'll tell Swanstorm to bring you more herbs."

He took a step forward, leaning in close, and whispered. "I'll pray to StarClan you'll be better soon." And with that he left, pointedly ignoring her offer to bring the prey to the elders, leaving it next to her nest, hoping she'd find strength to eat it.

As Cherrystar made his way back to the camp center, he noticed Swanstorm preparing to leave, and Littlepaw bounding away. He quciked his pace, calling out "Swanstorm!" The tom slowed his pace as he got closer, and lowered his voice, not wanting to alert the others to this conversation. "Before you head out, Rosefrost said she needs more herbs."

Briarstorm - Warrior - they/them - Location: Camp Center

They curiously listened in to the conversation the loud group of cats were having, and smiled, getting out of their thoughts and joining them. Briarstorm held their head high, reaching them, and stretching themself out in a casual manner. "Oh please, that's if you can even catch said imaginary rabbit." And their attention was taken to Feathertail, they sensed the mood shift in Poppyeyes as the subject was changed. Briarstorm looked back to Silentflight.

"How about a challenge, hm?" Not only were they in the mood for a good hunt, but they were feeling playful, and perhaps a way to get their mind off the fact their sister would be joining the hunt. "First to catch a rabbit? Or perhaps who can catch the most prey?"


Posted 2023-04-20 21:25:12 (edited)
Silentflight - Warrior - He/Him - Location: Camp Center

As more cats approached the group, all waiting on their leader and deputy to head out for the morning patrol and hunts, Silentflight began feeling a bit claustrophobic. One or two fellow warriors he was fine with, enjoyed the banter even, but so many so close made his pelt prickle. Shoulders hunching and large ears swiveling from one voice to the other, it took the gangly tom a moment to pick out who was speaking to who about what. Still teasing Poppyeyes it seemed? Trying to push aside some of the voices, he concentrated on a select few. Nose scrunching in concentration, he'd thought back to what the fluffy tabby tom had been lamenting dramatically about as he batted Poppyeyes' tail away from him with an amused snort. Before he could give a teasing retort, the mood sobered a bit at the mention of Fennelpurr. Luckily he wasn't the only one to notice, and with Poppyeyes being a clan favorite for his upbeat personality other warriors were quick to catch on and offer comfort.

Knowing there was nothing he could add to make the usually spunky warrior feel better, Silentflight simply gave Poppyeyes' ear a friendly nudge with his nose. "Of course they deserve the best. Siblings always do." He'd hunt all day to find the best piece of prey in the forest if it meant he could give it to Howlingwind; at least one more time. Knowing he'd bring the mood down even more with his sudden morose thoughts, the warrior cleared his throat and stood up. "I'll leave you to Feathertail's tender mercy. Have fun fighting those badgers."

Stepping over a few limbs, he made his way closer to the edge of the group and only then noticed Briarstorm's inky pelt in the morning gloom. "Ack!" Stumbling, the lanky tom got his legs back under control and flushed in embarrassment. Lost in staticky feeling of too many cats pressed close, he'd not been paying much attention to most of the voices outside of those he'd been actively conversing with prior to the patrols being given; mostly so he wouldn't start spook and loose his words. Had Briarstorm been talking? Even worse, had the other warrior been talking to Silentflight and he'd not noticed? At least now that he was actively looking at Briarstorm, Silentflight registered what they'd said and blinked owlishly.

"A challenge?" Now that did sound appealing. Thin tail twitching, he cocked his head to the side and appraised the other warrior curiously. "Sounds like fun. There are lots of hungry cats, so most prey sounds good. However," now a bit more in the spirit of the idea, he grinned crookedly. "What are the stakes? Winner gets what - elsewise, where's the fun?"

Sunpaw - Apprentice - She/Her - Location: Camp Center

Grinning brightly as she slipped past the main group of cats at the camp center, the ruddy red apprentice darted towards the levels exit. Not that it was hard to slink past, considering all the warriors were gossiping like a bunch of boring elders and Cherrystar's attention was on Swanstorm. Luckily her own mentor was no where to be seen. If she could just get to the lowest level she could just wait for Minkpelt there where the scent of the forest blew in from the entrances and the open area was rife with cool places to explore. She never could spend much time there since it was go-go-go all the time! Which of course was when Mothwing sat by the exit, clearly waiting.

Great, she couldn't have waited to plop her furry behind there after I escaped. Lips twisting petulantly, Sunpaw let her tail drag the ground as she tried to unobtrusively approach the older she-cat. "Hey Mothwing!" She chirped, trying, and likely failing, to sound like she was innocent. "I was just gonna go to the lower floor, stretch out, you know. If you see Minkpelt, think you could tell her you didn't see me? Please? Thank you!" Without waiting for a reply she darted out the exit and down the steps to the lowest camp level.


Posted 2023-04-21 08:16:20 (edited)
Tigermoth- Warrior- She/her- Location: Camp centre
Tigermoth purred at the excitable apprentice about to ask after her day before Sunpaw darted away, Tigermoths eyed widened as she called after the apprentice "Sunpaw wait!!" Tigermoth thought that Sunpaw was trying to explore the territory completely by herself and panicked, especially with how many dangerous creatures where around

Tigermoth chased after the apprentice and caught up with her, atleast she had until she tripped up over a broken stair and landed awkwardly, causing the she cat to emit a muffled wail. Tigermoth braced herself before rising up on her four legs, cutting off a wail as her injured leg touched the ground. She placed her injured limb above the ground and held it like that, whilst hobbling her way back up the stairs.

She continued her slow walk up the stairs, feeling a dripping from her leg as she hoppled but ignored it desperate to alert any warrior to the potential danger the apprentice was in.

She finally saw the group of warriors and panted "Sunpaw....gone....clan!" Before collapsing as her adrenaline rush wore off, she didn't want any harm to occur to Sunpaw and was trying to make sure she'd be okay.
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan

Posted 2023-04-21 10:51:48 (edited)

Poppyeyes- He/Him- Warrior- Camp Centre

"Nonono Tigermoth you seriously don't need to apologize….. And she's gone." Poppyeyes huffed, disappointed that his mood had been so obvious to the clanmates around him. However the light banter from Silentflight and Briarstorm, combined with Feathertails light teasing immediately perked the tabby tom out of his slump. "Oh yes, because our borders are simply so deadly! Whatever would the clan do without us proud cats protecting it?" Poppyeyes pured lightly as he scooted closer to the large cat, giving the other two cats their space to discuss their hunting challenge. "Maybe we'll find some rouges or something……Tigermoth?!"
Poppyeyes sprang to his paws at the sight of his cherished friend hobbling towards them. He sprinted over and stood by her before she collapsed, letting the calico rest on his side. "Okay okay, let's get you to Swanstorm quick!" Poppyeyes previous cheerful chirping was replaced with a high pitched whining as he tried to maneuver his injured friend to the medicine cats den. Before he could continue on, a deep voice behind him made the cream warrior jump.

Minkpelt- She/Her- Deputy- Camp Centre --> 1rst Floor

"Sunpaw ran where?" Minkpelts voice was dangerously low. To be blunt, she was pissed. She left camp center for what, five minutes, and her apprentice had thought to run off? Minkpelt had a patrol to lead, and certainly didn't have time for her apprentice's antics. Hackles raised, the large she-cat started to bark out orders. "I'm going to get her. If I'm not back by the time the patrol is off Silentflight is in charge. Let Cherrystar know of this. Poppyeyes, bring Tigermoth to the medicine den." Poppyeyes nodded and hurried off with Tigermoth as Minkpelt bolted down to the first floor..... only to see Sunpaw there. Letting out a soft sigh Minkpelt relaxed, though a bit peeved now for Tigermoths clamor.
Minkpelt had been mentoring Sunpaw for two moons now, and the apprentice didn't seem to like her. Sure Minkpelt was a bit more strict than the average cat, but that didn't mean she wasn't a good mentor. Sunpaw went on hunts and border patrols, training and everything else that her sister was doing. Minkpelt couldn't see why the ruddy apprentice didn't like her when her former apprentice, Poppyeyes, was so similar in personality.
"Good morning Sunpaw"  Minkpelt sighed, approaching the smaller cat. Still irritated she sat down and took a moment to relax and awkwardly groomed her chest. "We are going hunting soon with Silentflight and and Brindlestorm, make sure to be awake and ready."

☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️

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